Thirty Six

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Our crowd applauded as I came out on stage. It was nice to be home, my home. I grinned and waved out to the crowd.

I looked backstage quickly, seeing Spencer smiling at me. I bit my lip and winked at him.

"Hey, Alanta! It's great to be home." I exclaimed, the crowd roared. "I'm sure most you of know me personally."

Jamie wrapped her arm around my shoulders, grinning to herself.

"You know, it's great being home with my bestie." Jamie stated.

"So, when I first started my career last year, I had been through a lot. From losing my mom, to losing my dad just a few months later." I stated, "My first cover was actually dedicated to my mom. She was the most compassionate person I've ever known. It was her favorite song."

"How many of you have heard of the Zac Brown Band?!" Jamie asked.

Our crowd roared, and we saw a sea of hands. I giggled and looked backstage, seeing all my family.

"Come on, boys. Come on, out here." I smiled.

Jamie and I watched as each of the guys grabbed mics and filed out onto the stage. Joel, Luke, Joey, Chad, Spencer, Tyler and finally Jordan.

They came in a single file line, each of them kissing my cheek, however, Spencer left a kiss on my temple as well.

"Y'all ready for Colder Weather?!" Jamie asked.


Spencer ran off the stage with the rest of the guys. He grinned, kissing my forehead and wrapping his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground.

"Atlanta was amazing. They were our first sold out show." Joel laughed.

I giggled as Spencer sat me down and cupped my face.

"You're amazing, Liv. Dear lord, I love you." Spencer muttered.

"Woah!" Luke exclaimed.

"Get you some!" Tyler laughed.

"What has gotten into you?" I whispered.

"He was so jittery during our whole set," Chad mumbled, rolling his eyes as he passed us.

I giggled, wrapping my arms around Spencer. He smiled and gently kissed my forehead. He sighed slightly, "You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you right now."

"We can do it. I have faith, baby." I smiled.

"Can y'all not do that?" Joel asked, "It's making me a little uncomfortable."

Spencer laughed as he pulled, wrapping his arm around my waist instead. Chad tsked and shook his head, "Behave, Olivia."

"Chadwick," I grumbled.

"Olivia Delaney." He muttered, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Chadwick Matthew." I groaned.

Spencer laughed, kissing my temple. Joey whined, "Stop, you both are annoying."

Chad pouted, then grinned as he slapped the back of Joey's head and put him into a headlock. Joey sighed, attempting to get out out.

"Boys," I started, they froze and looked at me, then continued their little game. I huffed, motioning Alan over.

Alan sighed, gently hitting the backs of their heads. "Knock it off, both of you. Or I will drag you both out of here by your ears." He threatened.

Spencer sniggered. I rolled my eyes and glanced at him, giving him a stop that now before I do the same thing look. He swallowed and nodded, gently kissing my cheek.

"You guys, I'm actually really excited about tomorrow." I grinned, changing our subjects.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Luke asked.

"A few family friends in town, they bought the farm. I got into touch with them, and they agreed to let us come down and see the farm. I even get to see my horses." I smiled.

"Oh! Can we ride them?" Jamie asked.

I nodded, "Of course."

"I don't know how?" Spencer mumbled. I giggled, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"Don't worry you can ride with me." I grinned.


I stood at the wooden fence of my old farm, the horses still here. I gasped, seeing my horse, that was a foul when I left.

He was beautiful, his coat was pure white, and his mane had touches of light brown. I had named him Dustin when he was born.

Slowly he had came up to me, nudging his head under my hand.

Luke laughed, "He remembers you."

"It always happen." I grinned, "Hey, boy."

"Um, babe." Spencer started as I ducked up the fence.

I stood up, Dustin staying right there. I smiled, gently petting his mane. I quickly looked to Luke and grinned.

"How happy do you think Rebecca would be if I gave her Dustin?" I asked.

Luke smiled and leaned on the fence, "She would love that, but I don't have the room for a horse."

I smirked, "But there's plenty of stables in Nashville."

Joel laughed as Luke rolled his eyes.

Soon enough, Jamie was coming back with the one of the owners, both with saddles on their arms. Chad and Joey, who were surprisingly quiet, looked up. As did Joel and Luke.

"Y'all are free to ride any of the horses. They're pretty easy going, and friendly." She stated.

"Wait, I have a question. Would Dustin be able to be taken to Nashville? I'd like to give him to a friend." I smiled, "I could even pay for the gas."

"Of course. He is still yours. I could have him at a stable in just a few days." She offered, "I'll call you when he gets there."


Joel grinned, putting a hand on Luke's shoulder. "Ha! You've got your daughter a horse."

The owner laid the saddles on the fence and walked off. I grabbed one and sat on Dustin's back and secured it.

I looked to Spencer, "Baby, wanna ride?"

He looked to Joey, who just smirked and nodded. Spencer looked back to me and sighed, climbing under the fence.

"I'll try it," he mumbled.

I grinned, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Just trust me, baby."

"Just trust me, baby." Joel mocked in a high voice, causing Chad to snicker.

"Shut up, Joel." I stated, sticking my tongue out.

I steadied my weight, and carefully climbed on the horse.  Spencer following me, and gripping my waist tightly.

"You guys gonna do it too?" Spencer asked.

Jamie scoffed, "Please. I'm a Georgian girl, of course I am."

The other four nodded and saddled up, climbing onto horses of their choices.

Spencer nearly shrieked as Dustin began walking. He tightened his grip and apologized, kissing my cheek.


So, last chapter before the epilogue, but this chapter was a little longer. However, I am posting a new Spencer fic after this, and I'm pretty excited.👌🏼👌🏼

Anyway! Vote and comment!


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