Twenty Seven

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I sat at lunch with Chloe and Alex. Sadly, Donna and Joseph were here too.

I was off in my own little world, texting Spencer. I was attempting to get to tell me why he wanted to talk to me. He wouldn't budge.

Chloe peered over my shoulder. She smirked, "Who's Spence?"

"He's a friend." I replied.

Alex grinned, "Please tell me he's a boyfriend we don't know about."

"Nope. Sorry, Alex. He just turned 19 last month. Too old." I laughed.

Joseph frowned, "Was he one of the only people you were talking too?" He mocked.

"No, actually. He was visiting his family." I replied, "Not that's any of your business."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah. Right." He muttered.

"Just stop. You obviously didn't like me as much as you say did. You knew my mom died, and you knew my dad died. I needed time and support." I stated calmly.

"At least I haven't hurt him." Donna mumbled.

Chloe scoffed, "Screw off, Donna. Leave her alone."

I sighed, standing up and throwing my bag over my shoulder. "Whatever. I'll be in the library finishing up some homework. I have plans tonight." I stated.

"Nerd." Donna whispered.

I stopped, freezing in my tracts. I turned around slowly, and stared at her.

"I actually consider us friends. Now, if you have something to say about me, say it to my face. Not behind my back." I remarked, "I really don't want to fight."

"Whatever," she replied.


I shivered, stepping outside the school. It was freezing for November.

I leaned up against one of the brick support beams, looking for Spencer, or his giant black car. I tugged on the sleeves of my hoodie, attempting to cover my hands.

"Hey! Livie!"

I snapped my head to right. Spencer smiled and waved me over. I pushed myself off the beam, and walked over.

"Hey," I smiled.

"So, what are you wanting to do?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't care, just get me out of this awful place. I hate this place."

"Hop in." He laughed, "You'll miss it one day."

"Can I drive?" I smiled sweetly.

He sighed, "Fine. You have a license?"

I nodded, grinning, "Yes."

"Get in." He mumbled.

He handed me the keys, and walked around. Smiling, I got into the the drivers side.

I started the car, and adjusted the seat since Spencer was taller than me. Finally, we were pulling out of the school parking lot.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"Eh." He shrugged, "Let's just go to Dairy Queen."

I nodded, not taking my eyes off the road, "Okay. And what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smirk.

"You'll see."

I laughed, "You're so mean. Why do you have to tease me?"


I watched as Spencer came back with our food. Well, his food. All I got was a blizzard and fries.

"Here you go." He mumbled, setting down our stuff and handing me my ice cream and fries.

"Thanks." I smiled, "Spencer, seriously. What are wanting to talk about?"

He sat down, not saying a word. Sighing, I leaned on my elbow, and quickly ate a fry.

"Liv, I know you're going through some stuff that I can't even imagine, but I really like you. I really enjoy being with you, and talking with you." He started, then took a breath. "And I hoping that you'll give me a chance."


"And I'll understand if you don't feel the same way." He stated quickly.

"No, Spencer; listen. I would give you a chance, but I can't. I'm 17, and you're 19. Otherwise I would." I sighed.

"Right." He mumbled, "I forgot about your age."

I smiled, "But I'll make a deal with you. If you still feel the same when I turn 18, I'll give you that chance. Deal?"

"Deal." He nodded, "So I'm guessing we're just friends at this point?"

"Yes." I replied, "But I will give you that chance."

Spencer smiled, "Thank you."

"And if it helps; I like you for the most part too."

"For the most part?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed, "What I know about you, I like."

He grinned, leaning forward. I stared back at him.

"So, then what do you want to know?" He asked, biting his lip.

"Any siblings?"

"Nope. Only child," he replied,

"Me too!" I smiled.


I grabbed my bag from the backseat as Spencer pulled up at the house.  I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Thanks Spencer. I'll see you later." I whispered.

"Yeah." He sighed, "I'll see you later."

I opened the door and stepped out, slamming it shut. Immediately, I jogged around the car and up the steps to the house. I waved to him before walking in.

He smiled and waved back, then began to pull out of the driveway.

Joey smiled at me as I shut the front door, "Hey, darling. How'd it go?"

I shrugged, "Fine."

"Did he tell you?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes Joey. I told him no because I'm not 18."

He patted the couch cushion next to him. He sighed, "Come 'ere real quick."

I nodded and sat my school bag on the floor, and came around the couch, sitting down. He threw his arm around the couch, and looked at me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I just want you to know, I didn't have a problem with you guys. As long as it wasn't on social media, and the nothing happened in public." Joey stated.

I laughed, "Joey, it's fine. I told him that I'd give him a chance when I turn 18. Something like that doesn't need to be spread as a rumor. We made a deal, and he accepted it."

Joey nodded, "Okay. That's completely your choice, but you are old enough to know what you can and can't do."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome kid. How was school?" He asked.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, "I hate that place. Joseph won't drop it, and Donna's giving me crap."

"It'll roll over soon. Think about, Christmas break is in two months." He reassured.

"Thank the lord." I muttered, standing up. "I'm gonna take a shower, then get in bed."

"Okay. That's fine." He nodded.


Eeek. I'm so excited for the next few chapters. I have a lot in store, but they might seem boring at first.

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