Before He's King (Teen!Lock, Mormor)

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Day Fifteen of SHIPPING HELL!

"So, what're you thinking, Magpie?" Sebastian nudged Jim with his elbow, the rugby player's blonde hair seeming to tousle itself. A deep blush set into Jim's cheeks. Cock, he thought to himself. How could it be expected of Jim to not fall head over heals for someone like Sebastian? He was just- he was different.
All his life, there was only two things Jim had thought he truly knew about love: one, it didn't exist between people who weren't related by blood. Parents inherently loved their children, he'd noticed, but that lead to his second revelation. Love was expressed through violence.
He could remember his peer's parents saying, "Bye! Love you!" Just as his dad did every day in primary school, as the children scampered off to class. Jim could only assume that, if their outer behaviour in public was the same, then their behaviour behind closed doors likely was, too. Simple.
Just like his father, everyone else's parents probably got out the belt, whipping their backs raw. Put cigarettes out on them to pepper soft, pale skin, black and grey and brown. If he were to look under their shirts, he thought well that he'd find dark bruises that had lead to likely broken ribs, among other marks if he went down low enough. To him, it was normal, nothing more than everyday occurrences.
And his peers only proved his theory. After all, if you were the slightest bit different from everyone else- whether it be in mind or heart, you could expect the stairs to be your worst enemy.
That was what made Sebastian Moran different. He was the one flaw in the data. Despite his rough image, he was... kind. Not to everyone, but to Jim, he was. He'd call him sweet names, that never ceased to make Jim flush, not from embarrassment, but from the unknown feeling of his heart riding on a butterfly's wings, soaring him off to things beyond what he could begin to understand. A place without his statistics, proven by the countless bruises and scars littering his small figure.
He defended Jim, even in the worst of times, and comforted him through the tears. When Jim's father refused to take him to visit mother's grave, Sebastian didn't hesitate to take him. He brought flowers for them to leave, and waited patiently for Jim to finish. And after, he'd just talked to him. There was no pity, or telling him to "man up." They just spoke about Jim's mathematics courses, or Sebastian's sports. They'd laugh and smile- things Jim couldn't even remember doing before Sebastian. If he'd ever truly done so, it was likely before his mum killed herself. Before he was old enough to remember.
"Nothing much, just reviewing my points for my oratory speech." He shrugged off the question, a faint smile pulling to his lips. Sebastian laughed, wrapping an arm around Jim's shoulders.
"Oh- please. You don't need any of that! You'll wipe the floor with those gits!" A grin beamed to his face, eyes flickering to the smaller man, a reassuring gleam taking them over. Jim snickered, but didn't agree. After all, as a novice, Jim was put at an extreme disadvantage, plus, he wasn't worried about winning. Sebastian was going, simply to watch him. That, in itself, was enough to cause him to grow anxious.
Sebastian stopped Jim around the bend from the school, carefully turning the shorter teen to look at him. The entire cocky nature Sebastian always seemed to hold was visibly cracking, eyes turning downwards to watch his shifting feet. There was a sinking feeling in Jim's stomach, he recognized this behaivour. He'd seen it with his past group of outcast-friends. Right before they'd confronted him, asking him if he was gay...
and after that, they'd ditched him.
"There's been something I've been meaning to ask you..." He began, searching for the words as if they were swimming through the air between the two boys. Jim looked at the ground, eyes already filling with tears. He wasn't ready to lose Sebastian, his only friend... the boy he fell in love with.
"Yeah..?" There was this ominous feeling in the air, but it was broken suddenly by all the tension Sebastian had been building up. In a smooth motion, Jim's jaw was grasped by rough hands, and chapped lips crashed into his. His pulse rose to a WAY beyond healthy level, heart racing at the feeling. It was unexpected, surprising, and... what was the word?
By the time Sebastian pulled away, Jim was dizzy from lack of oxygen, and the pure amount of chemicals that had suddenly been released into his brain. Mentally, he was able to note them, but their letters were strewn across, varying in size and lacking discipline: Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin.
"Please, dear god, tell me you're at least bi?" Sebastian's gravely voice grounded him, the avid sportsman's breathing not nearly as labored as his own. All he could do is nod in response, causing a small smile to lift to Sebastian's face.
"And..? Could I do that, again?" This time, the nodding wasn't nearly as reserved or slow. It was furious, and desperate, and within a moment, his wish was granted, and their lips were joined again. Jim's arms hooked around Sebastian's neck, and the taller's hands fell to Jim's hips, pulling him close.
"I like you, Jim." He murmured in the small space between them as they broke apart. The admission nearly made Jim faint, his fingers tightening on the boy.
"I like you, too..." Sebastian grinned, breaking his hold to pull off his bag, and began digging through. All Jim could do is watch and stare in confusion, until Sebastian stood again, drawing out a small slip of paper, that he immediately tucked into Jim's hands.
"A lot of my mates are having their girlfriends and such sit in the box during the final game... I know it's not quite your thing, but I'd like you to be there?" It was the first time Jim had ever seen Sebastian blush, and he watched hope fill his blue eyes, flickering like sunlight against the ocean. God- those eyes...
By the time Jim regained his focus, Sebastian had pulled off his rugby jacket, and was handing it to him. Without a second thought, Jim took it, pulling the comically large jacket over his form.
"I want to be, yes- I'd like that, I really, really would!" Jim's eyes were lit up, a genuine happiness taking him over. A sudden realization struck him, his face practically turning purple from the deepening blush.
"So... this means I'm your-"
"Boyfriend? Love, obviously you are." Now that sounded phenomenal.

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