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I stood at my dad's funeral. Plus Amelia's. It was mainly her family here, some of my distant family, Joey, and his bandmates, along with a few family friends.

I scowled as Amelia's mom kept trying to call me her granddaughter. I didn't even know her. She even kept trying to argue with Joey about my custody.

I sighed and hobbled out building. I didn't want any of this, and I was tired of all the arguments, so I sat outside on the steps of the funeral home.

It was mainly quiet outside. Very few cars passed, but many people walked passed. Most of them stared at me.

I looked up as I heard the door shut. Luke gave me a small smile and sat next to me.

"Everything okay, love?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No. I miss him."

"Hey, he's in a better place. You know that." Luke assured.

"You don't know that. He didn't have faith in God after mom died. You can't tell me that he's in a better place." I snapped, "And I'm sick of Amelia's family."

Luke sighed and shook his head, allowing his curls to move around. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into a hug.

"It'll all be okay. God is working, Liv. He has a plan for all of us. We just have to have faith." He smiled.

"Honestly, Luke," I muttered, "I'm not sure how much faith I have left. Why does God bring so much pain and expect us to still trust in Him?"

"You see Liv," he stated, "It's like the same thing when I was sick. I could barely hold my own son, but Joel was getting married. Now, I'm healthy. I have two little boys, and I still have such a wonderful family. There's always a rainbow after the storm."

"Have you ever got to a point where life was too much and you just wanted to leave and start over?" I asked.

He sighed, "I can't say that I have personally, but I'm sure other people have. Wait it out, darling. I know you don't want to hear this, but we're all here for you."

I nodded and wrapped my arm around him. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Of course, love." He mumbled, kissing my head.


Everyone started to leave the cemetery. If I had a choice, I would have wanted dad to buried next to mom. Unfortunately, I didn't since mom was buried in Georgia.

I sat on the ground next to his grave. My black dress laying on the freshly cut grass. I just sat there in silence, my hands folded in my lap and staring the place where his headstone would stand.

Joey kneeled down, placing his hand on my shoulder. We sat there in silence.

So many things ran through my head. I just didn't understand any more. Before mom died, I had everything. I had friends, I had a family, I had a relationship with God. Now, I wasn't really sure what I had.

Joey spoke up, "We can only pray."

"I don't want to leave him." I whispered.

"We don't have to just yet. But we'll have to get going soon. Alan invited us for dinner." He stated, "But you can always visit him."

I nodded sadly, "Okay."

"This isn't the end, darling. It's only the beginning of a new adventure." He whispered.

"Can we just go now?" I asked.

"Yeah. Of course." He nodded.

"I'll be there in a minute," I muttered.

"You gonna be able to get up on your own?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered. He nodded, and got up. I watched as he climbed into his car and started it. I looked back to my dad's grave. I sighed, "I miss you daddy. I really wish you knew the real Amelia. I can't help but think how everything would've been if we stayed in Georgia. I hope that'll I'll be okay. If you do happen to see mom, tell her that I love her and miss her. I love you too, dad. I don't exactly know where you are, but please keep an eye on me. I have to go, but I miss you so much already."

I carefully stood up, and picked up the crutches. Slowly, I hobbled over to the passenger seat of Joey's car.

He gave me a sad smile as he pulled out of the cemetery.

I kept trying to remind myself that this has something to do with God's plan. Plus, what Luke said.

"There's always a rainbow after the storm."

I sure hope he's right.


The little girls kept their distance from me since I had the crutches. There was an awkward silence, especially since the rest of Joey's band was here with their wives.

I just there and picked at my food. Over the week, I had lost most of my appetite. Hardly did I eat, unless I was starving or Joey made me.

"Liv, you have to eat." Joey whispered.

"I'm not hungry." I muttered.

He sighed, "You haven't eaten anything all day."

"I'm not hungry, Joey." I repeated.

"Okay. Fine." He nodded, "But you will eat something later."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Why didn't He just accept the fact that I wasn't hungry?

"So, how's things living with Joey?" Kelsey, the blonde, asked.

I shrugged, "Good. I guess. It's different than what I'm used too."

She nodded, "That's understandable."

Alan smiled, "A little birdie told us that you played the guitar. Is that true?"

"Yeah. I played a couple of shows with my friend, Jamie, at church. Well, before Amelia broke it." I sighed.

"Well, maybe you could play a few shows with us." He grinned.

I shrugged, "Maybe."


Welp. This chapter is a little shorter, but as promised, I updated. More to come soon. And if y'all can't tell, I'm absolutely obsessed with Luke's curls, because I'm a little jealous.

Anyway! Vote and comment. I'll try to have another chapter up soon.


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