
287 17 1

🍁 September 🍁


I stepped into the house, hanging up my bag. It was eerily silent, meaning my dad was at work and the evil step-rat, as I like to call her, was probably in her room, drinking.

Definition of "evil step-rat", — My evil step mom who likes to control me and has multiple personalities. Especially mean after she's wasted.

Needless to say, I didn't like her. She was trying too hard to replace my own mother. Which would never happen.

Amelia stumbled down the stairs, in one of her "personalities". She didn't have moods. They each had their own personality.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"Work." She grumbled.

"When is he coming home?" I questioned.

"Later," she snapped, "Don't ask so many freakin' questions."

I rolled my eyes, going to the kitchen. I grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet and a water from the fridge. As soon as I shut the door and sat at the table, Amelia came stomping in.

Flinging the fridge door and slamming it shut after grabbing one my dad's beers. I found it disgusting how she always drank. Hardly was she ever sober.

My dad was the complete opposite. Sometimes he'd have a drink, but rarely would he get drunk.

I don't even know why they married, they're nothing alike.

"Amelia, what's for dinner?" I asked.

"Nothing," she snapped.

"Dad's not gonna bring anything home? He normally does." I stated.

"Will you get over yourself? He doesn't care about you. I don't care about you. No one will ever care about you." She spat.

I sighed and looked down, this was normal with her. She wasn't the kind woman she protrayed. She hardly trusted anyone.

"Yes ma'am." I muttered.

"Don't sass me, Olivia!" She demanded.

"I didn't do anything." I mumbled.

Amelia brought her hand up and backhanded me. I whimpered as I touched my cheek.

"Go to your room!" She shouted.

I nodded as a tear fell. I didn't even bother grabbing my things before running to my room.

I ran up the stairs and shut my door, locking it. I waited for my dad to get home, because I knew she wouldn't do a thing to me with him in the house.


I cautiously came down the stairs as I heard dad and Amelia fighting, once again. Probably accusing him of cheating.

"Dad? Can I go to a friends house?" I asked quietly.

"What friends?" He asked.

"I'm babysitting someone. I'll have my phone." I answered.

"Yes. You may go. Text me when you should get home." He nodded.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Be good." Dad whispered, kissing my head. I listened as Amelia scoffed.

"I will." I sighed.

I left the house, slamming the door as I did. Luckily, the house I was babysitting at was only a few minute walk. After all, we did live in the same neighborhood.

Within a few minutes, I was standing outside his house. I knocked on the door and waiting patiently.

"Hey, Livie." Brycie smiled.

"Hi." I muttered.

"Come in," she stated.

I nodded and stepped into the house as Brycie shut the door. Immediately, the two oldest girls came running towards me and attached themselves to my legs.

"Liv!" AJ squealed.

"Thanks for watching them. Alan and I appreciate it," she started.

I smiled, "It's not a problem."

I watched as Alan came down the stairs, carrying their youngest, Rowe.

"Our friend should be over in a few minutes. We thought you could use some help since the girls were so rowdy." Alan explains.

I nodded, "That's fine."

"They'll also need to be fed, you know where everything is." He mentions.

"Yep." I mumbled.

"Livie, what happened to your face?" AJ asked, pointing to the bruise on my cheek.

"Just bullies." I lied.

"Do they know Jesus?" She asked innocently.

"Sadly, they don't know Him." I answered, "But He still loves them. Doesn't he?"

She grinned and nodded, "Jesus loves everyone!"

"That's my girl," I smiled.

Alan grinned proudly at his oldest daughter who was only five. She was a smart one for sure.

Brycie, the two oldest girls, and I had migrated to their livingroom. However, I looked towards the doorway as I heard another voice.

Alan and another man came in. He was actually quite shorter than Alan. His lighter hair seemed to pull out his bright blue eyes.

"Uncle Joey!" AJ squealed, running to him.

"Liv, this is my bandmate, Joey." Alan started, placing a hand on his shoulder. Alan then looked to Joey, "Joe, this Liv. She babysits the girls. They never shut up about her."


After about an hour of Alan & Brycie being gone, and calming down Rowe, the girls had a movie in. AJ, and her younger sister, Presley, were watching Frozen as Rowe was in Joey's lap.

The two oldest girls were dancing and singing. Honestly, I had to say it was the most adorable thing.

However, within minutes, the three girls were passed out. Joey let out a small chuckle as he handed me Rowe and picked up the other two.

I got up and followed Joey upstairs, but went to opposite ends of the hallway.

I entered Rowe's nursery. I changed her clothed from a cute little outfit to an adorable onesie. I laid her down in the crib and flicked off her light as I left her room.

I went downstairs, Joey soon coming down as well. I sat in the chair I was previously occupying. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table, reading the sweet text Joseph sent me.

"Who is it? A boyfriend?" Joey asked, sitting down.

I blushed, "He's not my-uh, boyfriend. He's just a good friend."

"You like him though." He stated.

I shook my head, "I don't really know. I just met him when we started school. I'm not from here."

Joey smiled, "I figured, your accent is different."

"More southern. I'm from Georgia." I replied.

"Ohio." He mumbled.

"You're north, and I'm south." I laughed.

"I'm calling you southie from now on." He smirked.

"Northie," I grinned.

"I like you kid." He snickered.


So, um. It took me a little longer to write this chapter. I just started school today, and I wanted this published before today but it didn't work out. So, here it is.

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