The Desired Effect (Teen!lockxreader au)

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Another request, and I've really enjoyed writing this, so thank you Anonymous (you know who you are... Hehe)

~Sherlock's POV~
Insufferable peers. It's called being extraordinary, not being a freak. Another day amongst these goldfish that call themselves 'smart', walking down the same hallways, deducing the same people, over and over again. John would be with his latest girlfriend. She was a boring teacher's assistant, I didn't pay her much attention. Not that it mattered, they usually lasted a week, two tops. Through the door of likely the least educated educator on this planet. Mr. Anderson. He was screwing with the hall monitor, Sally Donovan. No one talked about it because she technically was 18, and though he was nearly seven years older than her, she gave her consent. He's hated me since I implied they were having an affair, and the other students (some of the less idiotic ones) caught on to what I was saying. He glared at me with his mousy little face until I was 'safely' in my seat. What an annoying little mouse of a man. Once everyone was in their seat, it was clear something was different. A female, with h/l h/c hair in a well calculated bun, about 5'4", dressed in black jeans and a
f/c blouse stood at the front of the class. She seemed to be deep in thought, and made it clear she was trying to place a smell...
"Oh, you know Ms. Donovan, correct?" Everyone was staring at her now, but I must have seemed even more out of place than normal.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" He quickly defended. Idiot. She smirked, then shrugged, as if she'd never said anything at all.
"Oh, well then, we should likely be getting to class. Where do I sit?" Her words were menacing, yet somehow sincere. I looked her over, trying to piece together what appeared to be conflicting information. Her tone and the way she held herself, the way she spoke; all said socialite, but she shied away from everyone's gaze, and as people they asked how she'd done it (idiots, I'm telling you!) she wasn't exactly ignoring them, she just couldn't find it in herself to answer. Her clothes said money, but the cleaner in her nails said she'd washed them herself. No one from wealth washes their own clothes, but no one in need of resources buy those type of name-brand clothes. Too expensive, too easy to fake. Tailored to her, not a gift of any sort... Nothing made sense!
"Next to William, I'm afraid, is the only seat available." He pointed to one of the empty spots next to me, as I glared at him.
"It's Sherlock. Not William." He sighed at my usual 'antics', and nodded.
"Sorry, next to Sherlock." She nodded with the most fake sweet smile I've ever seen, and slid into the seat next to mine. I continued to study her. Pen ink (I believe) smudged on her left wrist, which was the same wrist she wore her watch... Ambidextrous? Interesting. Looking at her fingers, there were obvious paper cuts. Reader. She seemed to take notice to my deducing, and opted to extend her hand to me.
"Y/F/N. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Making my acquaintance? We hadn't even said a word to each other, in no way we're we acquaintances. I simply folded my hands on my desk, but she persisted, continuing to hold out her petite hand.
"I believe this is our first conversation. We've hardly become 'acquainted', we know nothing of each other." I dismissed her, beginning to pull out my notes as a distraction. I could feel the smirk pulling to her lips.
"Youngest of three, avid reader, highly intelligent. Possible psychopath, likely sociopath. High-functioning, at that. I'm guessing from the few bruises littered on your arms that your a bullying victim. Kids can be cruel, no? My brother and you would get along very nicely, I'd wager. Well, I suppose I should shut up, since we know absolutely nothing about each other." I noticed the faintest Irish lilt, but I was completely taken aback. No way was I letting her best me at my own game.
"One brother, older, of course. Reader, ambidextrous, and you write, often, in fact. I assume you learned your deducing skills from your brother, it's a game between you two, as it is for us now." She nodded along. I had to admit, I was impressed. Whether she was foe or not was still tone determined, but for the time I supposed it was alright to converse further.
"So, you deduce. Impressive, but now you have nothing to show when you have something to prove. So why'd you do it?" The corner of her mouth slipped upwards into an almost twisted smirk.
"Oh, but I had a goal." Her phone chimed on the table, and I quickly glanced at the screen.

From James;
I'm a woman's man-
No time to talk!

She pulled the screen up so she could see. She smiled then rolled her eyes. Inside joke. It was an easy enough conclusion to come to.
"Oh, Jim. Always with 'Stayin Alive'." She sighed to herself quietly. A goal?
"The only thing you managed to do was to, for a short moment, make me speechless!" That drew her attention backed, and she looked just a little too proud... Too smug... What did I do? I must've done something! She's intelligent, what would her goal be?
"Well, that is every woman's desired effect, is it not?"

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