Lies (MoriartyxReader)

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Prompts: 68 ("Yell, scream, say something... anything."), 76 ("Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2am?"), 77 (God/Goddess AU)
Character: Moriarty
Requested by: @Pyrope_Terezi //I'm setting this in a much earlier time, I hope no one minds. I'm going to *pretend* that Greek/Roman/Egyptian Gods had chloroform, Yeah?

He slipped out of the bed, doing his best to keep quiet. Carefully, he picked up the vial, and a small square of cloth, a small pit growing in his stomach. He hated to do this, but it was the only way. His eyes snapped up to his sleeping bride as she awoke.
"James... what're you doing..?" Her eyes narrowed on the vial, causing her to sit up, "Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2am?" She snapped, eyes suddenly alight. She knew exactly why, and it made her burn.
"You aren't seriously going to see one of those flawed abhorable things—they're pathetic!" She snapped, suddenly deciding to get fully out of bed. His jaw locked, a searing anger coming to his chest.
"Go back to sleep, Kitty." He snapped. His position was the reason they'd been marred in the first place. They both knew she'd rather be over screwing Sherlock or his bride. Most of the Gods remained fairly loyal to their partners, even if they acutely despised them. James wasn't like the rest—he hated it. He didn't want to live a life, even an immortal one, like this. Now, perhaps a few years ago, he would've thought a lot different than that. He wouldn't have cared about who his partner was—he was king. Of the heavens and earth, he ruled all.
"Go back to bed." He ordered, not missing a beat before leaving. He tucked the vial into his robes, and slipped down to the mortal world, changing his appearance slightly. He shifted his deep brown eyes to a softer green, and lengthened his dark hair to match the common man among the streets, and slipped through unnoticed. He even went as far as to change his facial features, make them softer and less opposing. Less attractive, in most people's opinion, but his lover had never seemed to care that he was considered "average" when it came to looks, maybe a tad above. After all, this was love, and that's all they needed.

You were pacing, unable to still yourself from your pure excitement. You heard a soft tapping at your door. You grinned, immediately swinging it open, and throwing your arm's around Jim's neck. His arms fit tightly around you, holding you as close as he possibly could.
"I love you, Jim." You mumbled into his neck, letting yourself slip into the warmth of his arms.
"I love you, too, Darling." He whispered back, a natural smile slipping to his face. He glided you both into the room, shutting the door softly. You pulled him into a kiss, his hands falling to your waist, a thrum going through him. Slowly, you guided him towards the bed, letting him fall slightly on top of you, both of you giggling in between passionate kisses.
Unbeknownst to either of you, James wasn't the only who thought it best to pay a visit. It wasn't long into your little rendezvous that there was another knock, this one much firmer than Jim's had been. It was startling to James, considering he'd left your father unconscious in his own room.
"I know you're in there." Kitty's voice penetrated the door, striking fear into Jim with just a few simple words.
"Who's that?" You whispered, watching as panic spread across him. The door suddenly flew off its hinges, the goddess entering without another warning. Her eyes were ablaze, already, but the flames doubled as her eyes came to rest on you in her husband's arms. He suddenly shifted so you were behind him, a scowl adorning his features as he glared at her. She could see right through his disguise, through his utter and complete lies.
"You left me for a mortal?" She snapped, jaw clenching. This had been where he was every night? Seeing a woman that wouldn't last even a fraction of his vast memory?!
Your brow drew together, confusion adorning your features. The woman looked familiar, but you couldn't quite place it. No-you could! She looked like the statues outside the temple... Gisara. Queen of the Gods...?
"J-Jim... what's going on here, I-I'm confused..." You managed weakly out, fingers gripping tighter on his shoulder. Still, he said nothing.
"Go on, tell the mortal who you are. Pull the wool back from her clueless eyes." His eyes flicked back to you as you began to go numb. What was she talking about? Why was she saying these things-? Jim would never lie to you... right?
That's when he began shifting back into his regular form, eyes growing dark once more and hair slicking back. Another face you recognized, and one you'd recognize anywhere; Evmes. King of the Gods, and, fittingly, the God of Wisdom and Chaos. You could feel your knees growing weak, voice no longer seeming to work.
"Leave here, Kitty." He demanded. It snapped into focus for you—why a Goddess had come to your home. His wife... you were beginning to feel faint. Gisara scoffed, approaching him.
"You think she'll stand to want you after what you've done? Her life is forever ruined because of your betrayal. She'll be shunned." She said plainly, not an ounce of sympathy in her voice.
"You promised her a marriage, did you not? No one would mare a god and a girl. You've played her pathetic little heart." He'd been a fool to promise you such a thing, even he knew that, but he hadn't expected the question. And, at the time, it had seemed almost possible... almost.
"I said, 'GO!" He snapped suddenly, sending her flying out the door and out to the street. He allowed himself a few minutes to breathe, anger dissipating and growing concerned for you. He spun around, cupping your cheek in his hand. He'd do anything to change the way things were—if you wanted anything in the world, he'd give it to you without hesitation.
"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, pressing his forehead to yours. Instead of answering, you staggered back, doing anything to get away from the God. He could feel his heart crack, sending an unwelcome feeling through him almost immediately.
"Y-Y/n..? L-Let's talk about this..." He began approaching you again, being met only with silence.
"Yell, scream, say something... a-anything." He almost begged, once again trying to come near you.
"Y-You're Evmes..." You said, stomach turning at the thought. He watched you, eyes saddening as you stepped away once more, just out of his reach.
"Yes.." He admitted shakily. If there was ever a moment in his entire life that he didn't want to be a God, It was now. He wanted to be with the woman he loved more than anything, even if that meant he'd die one day.
"You lied to me... about everything." Tears began rolling down your cheeks, causing his heart to break even more.
"You don't love me, I'm just some toy to pass the time." You whispered, staggering back once more, lost and heartbroken. The words echoed through his head, eyes growing suddenly wet. He didn't even have words.
"I'll never be marred... I'll be forever shunned." You said, gasping for breaths as realization swept over you, a sense of profound shame already brewing. If the people of your town were merciful, they'd simply kill you, but that was a tad hopeful.
"N-No, it doesn't have to be like that-!" He tried desperately, falling to his knees as you fell to the ground, "We can get married, no one has to know-" And just as quickly as he said it, you were racing to your father's room.
Kitty appeared behind him, hands on her hips, looking as dignified as ever.
"You've taken everything from her, isn't that enough? Leave her to the fate you've sealed for her." Growing angry, James spun around, staring her down furiously.
"I can fix this!" He insisted, solutions flooding into his head, already.
"How Long has it been since you put her father under, James, I'm curious." She said flatly, suddenly deciding her nails were much more interesting than the conversation. A sudden cry was heard down the hall as he realized his mistake, and he sprinted to the door, heart shattering as you held your father's lifeless body. All the excitement had caused him to lose track of the time... he'd killed your father..
"Leave her to mourn. Haven't you done enough?"
This time, however, he had nothing to respond with. He took a few moments to watch your grief fill the room, tears and sobs joining the foul atmosphere. Irene had been right. She said he would ruin your life, and he had...
"...let's go home..." He whispered, tears beginning to roll down his own cheeks.

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