Mama's Boy (MoriartyxReader)

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Since Moriarty did technically win, I'm doing a second one. Lots of fluff.

He didn't know how to handle being a father at first, and it downright scared him. He nearly left, partially believing you and baby would be better without his psychotic tendencies, but he couldn't leave you. Mainly for his own selfish reasons, but he couldn't. So now, a couple years later, he say eagerly waiting for his little boy to say the word.
"C'mon mini-me! You can do it!" His eyes were alit with excitement. James Moriarty Jr, had been getting close to his, technically second, word, and Jim was determined for it to be a variation of 'Dad'. He'd been repeating it over and over to the boy for days now, hoping and hoping that the little one would just say it.
"Say it with me; Da-da. Not to hard, now is it? Dada! Your turn!" He excitedly watched the little boy with big brown eyes, but otherwise was the spitting image of his mum.
"Jim, if he isn't ready, he isn't-" He held up a finger from the sitting room, so you could see his anxious excitement needed absolute silence. Huffing out an annoyed breath, you went back to cooking dinner.
"A~" The vowel shook in the boy's throat, and Jim held his breath with wide eyes staring at the little boy.
"Dada? You can do it! Dada?" If he bit his lips any harder it would bleed, but he ignored the pain as you washed your hands, watching from the kitchen.
"A~aa~" You quickly dried off your hands, making your way to both your boyfriend and child. What? You think anyone within a hundred mile radius would marry Jim Moriarty? The little one's head turned to you as you entered, and the word just flowed from his mouth, as he reached up to you.
"Mama!" Jim was dumbfounded, and it clearly showed as the word rang in his head. You chuckled, picking up the small child, and placing him on your hip.
"Oh, it's not that bad. He's heard it more often, it was bound to be it. He's said 'mum' befo-" Jim didn't want to admit 'mum' had been his son's first word. You didn't know why, he just refused to believe it.
"That was a mumble, not a word!" He snapped quickly, forcing himself from his knees. You rolled your eyes, coddling your son playfully into you.
"Fine. But face it Jim, 'Mama' was." Jim looked disappointedly down at the carpet, scuffling his feet a bit.
"Yeah, yeah." He sighed, before leaning over to kiss James' head, and then yours. He still looked pretty shook.
"Jim, what's wrong?" You were really hoping he wouldn't mope about like this, but then again, hope is rarely a good thing.
"I dunno," he let his head roll back and sit there, "I just feel like I've failed as a parent or something." His nose scrunched up at the 'f' word, and you nearly dropped James in surprise. Jim never used that word, unless to describe someone else. Jim Moriarty never failed, and never would. He looked at your surprised demeanor, cocking an eyebrow.
"What?" You shook your head in honest disbelief, though you had to smile. This little boy had managed to change how THE Jim Moriarty lived, completely and totally.
"You said 'failure', and referred to yourself... In the same sentence." He chuckled a bit, pulling you both into him with one arm, the other arm twirling a piece of h/c hair around his forefinger.
"I know. That's how bad it is..." He kissed you temple once, his lips pulled in tight together as he forced himself to smile with dead eyes. Sighing a bit, you set him back down, and looked at the boy closely.
"James?" He turned to the sound of his name, his baby smile beaming at you as Jim watched carefully. You handed the small boy the bottle he'd refused to take from Jim only moments before, just to test the waters. He gladly took it, and began sipping on it.
"James can you do something for mummy?" You placed a hand over your heart, and he set his bottle down. Getting curious, Jim sat down next to you, legs crisscrossed in front of him as he watched intently.
"Can you say 'dada', I think you can, can you try?" Jim shook his head softly, chuckling as the boy stayed silent for a few seconds. He opened and closed his mouth.
"Love, he isn't going to do it for you if he didn-" He was cut off by the word appearing to be  echoing throughout the room.
"Dada!" James spoke rough, but happily. You smirked to Jim, whose jaw was hanging limp, and big eyes bigger from surprise. You smiled down as you picked up your son.
"Oh yeah, definitely his Mama's boy." Jim stood with you, spinning you immediately into his arms, seeming to be happy.
"Just like his daddy." He smiled down at you, and giving into the romantic gesture, you pressed a small kiss to his lips.
"Can't say I blame you both. I'm awesome." You boasted, clearly teasing. Jim took little James form your arms, and placing him on his outer hip, while his wrapped around your waist.
"Yes, my dear, you are." With that, he pressed his lips to yours for a much longer, more loving kiss.

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