Twenty Six

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Brycie, Fallon, Kelsey and I all roamed the mall. We went through a ton of stores.

Including Maurices, one of my favorite places to shop. We even stopped through Starbucks.

I remember ever since I was 13, I would do stuff like this with my mom, Moriah and Courtney when they came down. Especially when the boys were on tour.

"So," Brycie smiled, "Alan told me you started writing your first song. How's it coming?"

I shrugged, "It's okay. More difficult than I thought."

"Oh! What's it about?" Kelsey asked happily.

"About my life in Georgia, spending hours picking crops and riding horses." I answered.

"Kelsey was once in a band. One girl nation." Fallon stated. She smiled at me, "But I can't wait to hear your first song."

I grinned, "I'm pretty excited too. I think after thanksgiving, we're gonna record it and upload it to YouTube."

"Hey, that's great. The guys are so proud of you. Especially how strong you're being." Brycie stated.


Paz and Kelsey's puppy, Romo, sat together snuggled up together. It was cute.

Brycie, and Kelsey were up on the couch, while Fallon and I were on the floor. In a bundle of blankets. It was actually quite comfy.

Kelsey had ordered pizza, and Chinese food. While at the mall, we bought drinks and candy, and rented a bunch of movies.

Some of my favorites included God's Not Dead, When The Game Stands Tall, Frozen and The Lion King. All good movies.

I pulled my blanket up as Kelsey put in the first movie. Paz went nuts when she couldn't see me, and ended up attacking the blanket. Fallon laughed.

"Beni does the same thing." She giggled.

"Sounds like AJ." Brycie muttered.

"AJ is the sweetest little thing ever." I grinned.

Brycie nodded, "She definitely takes after her daddy."

"I've always been told that I'm like my mom. Moriah says it all the time, she says that's we're such good friends." I laughed.

I loved Moriah. Since we were closer in age, she was more like a sister. While Joel and Luke were like those uncles who are always so much fun.

Joey was like an older brother, and the other guys and their wives were like those cousins who are your favorites.

"Whatcha thinking about, Liv?" Kelsey asked.

I shrugged, "Just, about life. My family."

"You miss Georgia?" Fallon asked.

"A little." I answered.

"All right. First movie is in!" Kelsey exclaimed, jumping to her couch.

We all shut up, and grabbed our food as the movie started. Obviously, Kelsey had the first choice since it was Frozen.


I sat my bag on the bed after emptying its contents on the floor. Kelsey had dropped me off at home.

And because Thanksgiving was only a few days away, I decided to start packing. Joey was taking me to Ohio with him and his brother.

Thanksgiving was also the day we decided to release my first cover. So, I was pretty excited.

Paz yelped as the front door slammed shut. It was probably just Joey coming home.

"Liv?! You home?" He shouted.

"In my room!" I called.

I continued packing. Paz quickly jumped off my bed and paced around the room. I rolled my eyes before walking over to my door and opening it.

Joey laughed as Paz ran towards him and pawed at his feet.

Joey looked up and smirked at me, "I think somebody likes me."

I rolled my eyes, "She loves you, Joey." I replied sarcastically.

His face turned serious all of a sudden. He stepped into my room and sat on my lounge chair.

"Hey, so, um. How do feel about spending some time with Spencer after school?" He asked.

I looked at him, knitting my eyebrows in confusion. "Why?" I questioned, "I mean, he's my friend, but you're worrying me, Joey."

"Spencer told me something today, and he wants to talk too you about it. I was told not to tell you, but he asked me to ask you how you felt about it." He explained.

I shrugged, "Sure. Sounds fine to me. As long as you're okay with it."

Slowly, Joey nodded, "Yeah. It's just- never mind. I trust him, and I trust you to make the right choice."

"Okay." I muttered, dragging out my reply.

What was going on? Joey was seriously worrying me here.

"He'll just pick you up from school tomorrow, instead of me." He stated, "Anyway, anything you want for dinner?"

I grinned, "Spaghetti?"

"Sure." He laughed, "I'll get on that."

"Thanks!" I smiled.

I continued folding clothes, and placing them in my bag. I had nothing better to do. It was fold, packed, and repeat.

"Are you packing for Ohio, already? Don't you have friends to hang out with and- oh, I don't know what normal teenagers do." He muttered.

I snickered, "Neither do I. In Georgia, I only had a few friends, but people knew me as the Jesus girl." I shrugged.

"I was homeschooled." He replied, "My friends were the few neighbors, and kids from church."

I sat on my bed, grinning. It was moments like these that made me thankful that Joey took me in. We just had random conversations about our childhood. He was like a brother to me.

It was nice having someone to talk too, that I trusted. Now, I only trusted a few people. Joey, Joel, Moriah and Luke being the people I trusted the most, and sometimes Chloe and the other guys.

"But church friends are the best. People who pray together, stay together." I smirked.

He laughed, shaking his head, "Very true, and I hope you remember that."

"I saw that once on Facebook. Along with bæ ain't bæ if bæ don't pray." I giggled.

"That's also true." He nodded. He stood up quickly, "Alright. I'm hungry, so I'm gonna start on dinner."

I got with him. I quickly threw my arms around his torso, hugging him.

"Thank you. For a lot of things. Taking me in. Being my best friend. Thank you." I whispered.

I felt his arms come around me, holding me in the hug. He laid his head on top of mine.

"You're welcome. Thank you for being such an awesome kid. You're like a sister I never had." He replied.

I smiled, hugging him tighter. I really had so many blessings. They overlooked my battles.


Whoop! I'm actually really excited for the next chapter. Eeek!

Anyway! I have a little announcement for those who like Anthem Lights, or you've come to like them. I started a one-shot book of Anthem Lights. It would mean a lot if you guys could check it out. There's even one in there that has Joel and Luke in there too. So, if you guys could do that, it'd be amazing.

Anyway! Vote and comment!


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