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I sat on the bed at the hotel. Joey and Jewel were in the other room with the guys, hanging out. I declined, talking to Joel and Moriah. Whom I missed very much.

"How's it with Joey, love?" Joel asked.

I shrugged, "Okay. It's different, but he's nice."

Moriah smiled, "That's good. How's school?"

"Horrible. I went for two days after dad passed, and I couldn't handle it. Some kid punched me, and started a fight. So, I had to spend the next day in ISS." I explained.

"I'm sorry, darling." Joel sighed.

"It's okay." I shrugged, "How's Luke and Courtney and the boys?"

"They're good. We all miss you. Especially Jude." Joel answered.

I laughed, "Tell the little man that I said that I miss him too."

"Of course, dear." Moriah nodded.

I sighed, "I miss you guys so much. And it's not that I don't love Joey, but why didn't y'all take me in?"

Joel smiled sadly, "We would've loved to. But we're always on tour. I was trying to think about the best for you."

"I could've gone on tour with you." I stated, "I love Joey and the guys, don't get me wrong. But I'm scared."

Moriah cocked her head slightly, "Why are you scared."

I bit the inside of my cheek.

"When holidays come around, how is he going to explain why I'm with him to his family? I'm scared of what they'll think of me. What if they don't like me?" I asked.

Joel grinned, "Love, who can't love you? You're amazing. Trust me. When the time comes, they'll love you."

I giggled as their cat came up and rubbed up against Joel. Moriah laughed and Joel turned around, giving Adelina a funny look.

"I miss Adelina too." I laughed.

"Adelina!" Joel whined.

Moriah let out a small laugh, then rolled her eyes. Joel yawned.

"I'm gonna let y'all go. Joel looks tired. It's late in New York anyway." I stated.

Moriah nodded, "Okay. We'll talk later. Be safe."

"Of course. Bye guys." I smiled.

"Bye love. Behave." Joel waved.

I gave another small smile before hanging up. I sighed, the plugged my phone into the wall.

It was crazy how much I missed them. Especially Jamie, back home. Maybe, just maybe, I could convince Joey to take me back to Georgia for a little while. I'd have to ask.

I grabbed my crutches and stood up. Carefully, I hobbled over to my bag.

I hated this stupid cast. And these crutches.


After changing into a pair of athletic shorts and a priceless tank top, I hobbled over to the other room. Where the other guys were.

Immediately, I went over to Joey and sat next to him.

"Hey, darling." He smiled, "How was the call?"

"Okay. I just miss them." I shrugged.

"I know. Maybe they'll let you stay with them for a weekend. I trust them." He suggested.

"Maybe." I mumbled.

"Are you okay, Liv?" He asked.

I nodded, "I'm fine. I'm just tired."

"You didn't have to come over here. You could've laid down." He stated.

I shrugged, "It's okay." I mumbled, laying my head on his shoulder.

Joey moved his arm, wrapping it around my shoulders. Allowing me to cuddle into his side. Even if I had known Joey for a little while, he was kind of like a brother.

Just like Joel & Luke. They were like older brothers or like awesome uncles. I didn't see them as friends, I saw them as family.

Joey laughed quietly, "Get some rest, darling. I'll carry you back over later."

"Do I have too?" I whined.

"Please." He smiled, kissing my temple. "I won't leave. I promise."

"Thank you." I muttered.

"Hey! Chad, hand me that blanket." Joey requested, pointing to gray throw blanket on the opposite couch. Chad nodded, and tossed the blanket over to Joey.

Joey gave a small smile and unfolded the blanket, laying it over me.

"Awh!" Chad gushed, "Look Joey's being a loving father."

Joey gave him a disapproving look. I looked up as Rowe began to fuss. I was so close to sleep.

I watched as Alan and Brycie both tried to console the crying baby. Neither of them could get her to stop trying.

"Want me to try?" I asked suddenly.

Alan looked to me, bouncing Rowe carefully in his arms. He gave me pleading smile and nodded. With Joey's arm still around me, I sat up as Alan handed me Rowe.

"Thank you." Alan smiled.

"Hey, Rowe-babe. Sh. Sh. It's okay, baby." I whispered. I bounced her carefully in my arms. After a few moments, she quieted down and only little whimpers left her mouth. Soon enough, she leaned towards me, resting her head against my chest and started to fall asleep. I laughed quietly, "That's how you do it."


I woke up, snuggled into Joey's chest. Everyone else was knocked out too. Rowe was in the playpen in the corner, and the two other girls were passed out on the bed with their mom. Other than that, everyone was passed out on the floor or the two couches.

I sighed and resituated myself. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly grabbed and scrolled through the notifications.

I felt myself smile as I received a text from Jamie. I quickly replied then answered to Luke's texts.

Even though it had only been a week since I last seen the Smallbone family, I missed them terribly. I also missed Jamie and her family so much too. I just missed Georgia in general.


So, um, another short chapter. But I do have a few things to say.

As y'all know, I am planning to write a full for KING & COUNTRY fanfic. Two actually, though. Anyway, I've started writing those and I will publish as soon as I finish one of my other books.

This next one is just a good thing. And not really important, but, I got an early Christmas present from my mom. And I found out that I'm gonna see FK&C again in concert in December. Also with Lauren Diagle. I've never heard her music, but I'm excited to hear it.

Anyway, enough with my ramblings. Vote and comment!


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