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I tapped my fingers on the desk. ISS was not how I wanted to spend a Friday. Sadly, I'd rather be in Math class, talking to Joseph.

Mr. Dean, the teacher currently with me, glared at me.

"Olivia." Mr. Dean muttered.

I rolled my eyes and slapped my hand against the desk. I simply stared at the male sitting in front of the classroom.

He stared back, widened eyes. Like in a sarcastic manner. I like this teacher already.

"This," I grumbled, "Is sooooo boring!"

"Then don't get into fights." Mr. Dean replied.

"I was defending myself. I was raised like that. Someone starts it; I finish." I stated coldly.

He rolled his eyes, just like a teenager would. He scoffed, "Our school doesn't tolerate bullying. Otherwise you wouldn't be in here."

"Bull." I muttered.

Scratch that. I didn't like him. His look was definitely a disguise. His blond hair smoothed back, his blue and yellow eyes were soft. You'd think he'd be nice.

I looked down to my lap as my phone went off. A text from Joey.

"I'm picking you up from school, but I have to take you to the office."

I inwardly groaned. Of course.

I just wanted to sleep. Maybe Spencer would be there, he seems pretty cool.


I followed Joey into the office, slowly, but I got there.

I got a chorus of hey Liv!'s. I had to admit, these guys were pretty nice. I threw my bag onto one of the black leather couches.

"ISS sucks." I grumbled.

Alan gave me a playful smile, "Then don't get into fights."

I groaned, "It wasn't even my fault. At least it's Friday. And I get to sleep in tomorrow."

Chad began laughing hysterically. "You haven't told her yet, Joey?" He asked, breathing heavily between every word.

"Haven't told me what?" I questioned, crossing my arms as best as could. Stupid crutches.

Joey sighed and began to rub the back of his neck. He laughed nervously, "We're, uh, going to New York city next week?"

Slowly, a grin came across my face.

"Seriously?!" I exclaimed, "We're all going to New York?"

Alan nodded, "The whole fam."

"My wife, Chad's wife, Alan's wife and kids, plus Jewel." Caleb added.

"Awh! I love the three girls!" I gushed.

Alan smiled and laughed, shaking his head. "The girls miss you. They've been waiting patiently to see you."

"I've never seen those three so happy to see someone either than Alan or Brycie." Joey muttered.

I hobbled just couple feet away to the leather couch. I sat down, setting my broken ankle on the white coffee table.

"Where's Spencer?" I asked.

Joey smirked at me, "Why? You like him?"

I glared at him. Giving him an 'are you serious?' look. "No. I like Joseph."

Chad snickered, but he didn't sat anything. Then Alan looked at me like a protective father would. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Question is; which Joseph?" Chad asked, glancing at Joey.

"Not him, you sicko." I laughed, "A boy in my class. His name is Joseph. Joel & Luke know him." I shrugged.

Alan rolled his eyes at us. From what I could tell, Alan was the most mature in the group and less times than not, he acted like a father. He was one, but he acted like a father to the other three.

"Okay, children. Behave." Alan muttered.

"Anyway!" I exclaimed, "Back to my original question. Where's Spencer?"

"He left for Indiana. He's gonna visit his parents for the weekend." Caleb replied.

"Dang. He's my friend." I muttered.

Chad rolled his eyes, "You'll make more friends. We're just losers."

Joey scrunched up his face, "No we're not."

Caleb laughed, "Face it bro."

I snickered, holding in my laughs. "I don't think y'all are losers." I stated between breaths.

"I'm just awesome." Alan grinned.

"Yeah. Keep telling yourself that, Al." Joey muttered.

I rolled my eyes at the guys. Things weren't really awkward with them anymore. Since I got used to them being around, I guess. Maybe. I don't know. I didn't know a lot of things at this point.


Joey sat in the chair of the corner of the room as I started to pack. I watched him with an eyebrow raised as his eyes traveled the room.

"You know, I've been thinking. Since, I don't know, I'm your guardian, and you'll be living with me for awhile; would you want to redecorate your room?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Only if you can afford it. I don't want you going broke over me."

He laughed, "Don't you worry about it. Okay? I'll be fine."

Carefully, I turned around and sat down.

I sighed, "Joey, I'm serious. I'm not five. I'll be 17 in November, I know how money works. When my dad moved us out here, it cost us so much. Especially with my mom dying suddenly. He had to use my college funds. I know how it works."

He smiled and leaned forward, laying his elbows on his knees.

"Liv, I promise. You won't have to worry about it. Okay? I can take care of you. I might not be the best at this whole 'parenting' thing, but I'll try." He reassured.

I nodded, "I just don't want to be a burden."

I sniffled and quickly wiped the tear that had fallen onto my cheek. I wasn't doing this now.

Joey stood up. I watched as he kneeled in front of me. He frowned and I flinched as he tried to bring his hand up. Slowly, his thumbs brushed across my cheeks.

"Listen to me, Liv." He whispered, "You are not burden. Trust me. You are loved, you are beautiful, you are amazing. You are a child of God."

"Can I be honest with you?" I asked.

He smiled, "Of course."

"I don't really feel worth anything. Amelia always said these horrible things. And people always say things can't bother you unless you let them." I stated, my voice cracking.

"But it's hard to ignore when you hear it constantly?" He nodded, "Olivia, I know. About a year ago, I did my own cover. I got a lot of hate for it. People said that if the band was actually a Christian band that they'd let me go. That I wasn't a true believer."

"Did you believe them?" I questioned.

"At first. But you know what? Their opinion didn't matter, because it wasn't God's. I surrounded myself with my friends and family." He stated, "Surround yourself with people who believe in you. Who love you and cherish you. You only deserve the world. Okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."


Well, a little emotional. Just like Priceless the book! I finished it Wednesday and I wanted to cry. I loved it so much and y'all should read it.

Anyway! Vote and comment!


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