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Joseph had a grin on his face as he slipped on the necklace that Joel gave him.

"To remind every woman that she is priceless, and to remind everyone that chivalry is alive & well."

I had mine on almost all the time. Rarely did it ever leave my neck, unless it had to be taken off.

Joel and Luke had been singing Priceless as we sat back down on the floor. Joseph kept his hand laced with mine the entire time. It was nice to think that he was enjoying this, meeting these two and feeling welcomed.

The whole time, I could feel Moriah, Courtney and Joel staring at our hands.

I knew what Joel was thinking. He was like that big brother who was protective.

"So, how'd ya discover us?" Joel asked.

Joseph shifted, "I was just listening to a radio station, and one of your songs came on."

"Do you like Liv?" Jude asked innocently.

Joseph smiled and nodded, "Yes, I do little man."

Jude then looked to me with a little grin on his face. He sat his toys down and stood up from Joel's lap.

"Liv, you have permission to like him back." He stated.

"Thanks, Jude." I giggled.

Luke laughed, "At least he's trying to protect you."

"Yeah," I smiled, "I missed this."

Moriah grinned, "You're always welcomed here."

Joel gave a playful sigh, "And since, Olivia is like my little sister, goes the same for you, Joseph."

"Thank you, sir." Joseph beamed.

I leaned up and kissed his cheek. Joel scowled at me. I rolled my eyes and Luke laughed.

"Hey! None of that." Joel stated.

I shrugged, "Oops."

Joseph snickered and smirked. I looked up at him, glaring at him. He wasn't going to say what I thought he was going to say.


After awhile, Joseph had to go back home. Joel and Luke had to work on songs and plan performances for Winter Jam.

So, Moriah, Courtney, the boys and I went shopping. We went out to the mall. Courtney was carrying Phoenix, as Jude wanted to be carried by me.

"How long have you known Joseph?" Moriah asked.

"Since about August. When I started his school. Most of our classes are together." I answered.

"Any other friends? I'm sure you have more." Courtney smiled.

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm friends with Joseph's twin brother, Alex and his girlfriend, Chloe. Then another girl who's always flirting with Joseph, her name is Donna."

Moriah laughed, "Sounds like she doesn't have a chance with him."

"No." I shook my head, "She gets a guy for a week, plays him, fools around, then dumps him. Joseph's smarter than that."

Courtney smiled, "He seems like a great guy for you."

I bit my lip and blushed, "I really like him."

"Livie, do he love Jesus?" Jude asked.

I grinned and nodded, "Yes he does. He loves Jesus very much."

Jude gave a small smile before laying his head on my shoulder. Moriah giggled, "Someone is either hungry or tired."

Jude perked up with a huge grin on his face. Looking just like his father in the moment.

Courtney let out a laugh, "He's just like his daddy."

"I'm hungry!" Jude whined.


Jude sat on my lap as we ate. The two of us had decided to share our food with eachother. So I got nachos, while he had a bucket of french fries.

"Are you planning to come to Church with us, tomorrow?" Courtney asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. It's been a while."

"Does your dad not go anymore?" Moriah questioned.

"No." I answered, "He told me that he doesn't believe in God anymore. That He isn't real."

Courtney sighed, "You can only do so much, dear. All you can do it try."

"I know. It's just, he's never lost faith like this. Not even when we almost lost the farm. I think it has something to do with Amelia and not losing mom." I explained.

"There's multiple reasons why people lose faith. There's no need to worry, love, just pray for him." Moriah smiled, "We'll pray for him as well."

I nodded, "Thank you."

It quiet as I began eating again. Jude attempted to cheer me up by giving multiple big grins and telling little jokes he found funny.

Which I had to admit, his little jokes were cute, but not that funny. Then again, he is a kid who finds everything hilarious.


Ugh. Super short chapter, but I lost inspiration. I do have a ton for the next though.

Couple of questions, though.

• How do y'all feel about Amelia? {Just curious.}

• When I finish this book, which story do you want? A Joriah fiction, or a Luke & Courtney fiction? I have ideas for both.

Anyway! Vote and comment!


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