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Friday night. I was pretty excited. I counted Livie like a little sister or niece, even though she was closer to Moriah's age.

The three of us sat on the couch, watching movies and eating pizza. Moriah was cuddled into my left side while Liv was cuddled into my right. The two were pretty close to falling asleep.

I laughed quietly, "C'mon. Let's get you girls to bed."

Moriah and Liv began to whine.

"I don't wanna go to bed, Joel." Liv groaned.

"The couch is uncomfortable, Olivia." I snickered.

She sighed and laid her head on my shoulder. "Fine," she muttered.

"You're lucky I love you, darling. Especially since I like you more than my own sisters at times." I grinned.

"Be nice," Moriah sighed.

I smiled before kissing my wife's cheek.


I stumbled down the stairs, hearing noises in the kitchen. Peeking around the wall, I noticed my wife and Olivia cooking breakfast.

"Is that bacon?" I asked.

Moriah jumped as Livie giggled. Moriah nodded, "Yes, love. Olivia's choice."

I grinned, "Awesome!"

"Eggs and Bacon. With a little touch of something my mom did." Livie stated.

"I always loved your mom's cooking." I smiled.

She shook her head sadly, "Another thing I miss about her."

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. I attempted to giver her a smile. "Hey, I'm sorry."

Liv shrugged, "It's fine. As dad puts it; I'm still coping."

I nudged her, "Hey, c'mon. Let's lighten the mood a little. Always remember your blessings, Liv."

"Yeah. Thanks Joel." She nodded.

Moriah spoke up, "Joel, how about you take over and Liv, you can play some music. Anything you like,"

Liv grinned and nodded, letting me take over the eggs. She ran into the other room, presuming that she went upstairs to grab her phone. Seconds later, she was jogging into the kitchen.

I watched as she jumped up and sat on the counter. She got onto Spotify and played a playlist.

Moments later, our song, Fine Fine Life began playing.

She grinned at me.

"I can't believe you still listen to my music." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Of course I do. You and Luke are amazing, not to mention inspirational." She smiled.

"Thank you, Liv!" I grinned.

"You're weird, Joel." She giggled.

I gave a playful frown, and Moriah laughed.

"Yeah. He kinda is," Mo nodded.

"You married me!" I smirked.

Moriah giggled and kissed my cheek, "That I did, and I'm glad that I did."

Liv grinned and shook her head, "I wish it was like this at home. Dad and Amelia just fight all the time."

"How come?" Moriah asked.

"Amelia has a hard time trusting people, and dad works late, so she's constantly accusing him of cheating." She explained.

I smiled at Liv and patted her leg, "Give it time, love. It'll get better."

She nodded and stayed quiet as Moriah and I finished breakfast. Once finished, we set the table and said grace.

I looked to Moriah then to Liv. She was still quiet, just picking at her breakfast.

"Livie, what's on your mind?" Mo asked.

She shrugged, "I don't know. A lot of things, I guess."

"Like what? You can always tell us, you're family." I reassured.

"With losing my mom, and dad being gone all the time, the way Amelia treats me, I just wonder what's really happening." She sighed, "Then drama at school. Sometimes I wish I could just dropout, move out, and do music."

"But in the future, you're gonna look back at this, and it'll all be worth it. Keep on going." Moriah smiled.

I smirked, "It's not over yet. It's a fine, fine life, my friend. Things will light it up."

Liv smiled and giggled, shaking her head at my references. Or it was my accent. She had once told me that she liked it when she was younger.


Courtney, Luke and the boys were over, just hanging out. Jude sat on my lap, playing with his toys. Olivia had Phoenix in her arms, while also texting someone.

"Who are you texting, love?" Luke asked.

She smiled and blushed, "A friend."

Moriah laughed, "Doesn't seem like it."

Olivia shrugged, "I kinda like him. He's amazing."

Courtney nodded, "Looks like it, from your smile."

"He's actually a big fan of the band. He's never been to a concert because he can't afford it, but always wanted to meet you guys." Olivia stated.

"Invite him over. We'd love to meet him." I offered.

Luke nodded, "Yeah! You're like a little sister. We wanna meet the lad who makes you happy."

She grinned and went back to her phone. Smiling the whole time.

Courtney giggled, "She must really like him."

Moriah nodded. I watched intently as Liv smiled into her phone. I remember feeling the same thing when Moriah and I got together. She still gives me the same feeling. I fall in love with her more everyday.

"Uh. Joseph said he could be here in a few minutes." She stated, then smirked, "He just doesn't know he's meeting y'all."

"Isn't that a little mean?" Luke asked.

Liv shrugged, "No. It's just a surprise."

A few minutes later, someone knocked at the door. Olivia jumped up, and went to the door, still carrying Phoenix.

I could hear her and another boy, assuming Joseph, talking. She asked him to close his eyes, and within seconds, Olivia was returning. Only this time, with a blond boy by her side.

She nudged him, and he opened his eyes. His eyes widened slightly and smiled.

"Ah. You're the young lad Olivia talks about." Luke grinned.

Olivia nodded, "Yeah. This is Joseph. Joseph, this is Courtney, Luke, Joel, Moriah, Jude and little Phoenix."

He nodded slightly, "Y-Yeah. I know who they are," he whispered.

"Nice to meet ya!" I smiled.

"You guys a thing?" Courtney asked.

Olivia shook her head, "No. Not right now."

"Anyway," I cut them off, "I heard you're a fan, Joseph. Is that true?" I asked.

"Yeah." He answered, "I wanted to go to concerts but I couldn't."

I stood up, taking off the necklace I had. The Australian penny on a chain. With it in my hand, I handed it to him.

"Here ya go." I beamed, "Like I do at every concert."

He took it and examined the necklace. He looked up at me and smiled, "Thank you."


Yay! Another chapter. And guys! I finally got my necklace and bracelet that I ordered almost three weeks ago! I never take them off unless I have too.

Anyway! Vote and Comment!


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