No Means No... Okay fine. (MoriartyxReader)

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Did Jim love you? More than anything. Did he want to give you everything you ever wanted? It shouldn't even be a question, of course he did. Was a fight about to break out, and would those two things come into play against his favor? Oh, most definitely.
You entered your home like any other day, only today you had one thing on your mind. A child. Children were one of those things that were just a sore spot for him. A very, very sore spot.
"Jim?" You knocked gently twice before gingerly opening the office door. Last time you hadn't, you found him in a terrible mood, nearly breaking his computer in half. So, this is what you opted to do instead.
"Yes, love?" He continued to type on the laptop, not really 'ignoring', yet not caring for your approaching presence. You slowly, gracefully, walked around the desk, allowing your finger tips to caress its glossy surface. That certainly got his attention. If there was one thing you knew for certain, it was how to turn on your lover. He shifted a bit, but cocked an eyebrow up, finally moving his gaze to you. He was a little shocked, but his eyes couldn't help but wander over your figure. One thing you never did was wear tights, and furthermore, tank tops. Too skimpy for your liking, but seeing as his bottom lips was tucked neatly under the other, Jim definitely did.
"Love, what're you doing?" He asked in an almost scolding manner, unable to draw his eyes away. Instead of answering, you gently sat down on his lap, twisting and twirling his tie ever so gently, pretending to be completely transfixed by it.
"Y/n? Are you listening? Y/n, dearest, what is going on here?" He never did like not knowing things. You slowly lifted your eyes to look into his, finally noticing how different he looked than normal, how his actions weren't that of the Jim you knew. He looked like a deer in the headlights, his heart always sped up around you, but this was different. This time it was pounding in sheer terror.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" You feigned total innocence, despite the compromising position. His eyes narrowed at you, before they peaked up a bit.
"This? Really? Now?" One eyebrow quirked up like they always did, and that's when your plan started to crumble.
"What ever do you mean?" You knew it was too late to fake your innocence in trying to deceive him, but it wasn't too late to seduce him.
"I mean that I know about your little plan. Really? A baby? Really?" He almost seemed upset at you, but made no move to remove you from your place. This was a hot topic between you both. Jim's point of view always being the same; children are horrible, but fathering a child is the absolute worst.
"Jim, I don't see why having kids is such a terrible thing! We got married when I was 22, and now it's been about six years. Six years since you promised that when the time arose-" he pinched the space between his eyes, like he was trying to relieve a headache, yet kept an arm firm around your waist, unwilling to let you fall.
"Darling, I said if-"
"Well too bad about your 'exact words' Jim! The time is here and I want to have a baby!" He forced himself to remain calm, composing all his emotions to the back of his mind. No need to deal with those now.
"Love, no, alright? I've said it once, and I'll say it again, we are absolutely not having a kid!" That was it. You freaked. One shred of normalcy to your insane life- that's all you asked- One little thing to make your life complete. A beautiful bundle of joy. You weren't asking for anything he'd have to waste time on, you expressed that you were perfectly capable of taking care of a baby alone, without him, and all he did was say 'The answers still no, y/n!' This, this was the last straw. You've stayed when he faked his death, when he let himself get beaten and tortured, when he got himself caught, and even when he decided to start this entire thing. You always did what Jim wanted. It was your time. In a raging fury you leapt from your spot, immediately slamming your foot to the floor like they were magnetized.
"AND WHY THE HELL NOT!?" Your anger had been boiling for a while now, this was just the lid blowing off, "BECAUSE IT'S ALL ABOUT JIM MORIARTY? Or is it because you just don't love me anymore?" His heart cracked at the thought, knowing very well that simply wasn't possible, "Because I'd rather you just tell me so I can stop wasting my time!" Black stained streaks, from eyeliner and mascara, ran down your cheeks, eager to make it to the perceived finish line. Jim's eyes widened in fear, both of not knowing what to do and the thought that you would leave. Then the sudden thought struck him...
"What do you mean 'wasting your time'? Of course I love you, not so sure we're even on the same page anymore!" Now he was mad as well. That was just great. Your teeth gritted in rage, tired of biting your tongue, of being just 'Moriarty's wife'. You were sick of just being an extension of Jim.
"I mean I want a child! And I wanted a child with someone I loved, and who loved me, that's 'what I mean'! What is so wrong with a baby, Jim? What's so wrong in having a family?!"
"Are you seriously still arguing this? Are you seriously that ordinary?" And there it went. Six years of love and joy- gone. He knew the moment he said it, he messed up. Because being ordinary, meant being normal. Being normal meant you and Jim- well, you just didn't belong.
"Love, that's not what I-"
"Shut it. I see how it is. I'll be gone by tomorrow, until then, enjoy the couch!" You stomped out of the office and your words caught up to his processing speeds. Three words echoing inside him, three words destroying him in a way only you could...
Gone by tomorrow
You were leaving...
Gone by tomorrow
He lost the only thing that ever mattered...
Gone by tomorrow
He lost you. You'd be gone by tomorrow, and he made the biggest mistake he knew he ever could.
Gone by tomorrow
It didn't take long for his broken shell to stumble down the grand stairs, to slump into the couch. Wasn't the first time this had happened. Heaven and hell only knew there would ever only be one woman that could force Jim Moriarty to sleep on the couch, but it had always almost been like a comfort to him. Because usually it meant some space, time to cool off, it meant that in the morning he'd wake up, apologies would be spoken, and then life would be perfect again. This time, it provided no such comfort. No. It was taunting him. But saying no would be better than giving in... Than having to watch in horror after life passed by and he realized he'd done the one thing he promised himself he'd never do. Hurt you. Mostly this meant physically, which you understood, he grew up in an abusive home. But you needed someone who wouldn't hurt you emotionally either, and well... He wasn't doing a mighty good job at that one either. His eyes shut, desperately hoping he'd wake up soon enough to talk you out of this, knowing he could never change your mind until you rested, cooled down a bit. And for a split second, in the purest darkness of sleep's trance, he found peace. And then, it was gone.

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