Twenty Two

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That next week, I attended school. I wasn't happy about it. Since what happened last time, but I did miss my friends,

Alex, Chloe and Donna all stood at my locker. Chloe smiled at me as I approached on my crutches, (which I get off soon!).

"Hey! You feelin' a bit better?" Chloe asked.

I nodded, "A bit."

"Hey!" Donna grinned, "I've got some good news for you."

"Okay." I mumbled, "What is it?"

"I'm dating Joseph!" She exclaimed.

My heart dropped to my stomach. Why were they dating? He knew I liked him; she knew I liked him.

"W-What?" I sputtered.

"Yeah. For about two weeks now." Donna nodded.

"I wish you two the best of luck." I stated, my voice cracking. I sighed, "I have to go see my teachers. I need my work."

Chloe gave me a sad smile, "I'll come with you. Here; let me carry your stuff." She offered.

I gave a slight nod, and slid my bag off my shoulders. Then handed it to Chloe. She took it, and I began hobbling off to my first class.

After a few minutes, we were out of earshot of the other two.

"Are they really dating?" I asked.

Chloe nodded, "Sadly. She also said they slept together, but I'm not sure."

"She knew I liked him. He knew I liked him." I sighed.

"But in his defense, you were gone for three weeks." Chloe stated.

"Because my dad died." I snapped, "I lost my mom, then my dad two months later."

She threw her hands up in defense. She nodded, "Okay. Okay. I'm sorry."

"I can't believe that though." I muttered.

"I know!" Chloe agreed, "I didn't believe her until Joseph said it himself. Like, he was full on making out with her outside of school."

"I don't wanna talk about this. I guess he didn't like me as much as I thought." I sighed.

"Let's talk about something else. How's living with that one guy?" She asked.

"Joey? He's pretty cool. His band ended up going NYC, and I got to go. Then they're helping me start my music career." I shrugged.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, "That's great! I'll be your first fan!"

I laughed, "Thanks Chloe."


I sat at the office with the guys, doing my work. Attempting to catch up. I just couldn't concentrate though. Stupid drama.

I looked to the guys, "Hey. I have a random question." I stated.

"For whom?" Caleb asked.

"Anyone." I answered.

"So, shoot." Alan mumbled.

"Um. Joseph, the guy I like, what does it mean if he says he likes me, but then goes off with another girl?" I questioned.

Joey sighed, "Ugh. Boy problems already?"

Chad looked to me, "Then he probably didn't mean it, or meant it in a different way."

I groaned, dropping my books on the table. "I hate high school! It sucks!"

"Only a year and a half left. Then you're done." Caled stated.

"I wanna be homeschooled. People still bully me. I'm sick of drama. I can't do any of this work they give me!" I whined.

"Do you want help?" Joey asked.

I shrugged. Joey got up, as Alan laughed, "He's taking that a yes."

Joey came over and sat down. He took my books off the table and sat them in his lap.

"What are you working on?" He asked, looking at all the papers.

"Math." I answered.

Joey looked over it, explaining to me what to do. Well, what he remembered from school. Explaining how to solve algebraic equations, polynomials and multiplying exponents.

"Do you get some of it?" He asked.

I nodded, "For the most part. Thank you."

He smiled and gently squeezed my shoulder, "Sure thing."

I began working through the problems. The ones I knew. Looks like I'll be spending my lunch with my math teacher tomorrow.

After about an hour, I was done with most of my math. So, I decided to take a little break. A big break. Okay. I was done for the night.

"Man, I can't wait for thanksgiving." Chad muttered.

Alan laughed, "Me too. I can't wait to take the girls to Florida again."

"Y'all are from Florida?" I asked.

"Just me and Alan, plus his wife." Chad answered.

"I'm from South Datoka." Caleb stated.

"Reppin' Ohio State!" Joey exclaimed, "Go Buckeyes!"

I laughed as Joey threw his fists into the air.

I laughed, "Georgia Pounces!"

"That's what I love most about Nashville. It's music city, people move here from all around the country. We're all different with the same passions." Chad explained.

"Deep man." Joey stated seriously.

"Amen, brother!" Alan grinned.

"Joel & Luke came with their family from Australia." I replied.

"See!" Chad shouted, earning a stare from Alan. I giggled as Chad sunk down in his chair. "Sorry." He muttered.

I shook my head, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm so glad God put y'all in my life."


Man! I'm on a roll today. Fourth update. Seriously, I'm so proud of myself. Anyway.

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