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I stood at the hospital with Liv. The officers at the scene wanted me here with her since she trusted me. I was terrified for her.

She sat there, on her phone and listening to music. She hadn't said a thing since she found out about her parents. I didn't really blame her.

After texting a few people, I stood up and went outside for a couple minutes.

I leaned up against the brick wall, watching as people entered and went from the ER. Watching the cars come and go, watching the red and blue sirens flash down the freeeway.

Minutes later, people I knew showed. My bandmates, their wives, and Joel and Luke with their wives.

"Hey, man, why are we here?" Chad asked.

I sighed, "First off, Joel and Luke; Liv is inside. I think she has a broken ankle."

"How'd that happen?" Luke asked, his curls bouncing as he looked down to me.

"Her stepmom. She abused Liv. She stayed with me last night after running away." I answered.

"Okay, Joe, man. Why are we here?" Caleb, my other bandmate, asked.

"Her dad and stepmom just died. She has nowhere to go. With her being abused, she's not gonna trust many people. I don't want her going into the system." I explained.

Kelsey, Caleb's blonde wife, nodded, "And you want to see if one of us could take her in?"

"Precisely." I mumbled.

"Well, we can't. We don't have the room, especially with Spencer." Caleb stated.

"Luke and I are always on tour. He has his own boys, and Moriah's also on tour as well." Joel sighed.

"We don't have the room either." Chad mumbled.

"I'm sure Alan would if he could," Fallon, Chad's wife, muttered.

I took a deep and made a decision, "Then I'll do it."

"Bro, you're on your own, man. She's, what, 14?" Caleb asked, "Are you finically secure?"

I scoffed, "I make the same as you. She needs someone right now."

Fallon gave a smile, "I think it's a good idea if you want to do it. We'd all help."

Caleb nodded, "It won't be easy, but I agree with Fallon."

I watched as everyone else began to nod. Luke placed his large hand on my shoulder, "And you could always call Joel and I as well. She's an old friend of ours, and she's like family."


After getting back from the hospital, and finding out that her ankle was indeed broken, I had to take her to the police precinct.

I ended up sitting in an interrogation room with Liv. She was still quiet. Her face still, not showing any emotion.

I looked up as an officer came into the room. He was older and more on the heavier side. He slid the chair, opposite from us, out.

His hands laid on the table, folded together.

"Olivia Delaney Hayes. Born November 18, 1998. Born and raised in a small town of Georgia, then moved to Nashville in July." He spoke.

"Excuse me, but what does this have to do with anything?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He simply ignored me and stared at Olivia. She stared right back.

"Were you aware that your father was using drugs?" He asked. Liv just looked at him. She said nothing. He slammed his fists on the table, "Speak!"

"Hey! Calm down. She's going through a lot right now." I stated.

"She also needs to answer the question. Obstruction of justice is a felony." He snapped.

"You can't charge her father." I muttered.

He pointed his finger at me, with a scowl on his face, "You shut up. Or you will leave."

"No. I can't. I leave, she leaves and doesn't say a word. She has to have a legal guardian with her." I remarked, "I am that legal guardian now."

"Amelia always said he did," Liv stated quietly, "I never believed her because I thought I knew him better."

"What else?" He asked rudely.

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

Olivia gulped, "She beat me, and drank. Dad did sometimes but I hadn't ever seen him drunk."

"Cause of death-"

"Hey. She doesn't need hear this." I interrupted.

"Joey. I can handle it." Liv whispered. I nodded slightly.

"COD was smoke inhalation and being burnt alive. Accelerant was alcohol. Your father was high and didn't realize what was happening. Amelia was in the same room, drinking. Your father was smoking. Both passed out and went up in flames." He explained.

Olivia gasped and nodded. Slowly, a tear fell down her cheek. Carefully, I pulled her over to me, letting her cry into my chest.

"Hey, sh. I've got you, Liv. I have you." I soothed.

The officer sighed, "I'm sorry about my behavior. You both may be free."

I nodded. Liv continued to cry. I kept trying to confort her, smoothing down her hair, whispering things to her.

Eventually, I did what I did best. Sing.

"You can just fall into me. I'll be the ground beneath your feet. You got it. You got it. You got what it takes. Yeah. I'm on it. I'm on it. I won't let you break. Oh. You can just fall into me. Don't be afraid of gravity." I whispered.

"You're good." She sniffled.

I smiled, "Thank you. Now; let's get you home."


After getting home, I helped her into bed. She rolled over, without saying a word. I sighed and kissed her temple, "Goodnight, darling."

"Goodnight Joey." She mumbled.

I stayed quiet and left her room. I shut the door, hearing it click.

I closed my eyes and leaned against the door. I let out a breath and slid down to the floor. I pulled my knees up and rested my arms on top of them.

"Lord, please help us both. I need your guidance, and I pray that this is all in your hands. Show Liv that you're still here. She needs you more than ever. Please show her that she's still loved. Show me how to do this, show me how to be a good role model to Olivia. In your name, amen." I whispered.

I leaned my head back against the door.

I couldn't imagine what Liv was going through. I couldn't imagine losing my mom and dad. Especially at her age.


Welp. Here we go. This is only the beginning, my friends. If my plans go right, we'll see more artists in the next chapter.

So, vote and comment!


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