Signatures (Mystrade)

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Day Eleven of SHIPPING HELL!
(This is a different style than I usually write in that I tried out, so this is a little shorter than most of my works. I hope you guys like it! Enjoy!!)

Mycroft could sign any paper expected of him for work, without hesitation. But, in his personal life, it seemed to get harder with every signature.
On his first date with Gregory, his hand was shaking as he signed their bill. The pure terror and shock of finding (for lack of a better phrase) a goldfish he could tolerate, caused his hands to quake so much, the 'c' in his name looked like an 'e', and the closest reading the waiter could make out was, "Myenoft Holmoz." But there was something even more... profound. He was a certain emotion, that he couldn't quite figure out. Possibly... exhilarated?
Then there was the lopsided signature that fell off the page on their 132nd date, to the exact same restaurant, because of how fast his Darling Gregory drew his attention by getting down on one knee, and the pen fell straight from his hand in his shock. Not his proudest moment, but one of his happiest.
Now, by their wedding day, he thought he had it under control. There was no way he could mess up signing his own marriage license- after all, he practiced. And smiling fondly, his fiancé went through it with him, each and every time, until Mycroft thought he had it down. Yes, they had 726 "marriage licenses" sitting idly around their home, but each time Greg found one from where it'd previously been hiding, he'd chuckle, and put it in a folder to bring to work with him. After all, the pure sentiment of the papers in relation to his brother caused Sherlock to stop snooping in wherever he found them. So... they weren't completely pointless, and Greg found them touching, and they never failed to make him smile.
By the big day, however, his veins were pumping blood throughout him so fast that it made the cathedral spin, and his stomach was doing so many tumbling routines that Mycroft thought he'd vomit. Luckily, he made it through the reception, and with Greg's arm supporting him, managed a not-quite-half-decent signature... before he fainted.
When Greg was forced awake at four a.m., after he and Mycroft's discussion the previous night, he didn't tell his husband to "sod off," like he normally would. No, he wasn't upset at all. He simply got out of bed, a soft smile playing on his lips, and allowed Mycroft to lead him to the same desk they'd used to practice signing for their marriage. He listened as Mycroft droned on and on, his smile never faltering, and gaze never ceasing to be full of pure, unadulterated love as he gazed at his spouse. When Mycroft handed him then pen, he signed with ease, and watched Mycroft do the same.
Near silently, he whispered, "They're all yours." Just to add to the simulation. He heard Mycroft's breath hitch quietly, before seeing his blue eyes staring back at him. 28 seconds was all it took for an overjoyed, yet nervous smile pull to Mycroft's lips, and 10 more for their lips to meet.
Sadly, however, the practice had done him about as much good as shoes on a camel, when it came to the actual thing. Three trips to the bathroom to vomit later, and after passing out twice, Mycroft Finally managed to sign "Mycroft Lestrade" on all the necessary lines, even if it was a bit... illegible. The woman stood up, her pin labeled, "De Colores Adoption" glimmering in the light. She wore a cheery smile, hand lifting to shake the new parents'.
"She's all yours." She said kindly as Greg returned the shake... meanwhile, Mycroft has passed out, again. However, this wasn't out of the fear of the unknown, or the stress of child adoption- this was something different, all together. An overwhelming sense of happiness had flushed over him one moment, and the next, he was in the darkness of his subconscious, the picture of the baby girl he'd memorized since the day they first saw your file playing over and over again in his head, along with all the wondrous things Greg had assured him would come with this huge decision- but, at the end of it all, there was one thing that made his heart practically burst.
"Y/n Holmes-Lestrade," and all because he managed a decent signature.

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