Thirty Three

137 9 7


Spencer ignored me as I got onto the bus. He just stared at his phone screen, scrolling through it. I sighed, standing there and crossing my arms.

"Spencer, will you look at me?" I asked.

"Nope." He answered.

"Why are you even being like this? I didn't do anything. I literally said that you made me happy. You have nothing to worry about." I stated.

Spencer shrugged, "I just feel like you're comparing me to him."

"I am, only because you're a better guy than Joseph. Spencer, baby, listen to me." I sighed, waiting for him to look up at me. He never did. "Will you look at me?! I can't fix this if you won't listen!" I snapped.

Spencer huffed and threw his phone onto the couch. "What?"

"I want you, not him. I like the way you treat me. You treat me like a princess, he treated me like a toy. You're special, and I know your heart." I smiled, "I love you. You; Spencer."

He sighed and stood up, quietly approaching me. I was quite surprised as he wrapped his arms around me. I grinned, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I'm sorry. I got jealous." He mumbled.

"Just don't worry about him. If it was a competition, you'd be winning anyway." I stated.

"Baby," he mumbled, "I love you too."

"Awh!" Chad cooed.

I moved slightly, but just enough to where Spencer kept his arm around me. I rolled my eyes, seeing Chad's smirk.

"No PDA." Joey muttered.

Spencer laughed, "We're not in public, Joe."

Joey's nose twisted, "But I don't want to see that."

I smiled, "Joey, I have to see it all the time with you and Jewel. So, I don't want to hear it."

Spencer scoffed, "I can't hug her? There's nothing bad about hugging."

Chad smirked, and glanced at Joey. "Give me a hug widdle wuddy."

He held his arms out, waiting for Joey to hug him. Joey raised an eyebrow at him, as if he was questioning Chad. Then Joey smiled, and hugged Chad. Except Chad then made a disgusted face, causing Spencer and I to laugh.


Spencer slept on my chest as I attempted to get a hold of Moriah on FaceTime. Finally, after a few seconds, she answered.

"Hey!" She grinned.

"Hi Moriah." I laughed.

"How's the first tour?" She asked.

"Really good so far. I made an additional three friends." I smiled.

"That's good. And so you know, Paz is doing really good. She missed you, but she loves Adelina."

"That's good. As much as I am loving tour, I really do miss Nashville." I giggled, looking down at Spencer as another snore fall from his mouth.

"Is that Spencer?" Moriah asked.

I nodded, running my fingers through his hair. "Yes."

I tilted my phone up, letting Moriah get a look of Spencer sleeping. She cooed, "Isn't that adorable? I remember when Joel and I first got together."

I smiled, "I think he's gonna ask on my birthday, that way I'm finally of age."

"Well," she smirked, "That'll be a great birthday gift."

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Okay. He is a pretty great person." I sighed, looking back down at Spencer, "But what if he isn't the one? You know? Like you and Joel, or Courtney and Luke, like my mom and dad? What if I don't find a love like that?"

"Liv, you will. It won't be the same as mine and Joel's, or your parents', or Courtney and Luke's. But you'll have your own." She reassured.

I nodded, "Okay. Thank you."

Moriah smiled, "You're welcome. You get some sleep. It's late. I'm sure you're on your way to Macon, Georgia now."

"We are. Good night, Moriah."

"Good night, Olivia Delaney." She grinned, waving as she hung up.

I sighed and locked my phone, setting it down. Spencer mumbled something, and snuggled closer to me. I leaned down, attempting to kiss his cheek.


I rolled over, then hearing Spencer, Joey and Joel's laughing. Not even a second later, it was quiet and I felt Spencer's hand gently caressing my face.

"You really like her, don't you?" Joel asked.

"Yeah. I know what we're doing is basically wrong, but yeah. She's special to me." Spencer replied.

"I have to say, mate; you do treat well." Joel then sighed, "Better than that one boy."

"She deserves the world. She's an amazing girl with this amazing personality, and all I want to do is make her mine." Spencer admitted.

I couldn't help, but to smile.

Joey snorted, "Wow. She's awake, guys."

Spencer laughed as I peeked open an eye. He looked down to me, a smile coming to his lips as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

I giggled, "Baby, you're really tall."

Spencer rolled his eyes. Then Joel spoke up, "We're just a couple hours outside of Macon, Liv. We just stopped for food and coffee."

I sat up, finally yawning and snuggling into Spencer. He kissed my temple and placed his arm around my waist.

"Please tell me that you got me something." I begged.

Joey nodded and turned around, grabbing the styrofoam cup and plastic box off the booth. In a swift movement he was turned around and handing them too me.

"Sausage egg and cheese biscuit, and a mocha cappuccino." Joey rattled off.

I smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He muttered.

Joel sighed and slapped his hand on Joey's shoulder. "I outta be heading onto my own bus, mate. I'll y'all in few hours."

"Bye Joel." I nodded.

"Bye Love. Behave." He smiled.

I giggled as got off, then Alan and Chad climbing on moments later.

Alan grinned, "Good morning, sleeping beauty."

I rolled my eyes, setting the coffee cup onto the table, then laying my head on Spencer's chest. He smiled at me, laying his chin on the top of my head.

I didn't think that a simple gesture could give someone such an amazing feeling. With Spencer's affection, I felt so much more than loved. I felt special.

Joey clapped his hands together, "Okay. You both need to eat, because as soon as we get there, all of us are doing sound check. Liv, I think you're preforming with Joel & Luke."

I nodded, "Okay."


IM BACK AGAIN! Okay, I literally suck at updating this book. I'm actually being serious. So, here's one. At first, I thought it was going to get published later this week. Then I actually decided not to be lazy and update for y'all.

Question though! Who likes Supernatural and would be interested in helping me? If so, I would appreciate it very much!

Okay. I'm done rambling. Vote and comment!


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