Twenty Four

153 11 3

🦃 November 🦃


I gave Spencer a suspicious look. He had picked me up from school, and the office was empty. Something was fishy.

"What's going on?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I don't know. I was just told to pick you up from school."

I mean, it was just another day. That's what I saw my birthday as. Besides, I was turning 17, nothing really special.

I followed Spencer into the office, (without my crutches since I finally got my cast off!).

Once Spencer flicked the light on, everyone was standing there. The guys and their wives, along with the three little girls. Jewel was there. Joel and Moriah. Luke and Courtney with the two boys.

"Happy birthday, Liv!" Jude exclaimed, running to me and attacking my legs in a hug.

"Thanks little guy." I smiled.

I watched as Joey came forward, a little object in his hands. I gasped as I realized that it was a little boxer puppy.

"Happy birthday, Olivia." Joey whispered, pressing a kiss to my temple as he handed me the puppy. He smiled, "It's a girl, and you are free to name her whatever you want."

I looked up to Joey, "Why'd you get me a puppy?"

"I remember you saying that you wanted a puppy. I had a friend who had a few puppies he didn't want, so I jumped at the opportunity." He explained.

"Paz." I mumbled, "It's Spanish for Peace."

Moriah smiled, "That's beautiful."

The little puppy looked up at me, tilting its head to right. Her little tail wagged, hitting my hand.

"I even made sure that her tail or ears weren't clipped." Joey stated.

Carefully, with Paz in my arms, I managed to give Joey a hug. "Thank you so much." I whispered.


As it grew dark, Luke and Courtney had to get home to put their boys to bed. So did the Powell family, also because the little girls had to go bed.

But I was surrounded by gifts everyone got me. I thanked them, and told them I didn't need it, but they all insisted.

Chad & Fallon got me a PINK travel pack.

Caleb & Kelsey got me a Viva La Juicy fragrance pack.

I got a handmade card from AJ, Presley & Rowe, while Alan and Brycie got me a necklace with my birthstone.

Joel & Moriah got me a canvas watercolor painting with the words "You are God's work of Art".

Luke and Courtney got me a white pillow that had neon LED lights called a moonshine pillow. Which happened to really soft.

Everyone had chipped in to get me a guitar, that they ordered weeks ago. The reason it took so long was it needed to be signed by various artists. All of my favorites, even my recent favorite Sam Hunt.

Then Joey claimed that he had another gift at home.

Joey laughed, "I hope you like it all."

"Like it?" I scoffed, "I love it! Thank you, everyone."

Joel grinned, "You're welcome, Love. You only turn seventeen once. Soon you'll be 18 and out on your own."

I laughed as Joel wiped away a fake tear, "Trust me, you can't get rid of me that easy."

"Good. We don't want you gone that easy." Moriah smiled, "You're like my little niece."

"Yeah. You're part of the Anthem family now." Chad smirked, "And since you live with Joe-bro, I get to pick on you."

Fallon sighed and hit his bicep, "Babe, leave the girl alone, Chadwick."

He pouted, "Baby. That's not fair."

I looked to the side of me, where Paz was sleeping, curled up against me. In the three hours I've had her, she was attached to me.

Joey sighed, "Alright. We outta head home. It's gonna take forever to get all this in the car."

I looked around me, examining all the stuff I got. I shook my head, "Shouldn't be too hard. Unless you still have all your shoes in the car." I smirked.

"Don't bring up my shoes." He grumbled.

I shrugged, "Oops."

Caleb laughed, "Careful there, Joe. You've got a sassy one your hands."

"She's definitely Delilah's daughter," Moriah smiled, shaking her head.

"Most definitely." Joel agreed.

I grinned, "Y'all love me!"

Kelsey smiled, "Of course we do. You're a wonderful young lady."

I got up and hugged her first. Then I went to Caleb, Fallon was next, then Chad. Joel & Moriah were next, and so was Spencer.

"Thanks for the best birthday yet." I stated.

Moriah scoffed, "What about your sixteenth?"

"That was fun, but I think this one was just a little bit better. I feel more loved than I have in the past few months." I admitted.


Joey carried the PINK travel bags I got, and my guitar on his back. I carried Paz, my pillow, my painting and the stuff I got from Caleb and Kelsey.

He sat by bags on the couch, along with my guitar. I sat the stuff I was carrying down on the couch, except I put Paz on the floor.

"Now, before you do anything else. I want you to go to your room." Joey stated.

"Why?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

He laughed, "Just, go look."

I nodded, and went down the hallway. I looked back to Joey as I opened my door. He nodded, and I turned.

I nearly gasped as I stepped into my room. It was no longer the white and plain room.

It was now a light blue color. I had the same bed, but the bedspread was blue with gray spots. My dresser and desk was white.

On the wall, I had blown up pictures. Two of which were the ones I took when I left after Amelia. One was me, my parents and Jamie in our old church parking lot. The other was just me an my mom on my sixteenth birthday.

In cursive writing with black paint, was written, "Life is not measured in the amount of breaths we take. But the amount of moments that take away our breath."

On the opposite wall was a bible verse, Philippian 4:13. In the same color.

I stepped towards my bed, placing my hand on the blanket. I looked down, feeling a rug underneath me. It was gray with a soft texture.

To the right of my bed was a white lounge chair, and a small puppy bed.

"Wow." I muttered, my voice cracking.

"I hope you like it. The guys and I spent all day painting it, and decorating." Joey spoke.

I turned around, and I went towards him. He laughed as I hugged him.

"Thank you. I love it." I whispered.

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