The Moran Project (Part III)

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Request; 'The Moran Project' Part III
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Level; 4. I'm sorry, I do love this mini-series, it's just I had to go through and find all the little details and I had set up a complex plot and whatever.

This is the third Part. Should I make this a mini-book? It won't go past this, but if I break it into 1000 word chapters... it's six parts... yay or nay? Would you guys go vote on this if I did? Because I'm not going to if no one's going to b/c they've already read it...

You hadn't really spoken all that much in the last few days, and they were starting to worry. Even though Jim was pissed about it, he'd accepted that you'd fallen for the 'consulting detective'. Sebastian, however, did not. Between what he'd seen happen at the flat, and all the two years that the detective had made you both think Jim was dead. He still blamed Sherlock for that one (even though it was Jim's fault) and refused to believe you could just ignore that. But, you could. Because it wasn't Sherlock's fault, and you were smitten with the detective. *insert shrug*
"Seb?" Jim knocked on the door to his bedroom, concerned by the fact that you had been in the exact same position on the couch since noon yesterday, and it was nearing dinner time. You hadn't moved a muscle.
"What, Boss?" Jim slinked in, already knowing what he had to say might get him full of holes. And not the good kind, either.
"You know, she hasn't moved in the last 17 hours..." He mused, pretending to be distracted by the dust accumulated on Sebastian's desk. He could feel Sebastian's want to shoot him, clearly already knowing what the man was about to say.
"No. There's got to be another solution." He snapped, snapping the pull of his rifle back on. Jim wanted to scream. He just wanted you back. You chiding him when he got home because 'Westwood suits are expensive and VERY hard to iron, Jim!' when he got something on one- and let's face it, that was near daily. Though, what he missed most was you distracting him from his work after you deemed he'd spent too much time in his office. How could Sebastian be so thick headed?
"We should set her up with someone!" Sebastian rationalized. If you were so desperate for love that Sherlock Holmes had become your type, you just needed to meet someone worthy of your affections. Jim hated this plan already.

It'd been a few days since you were taken back by your brother and Jim, and Sherlock hadn't left his mind palace since. It was actually pretty concerning- even Mycroft thought so. But the man refused to leave it. It was the only place he could re-experience the week's worth of memories he'd made. His favorite is when you'd gone on an elementary case, and when anyone tried to talk to you, you'd slink deeper in between him and John. Everyone had thought it was downright rude, and he'd felt the instinctual need to correct them, or as John put it, protect you. He even had a special little room dedicated to them, it had quickly become one of his favorites.
"What the hell do we do, Mycroft?!" John snapped over the phone. Honestly, Mycroft had absolutely no clue. Such events had never happened before, so what did John expect of him? Neither wanted to admit Sherlock needed to see you... A beep came from Mycroft's end...

"Holmes." Mycroft answered precisely, not quite knowing what to expect.
"Hello~, Ice Man!" Jim responded, trying to set aside his worry and fear. Sebastian was in another room planning a blind date for you, and Jim was supposed to find someone for you to go out with. It just so happened that he chose Sherlock. He was just told to find someone, not someone other than Sherlock... Right? Oh chuck, Sebastian was going to kill him.
"Moriarty." Mycroft spat, the name disgusting as it forced itself to be dragged along his tongue in a greeting. Jim was almost more afraid Mycroft would object to the idea in itself, given who Sherlock's suitor was...
"No need to be so harsh; I'm only interested in helping Sherlock..." And his friend, but Mycroft would get that point once the plot had been explained. For a moment, there was silence. Then another moment, and another. Mycroft didn't know what to think, his first thought wasn't you, nor your relation to Moriarty. It was a single word... trap.
"Of course you are, now, you have three minutes before I terminate ou-" Jim cut him off in what could only be described as a desperate plea. He needed Sherlock to show up to the restaurant. He didn't have another option.
"Iwanthimtogoonadatewithy/n." He sped quickly in a single word so Mycroft couldn't hang up. The older Holmes paused for a moment, surprised, surely.
"I want Sherlock to go on a date with y/n." Jim calmed down, rubbing the back of his neck in a gentle motion. A desperate attempt to relax himself. If there was once thing Jim Moriarty never was, it was desperate... except for this to work.
"She hasn't moved from the couch in four days. I've checked the cameras- she hasn't even used the loo. I'm worried. Sebastian's sending her on a blind date, and I'm in charge of setting up the other party... if Sherlock isn't any better, then fine. Ignore me. But I know he isn't, and I know you're just as worried as I am." The entire first entry seemed like he was in a confessional, but he knew he'd need a proper reason before Mycroft agreed. The second was more to convince him this was completely necessary, Mycroft didn't exactly put Jim above using you two's attachment to his full advantage. He could hear Mycroft's distress from the opposite end.
"Do you want to see the video?" He offered in a small sigh, already linking the attachment to an email. The man agreed, and it was sent not a moment later. Jim knew Mycroft was about to agree when he heard the disgruntled grunt of giving up come from the other side.
"We'll need to speak with John."

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