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That Saturday, my dad came home finally. Meaning, I wasn't being left alone with the evil step-rat.

Still; that's my favorite name for her.

I sat in my messy room. Normally, my room was clean, but I hadn't been home all week. I snuch out at night so I won't have to deal with Amelia.

Dad knocked on my door and slowly walked in. He sighed as he looked around my room.

"What happened here?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"Liv," he started.

"I'll clean it." I cut him off.

"Olivia! That's not why I'm in here," he snapped, "Amelia said you didn't behave for her."

"I wasn't home all week. I went to work, I babysat." I started.

"Olivia Delaney Hayes! Don't start with me!" He scolded, "You're grounded for a week!"

I sighed and nodded, "Yeah. Fine,  whatever."

He pursed his lips, "Knock off the attitude and clean your room."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as dad left. If only he knew the real Amelia. I wish he did, then he'd most likely leave her.


I spent the last hour and a half cleaning my room. Cleaning up my dirty clothes, putting away my clean ones and straightening my pictures and everything. Even attempting to clean the wood splinters from my guitar that Amelia broke.

I was still extremely angry at her for that. Not only was it signed by Florida Georgia Line and Luke Bryan, it was the last gift my mom gave to me back home. The last thing I had from my mom before she passed.

"Olivia! Dinner! Now!" Dad shouted.

I groaned and stood up, running downstairs. I wasn't wanting to hear his yelling any more, or Amelia's. I still couldn't believe that she lied to him.

I swear, I think she hates me. Wouldn't be surprising, but the feeling was mutual. I didn't care for her much either.

I said a quick prayer before sitting down. It was silent as we ate. Dads favorite; porkchops.

Amelia smirked at me, "So, Olivia, wanna tell your father what I heard in your room just a couple nights ago?"

"What noises? I was babysitting for a few friends." I shrugged.

Dad looked to me, an angry look sketched onto his face. He bit his lip, then looked to Amelia calmly. "What noises, honey?" He questioned.

"All kinds of noises. Banging, grunts, others. I swear, I think she had a boy over." Amelia lied, straight through her teeth.

I scoffed, "What boy?"

"What's his name? Joseph?" She leered.

"He's a good friend," I defended, "We haven't done anything and he's never been here."

"Olivia Delaney. What is Amelia talking about?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

I shrugged, "I have no clue. I wasn't home, I was at work until almost 11."

"Why are you lying, Liv? What have I said about that?" He glared.

"We haven't done anything!" I exclaimed, "I kissed him once, at school!"

"Give me your phone and go to your room. Now!" He yelled.

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, slamming it on the table. I stood up, leaving my plate there.

"I hate you!" I screamed at Amelia, "You're not my mother and you never will! I wished you never married my dad!"

I began walking away, listening to my dad calling for me. I stormed up the stairs, but I stopped at the top, hearing Amelia crying.

"Why does she hate me so much? I'm just trying to be a good step-mom." She whimpered.

I rolled my eyes.

"Honey, she's trying to cope with the lose of her mom. I'm sure that's it. She's a teenager, you know, all the hormones and everything." He explained softly.

I scoffed.

"I'm not trying to replace her mom. I just want to be there for her," she sobbed.

I groaned.

"Give her time. It's only been three months. Some people move on faster." He replied.

"I get that she lost her mom. I lost mine at a young age too." Lie. Lie. Lie. "I know what she's going through."

"No, you don't!" I muttered, "You're a mental, lying, sick woman!"

"Give her time and let her cool off." He stated.

I went down the hall, entering my room and slamming the door shut. They were making me so ticked off.

Why did he believe her and not me? I'm his own daughter! She's some chick he picked up at a bar one night; a month later, they're freaking married!

I sat on the floor, against the door.

Why couldn't I live with the Powells, or Joel & Moriah, maybe even Luke & Courtney, with the two kids? I'm sure they could raise me better than my dad and Amelia at this point.

Maybe I could convince one of the Smallbone brothers to take me in for a weekend. That would be amazing.

I sighed, "God, I know you're there. I know I need to trust you, but it's getting hard. I need you. Why did you take my mom? What did I do to deserve all this? I thought I was loved and priceless. I sure don't feel like it."


"My darling, you are priceless and you are loved. You do not the plans I have for you, dear." A deep voice spoke.

I looked around. I was in a white room by myself.

"I don't feel priceless," I stated.

"Olivia, dear, listen to me. Remember, you are priceless. John 13:7, my dear. Read that and you will know. You will soon know, love." He spoke again.

"I want to know now. Why am I being put into such a horrible situation?" I questioned, "Why does it seem that everything hates me?!"

"Darling, remember Joseph. He does not hate you. You do not realize yet, but he loves you as you him." He replied.

Who is this guy? Why does he keep telling me different.

I scoffed, "Doubt it. I'm nothing special! My father hates me, Amelia hates me, half the people in my school hate me!"

I sat down as I began to cry.

"Do not cry, princess. You are too beautiful to cry. You are loved by many, you do not realize." He reassured.

"Who are you anyway?!" I shouted.

"Your creator," he replied softly.


My small lamp shone onto my bible. I flipped through the thin pages until I found it. John 13:7.

"Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter."


Whoop! Another chapter in and tons of drama. Everything happening now is a for a reason, and all shall be revealed. Like above!⬆️⬆️😉😏 And we'll even get a little FK&C business soon! Eeek!

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