I'd love to. (MoriartyxSherlock'sSister!Reader)

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Another date. Sebastian had been trying to keep Moriarty entertained, but it wasn't going so well. Sebastian knew Moriarty could feel, so he tried setting him up with women from the crime world, keep his mind off the curly-haired detective who was still alive. Moriarty wanted to scream. This woman, Ashley, was it? Didn't matter. Dragged him to a concert, an American concert, to see a British woman sing, and a band of men play instruments, while one of them sang, also. Ashley honestly loved the band, especially Tyler. He was the secondary singer to you, the amazing y/n. They sang everything. From covers, to originals, it was just about the music. They waited for the band to enter, Moriarty completely uninterested, but Ashley squealing in excitement. A moment later music filled the room. It wasn't a big venue, they weren't that popular, but it was certainly crowded. Him and Ashley were in the front of the room, next to the stage. He looked, completely bored, down at his phone. Then he heard a woman start singing, and he had to admit, it was the best he'd ever heard. He looked up to see the (hair type) h/c woman singing an original song. He immediately looked up the name of it.

Darkest Angel. Her look was suave, but in a dark way. He couldn't help but think she was gorgeous.

"And they say crazy is just a word." Her voice was so alluring, and she held the last, low note.
"But baby, I'm proof that that's not true!" It started at a really slow tempo, but the song quickly picked up pace.
"I'm the Darkest Angel! The Queen of everyone's nightmares! Oh! I'll take you on a joy ride- Straight to hell!" He loved how she embodied the song perfectly, even though it was obvious it wasn't meant to. She was just a great actress. The song finished, and you did two more originals, before moving onto covers.
"Well, as you all know, my bestie, Tyler here, is a huge musical fan! So, for his birthday, we're singing 'Crazier Than You' from The Adam's Family." The music started playing, and she started the song, voice as smooth as silk.
"So, what do you think?" Ashley asked asked excitedly, waiting for the song to pick up pace. Y/n looked to the audience to sing the first chorus part.
"I'm crazier than you! So much, crazier than you!" She seemed to be singing straight to him, but that was ridiculous. Right?
"Amazing." His voice was low, but Ashley looked at him and her smile instantly fell. The way he looked at the woman prancing, beautifully, around the stage. Like she was the only person in the world. That's when y/n started pulling people up on stage. Ashley grabbed her hand excitedly, and started dancing with the two friends, who toward the end were really close. Too close. Then, suddenly, you pushed Tyler away, breaking into laughter.
"Thanks guys for making this performance amazing!" She said in a British accent that Moriarty hadn't noticed before. Her eyes scanned the crowd, and finally landed on someone. Her face was shocked.
"Sherlock?!" Her tone was excited, and Moriarty's smile from her, dropped. Sherlock was forced to the front, and pulled up, and immediately into a hug. Moriarty felt a twinge of jealousy. He thought you two must be dating, seemed fitting. An angel with someone on the side of the Angels? Sounded about right.
"Sherlock, what're you doing here? I haven't seen you in forever!" His arms were wrapped around her, and everyone looked so happy.
"Looking for a criminal mastermind. Heard he was in America, but Mycroft insisted I come check up on you. Of course I agreed, you are my little sister, after all." He explained, a smile, a REAL smile, pulling his lips from ear to ear.
"Sister?" Moriarty whispered. Ashley looked so excited. You eventually noticed how the crowd seemed a little quiet.
"Oops. Forgot we were on stage! Hey! Maybe I could find you a girlfriend, brother mine!" Sherlock went red, and glared at you, as everyone broke into laughter.
"Who wants to marry Sherlock, and officially be a part of my family?!" You called excitedly, and many women ran up to volunteer. Boyfriends seemed a little pissed, but were laughing anyway. Moriarty searched up the band, and the name 'y/n', when the results were up, he finally confirmed this was real. Y/n Holmes, youngest Holmes child, and lead singer of the band 'Love like Hurricanes'. It was an interesting name, and you hadn't chose it. Owen and Tyler did. They were the founders, after all. After Sherlock got off the stage, leaving fifteen girls sobbing from deductions, you invited everyone on stage, backstage.
"Um, my date is still down there..." Ashley said reluctantly, really wanting to go.
"Then go grab him! More the merrier!" You laughed, and Ashley ran down the stairs, and dragged Moriarty back. He felt... Nervous. That was different for him. But, no one could really blame the guy. The beautiful woman he had just witnessed as the most talented woman he'd ever met, who was also the sister of his arch-nemesis, and you invited him back stage.
They walked through the door, but he straightened his Westwood first, and you immediately went to great them.
"Hey! I'm y/n Holmes, how'd you enjoy the show?" She was being completely genuine, and Moriarty knew his pupils must've dilated, because you gave a quaint laugh.
"It was brilliant, you have an amazing voice." He said in a sultry Irish accent. Your eyes darted like Sherlock's and he knew you were deducing him. Ashley felt awkward, and excused herself to go fangirl over Tyler. She held out a hand for him to shake, and he knew why. It was a test, but with how sweaty his palms were, he'd knew he'd fail.
"Thanks, and you are?" She asked pleased, and sweet. If he didn't, it would be obvious. If he did, it still would. He ran a hand through his hair, and shook your with it. His first reaction was that the shake was... Odd. Your palms were sweaty, and pulse was racing, just like his.
"So you're a criminal?" She asked as if it were nothing. He froze in shock, and she sniggered.
"I could tell you knew my brother, and hated him. Plus, you wear a Westwood, know when someone's deducing you, and know how to throw them off. Don't look so surprised, I am still a Holmes. The smartest one at that." You boasted, and he smirked.
"Fair enough, and actually I'm a consulting criminal; there's a difference." You nodded along with his explanation, and he suddenly felt a little worried. He lost part of his confident composure. You sighed, slightly annoyed.
"I'm not going to turn you in. Don't worry. I'm honestly a little offended." She rolled her eyes, and he regained his stance. You flirted through most of the evening, even after Ashley left. He didn't want to leave, and you honestly didn't want him to.
"Well, I better get going." He said, reluctant. He smiled, and handed you his number. You gladly accepted it.
-Time skip brought to you by Castiel's amazing azure eyes. *swoon*-
Moriarty had missed you. He thought you liked him as much as he had liked you, but after you didn't call the next day, he lost hope. He answered it.
"James Moriarty, how can I assist your crime?" He said, bored. You were still on his mind, and all his thoughts wandered to you.
"I left you my number, I thought you might call." You said in a wistful voice, and he immediately perked up. His heart was speeding.
"Y/n!?" His tone was happy.
"Who else?" He could practically hear the eye roll, and laughed.
"What do you mean you left me your number? I don't have your number! I gave you mine! Wait- How'd you know about that..?" You laughed into the receiver.
"A-check your breast pocket, dumb butt. B-I know how to manipulate my brother." He smirked. Wow. Could you get anymore amazing? He checked his breast pocket, and sure enough, folded into his handkerchief, was a note with your number, and a small heart on it.
"You are truly phenomenal, you know that?" He didn't often compliment people, but this was different. He could feel himself falling for you.
"I do. Do you?" He chuckled a bit, and you giggled along.
"Well, I am the king!" He said cockily, and decided to try something, "So, how would you like to get dinner and discuss becoming a queen?" He was shocked at his statement, and instantly wanted to take it back.
"I'd love to." His heart fluttered, and butterflies caught in his stomach. He stabbed the man in front of him, and continued talking to you.

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