Mum? (Parent!LockxChild!Reader)

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Request; Parent!Lock reader, where reader is Sherlock's child.
Requested by;
Level; I know this isn't quite what you wanted, but my god I loved writing this. Definitely a 9, maybe even a 10. My geezus, this was cute.

You'd just gotten back from your friend Angie's house. Her mum said something about maybe her and your mother should meet up sometime- a mums' day, if you will. After you explained to her that you didn't have one, she dropped the topic. She was a bit confused at first, but eventually understood. Which got you thinking... Why didn't you have a mother? You weren't exactly keen on not knowing things, and here, in front of you, in an annoyed confusion as you looked between your two dads. Sitting on the couch in his crisp as always Westwood suit, reading the paper, he folded the paper down and used the large brown eyes he had to give you a questioning look.
"Something wrong, darling?" You stomped dramatically over to the couch, and plopped down on the ground, "You can't figure something out, huh? Bad times..." He mused, hoping to bring a smile to you. Instead you just nodded, continuing to glare ahead at your other father, who was experimenting in the kitchen. Staying on the couch, your dad began to play with your hair, going through the possibilities.
"What can't you figure out, my lovely y/n?" You looked up at him with hopeless eyes.
"Why don't I have a mummy?" Both men froze, Daddy Sherlock's head turning to look at you in a state of bizarre shock, then they stole a look to each other, before both pairs of eyes returning to you. Time itself stopped, allowing each of them to come up with at least a plan. Not good ones, but plans nonetheless.
"Well, that's a talk for Dad, and I have, uh, crimes to commit." Jim cleared his throat, and began to get up, setting the paper aside, and placing a quick kiss on your forehead.
"Nonono!" Daddy snapped, "This is one of yours." He insisted at the shorter Irishman. Smirking, he shook his head.
"Uh, no." He pointed at him with two fingers on opposite hands, and then swiped them through the air like blades. No doubt, they both were total drama queens, and you definitely inherited the trait.
"I agreed to take boys, girls, drugs, alcohol," he was listing them on his fingers, "and safe sex. This involves procreation, meaning, this ones yours, love!" He proclaimed with way too much confidence, and flounced out of the flat. Sherlock swallowed both his anger and uncomfortableness, looking his greatest challenge yet in the eye; explain why you had two dads.
"Okay, let's start with... Well, there's not really a good way to start, I suppose..." He lifted you up as he sat on the couch, pulling you onto his lap as he did.
"Um, well, how about your mother?" He cringed at the word. It was hard to believe how promiscuous Jim used to be. That Jim never defined his sexuality, more of did 'whatever suited him'. You stared intently up at him, his uncomfortability highlighted in the silent room.
"She was one of Jim's many escapades, an intelligent woman, but he was more or less using her..." Sherlock explained as you, a tiny four year old, sat on his lap with curious eyes and the overall screaming feeling of intrigue. He hated that this came before the reproduction talk. He'd prepared for that one. 'When a man and a woman really love each other, they both consent to a sexual relationship', yada, yada, ya.
"And, as it turns out, despite being the parent who insisted on teaching you 'safe sex', he doesn't know how to, himself." He muttered, chuckling (albeit nervously) a bit to himself, but the joke went WAY over your head.
"So why isn't she here?" The question was sudden, and wasn't exactly one he was expecting. Nor was it one he wanted to answer. Oh, yeah, just tell you, 'Well, Jim got pissed when he found out she hadn't told him about you, so he kidnapped you and had her killed.' Definitely the right way to go about things.
"Me and your father had already been seeing each other, and you were there when I got to his flat, one day. About a year later we were engaged, and he had full custody of you." He explained shortly, hoping the answer would satisfy your inquisitiveness. The pieces were falling into place, and he knew it. By now you had to have figured out that he wasn't biologically related to you. You nodded along, before smiling up at him.
"That means I have two dads because Daddy loved you more than he did my mum." You rationalized, with a positive smile. Sherlock looked at you, considering it for a moment, before nodding.
"I suppose..." His brow furrowed, because yes, it did make sense, but it wasn't what was to be expected.
"Then I do, too." You leaned into him, pulling your arms around him, as much as you could, in a warm hug. His head rested on top of yours, and he blanketed you in his own.
"Aw, I'm missing the tender loving moment, aren't I?" Jim poured in the doorway, before Sherlock rolled his eyes and threw his head back to tell him to join. He skipped over, sitting next to Sherlock, before resting his head onto the tall detective's shoulder, and pulling his arms around you both.

Who needed a mum, anyways?

After writing a completely Gender Neutral chapter, and being really proud of myself for doing so, I'm now going to add a song which clearly states the reader is a female. Good job, Issa.
No, but seriously, I love this!
Credit to; @MrsCaitlynMoriarty
A 'The Mine Song' Parody, duet by Sherlock and Jim.

'The Yours Song'
This lec-ture is yours!
You can explain it,
I'm sure.
Don't look at me;
I'm too busy,
Your Daddy can tell you, girl.

Jim, no, don't run away!
She asked you to explain,
Where her mum is-
And where she lives-
OUR daughter is in pain!

(Original song)

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