Twenty Nine

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•—• A Year Later •—•


I sat up on the couch, bringing the notebook and pencil with me. I sighed heavily. Preparing this whole thing was difficult. From venues, to areas, to sets and dates.

"Babe, why don't you just take a break." Spencer suggested.

I sighed, "But I wanna get this done before tonight."

"Baby," he whined, "At least watch a movie with me."

"If I do," I stated, "Then after its over, I'm working on this."

He grinned, "Fine."

I sat the notebook and pencil on the floor. Spencer had logged onto Netflix, and chose a movie. Evidently, it was one of his favorites: Zootopia.

He sat down the controller, and wrapped his arm around me. Knowing what he wanted, I snuggled closer.

The whole thing with Spencer and I was confusing. We acted like a couple, but we aren't one. Technically, I was still underage. The worst we've done was cuddling like this.

"You're so lucky I love this movie." I muttered.

"You know, babe. You're really beautiful." He smiled.

I looked up at him, smiling as well. "I have to say, Spence, you're pretty handsome too."

"I really want to kiss you." He mumbled.

I leaned up, gently kissing his cheek. I sat back down, snuggling into him again.

"That's about as good as you're gonna get until my birthday." I replied.


Spencer and I arrived late at the office, but what was new? We'd often forget the time when we were together.

"Finally." Luke muttered.

"No funny business, right?" Joey asked.

"Bro, calm down. We didn't do anything." Spencer replied.

"Joey, you don't have to worry about anything. I'm fine and I can protect myself. Did you see that guy last year?" I assured.

He nodded, "Yes."

"See," I laughed, "I'm fine. We didn't do anything. All we did was watch a few movies."

Jamie spoke up, "Come on. Y'all ready for this? We gots to get this show on the road."

I grinned, "Let's do this. I'm so excited!"

Jamie nodded, and everyone began to things set up. Everyone was here, except Caleb, he was at home with Kelsey and his baby boy.

Moriah was even here, well, mainly for support and being helpful.

Joel, Luke and Jamie were behind the couch. Chad was on the arm of the couch, then it was Joey, me and Spencer. Then two more friends that I made, Jordan and Tyler George, sat on the floor.

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