A Dangerous Affair (MoriartyxReader

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I did say to expect a lot of MoriartyxReader... I have school bound friends that need cheered up.
If you have a request, PM me. I'm still working on some others, and I have lost a few... Wattpad was being wonky and now I can't find them. I blame Wattpad 100%. This has been a Warning. Resend me your request if it's been a really long time. Okay? Okay.

Hands pinned to the wall, and the most dangerous man in the world's lips attacking your neck. This had become the norm when your boyfriend was too busy for you, and you always felt guilty afterwards. Hell, you felt guilty at the beginning of one of these sessions, too. But- Jim was just so... sexy.
He could feel your reservation, like there always was, and he hated that. You always thought about Sherlock, always felt that same guilt, when you should be focusing on him. What was so special about that damn detective anyways? He ignored and neglected you- he'd never do that. No, no, no- you would be his queen, and he'd treat you as such. But you already felt horrid enough about having an affair with the consulting criminal, for how good you let him make you feel. So, for now, this would work.
"You have got to relax, Kitten." He purred into your ear, letting your wrists go temporarily to unbutton your white blouse. He didn't understand how Sherlock could possibly ignore you. If you were his, he'd be too busy admiring you to get work done.
You nodded, taking a few deep breaths, tossing your shirt aside, letting him pin your hands, again. Jim was masterful at this- lips burning your skin, making you hotter by the second, a few simple nips and kissed making your hips buck into his. But he could still feel how tense you were. Chuck- he hated Sherlock.
"Babe, jut forget about him for twenty minutes, so we can get this show on the road, yeah?" He murmured against the tender flesh of your breasts, getting increasingly annoyed with all of this.
"I'm used to him being hours away when we do this- not just across London, cut me some slack!" You snapped back, hitting your head against the wall. He rolled his eyes, and continued, using his knee to separate your legs, and smirked when you instinctively wrapped them around his waist. His lips were suddenly on yours, teeth quickly joining the kiss, nipping and biting your lips. He knew better to leave any marks, but man, did he wish he could. He'd mark you as his in any and every way. Not just by having his way with you. Your wrists would be bruised, and you'd have too many hickeys to count painted all over your body. Your nails would create art across his back, and all down his arms. He'd want you to leave more marks than you already did.
And he wouldn't have to watch you flounce around with his enemy, after. Kissing in the safety of the flat, and watching you wear that stupid purple scarf. Only when Sherlock remembered he had a freaking girlfriend, of course. That's what annoyed him most of all- Sherlock had you, this wonderful, gorgeous, intelligent woman, and he didn't even remember you were his.
"Who's distracted, now? What? Your little pet mess up your tie, again?" You taunted, tugging on it with your, now free, hands. He scoffed, pulling the offending garment off. He hated when you did that- but loved it, too... damn you, being all witty and sarcastic.
He threw the tie to the side, tossing you on your bed, landing on top of you.
"I'll show you distracted." He growled seductively, attacking your lips, again, hands roaming over your body until they got to your shorts. Your hands made quick work of his button-up, and, even more quickly, it joined yours. His body pressed against yours, lips exploring your skin as his hands began to push your shorts down.
You both froze when the door buzzed.
"Y/n?" John called, already trying to find the spare key. You threw yourself up, pushing Jim aside as you hurriedly pulled up your shorts and snatched the white button ups from the ground.
"Closet- now!" You demanded as Jim straightened out his pants. He didn't get a chance to respond as you began pushing him towards the door.
"Closet? Really?" He complained as he was force among your things.
"You're the side-guy, you go into the closet- get over it." You snapped, pulling on one shirt while tossing the other while he was distracted looking at a set of lingerie.
"Suddenly not so disapproving of the closet." He mused, taking a closer look. You scoffed offendedly, buttoning up the shirt as quick as you could. He looked to you with a small smirk, by it quickly dropped.
"Y/-" You didn't have time for his nonsense.
"Shut up, you're staying in the closet." You hissed, shutting the door quickly, then hurrying out to meet John, pulling your hair into a decent looking pony.
You opened the door with a cheery smile, "Hey, John." You chirped, smiling. He returned the smile, coming in, not really taking a good look at your attire. Your heart felt like it would break open your chest cavity at any moment. You could still taste your betrayal in your mouth, and you hated that it tasted like expensive Irish whiskey and mint gum. It was the worst taste betrayal could have.
"Hello, y/n," he said kindly, moving to your sitting room, "sorry about the case, it really has Sherlock distracted, so I decided to come over for a bit." He said brightly, sitting down with a smile. You nodded, faking one back.
Jim wanted to gag- he could hear every word. Yep, John had to come save Sherlock's relationship, and save his stupid arse. No one would ever see Sebastian doing this, because Jim would never ignore you for two days straight.
"That's nice of you, John, but really, it's fine." You said, setting the kettle to a boil. That's when John took a closer look at your shirt.
"Um..." His eyes narrowed on the tag hanging from the shirt, "Westwood?" He asked, clearly confused. Jim rolled his eyes, using the door to the bathroom to get around into the kitchenette, while your breath caught in your throat. He held up the blouse you threw him in your rush.
"Wrong shirt." You silently cursed yourself as he moved to return it to you. He picked up the collar of your shirt, making a show to point it out.
"I know Westwood when I see it." That was what he'd been trying to tell you when you told him to shut up... and now John knew about your affair with Moriarty. He smirked, leaning against your counter, arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the flabbergasted John.
"You're cheating on Sherlock- with Moriarty?! Why!?" He demanded, standing up in a fit of anger and disgust. His eyes showed how betrayed he felt and you couldn't even blame him.
"John, it's just that-"
"Sherlock ignores her, neglects her, sometimes forgets she exists and that she's his girlfriend- plus, I rather like to think I'm a pretty good shag." He said cockily, maybe even spitefully. You went red at his words, shaking your head quickly.
"N-No- John's it isn't like that-" John was already coming over to either chew you out or punch Jim. Either option wasn't exactly a good one...
"John- please, don't tell Sherlock." You begged, Jim's jaw ticking. John looked ready to say something, but Jim beat him to the punch- no pun intended.
"Or do. It's not like he'd care enough to actually exert the energy to break up with you anyway." He shrugged casually as both you and John stopped. John knew Sherlock was, well, Sherlock. And that he didn't always remember you guys had plans, or your birthday, or... that you existed at all... sometimes he'd say rude things to you... or kick you out when you were crying because a relative died and he needed to go to his mind palace... okay, so there was nothing positive about you and Sherlock's relationship, but cheating? Especially with Moriarty? That was low.
You spun around to Jim after the initial shock, "He would to care!" You insisted as he looked over his manicured nails.
"You mean like he did when your grandmother died? Or... would it be more like when he let you stay kidnapped for 47 hours because there was a more interesting case and he didn't realize you were gone for the first 36 of those hours?" He mused sarcastically. Tears pricked your eyes, because he was right. Sherlock would be more concerned with the fact that Moriarty was sleeping with his girlfriend, than his girlfriend was sleeping with Moriarty. He wouldn't care that you cheated on him- he'd care that Moriarty took time out to screw you. John sat there, a tad shocked at the disdain that Irish accent held, a hatred that you didn't hear. Jim could've seen anyone, or he could've told Sherlock in hopes of crushing him, but he didn't. Why..?
"Screw you, Jim!" You snapped suddenly, more tears gathering in your eyes. You spun away from him, only to have him pull you back around, and use his thumb to wipe away your still coming tears. He didn't drop his dead eyes or displeased look- never in front of John, but you were his primary concern right now.
"Oh, hush, now, Sweetheart. I'm sure I'm completely incorrect and Sherlock will find a way to forgive you." He lied easily. He couldn't bear to see you cry, especially at something he said. How dare Sherlock? He had a wonderful woman with a heart of gold, and the sweetest smile there ever was, and all he did was send her into waves of tears.
John's curiosity got the better of him, and he spoke up, even if it meant his doom, "What exactly do you get out of this, then?" Jim froze, thumb halfway across your cheek. What he got out of it? Listening to the woman he loved scream his name and trash talk his nemesis were two pretty fair reasons, but... no. He couldn't say that. Then you'd push him away, and he'd never see you again, under any capacity, even an enemy. But he couldn't say he was using you, because then he'd be just like Sherlock. Playing at your heart.
Which was less painful..?
"Simple. I have it over Sherlock, that I can have anything of his at anytime, and he doesn't even know I have it." Your eyes snapped open. Why you? Your hands collided with his chest, sending him to your kitchen floor, and you stormed back to your room. So what? The man you'd been seeing behind your boyfriend's back was just using you. So what, he was there when Sherlock wasn't? So what, you'd began to develop feeling for him? So what, he broke your heart?
Maybe you'd given into a small fantasy that the consulting criminal liked you, and might even have had loved you. Maybe you'd given him the power to break your heart.
Maybe the sound of your table crashing wasn't said consulting criminal being punched by John.

Jim got back to his place a long while later, jaw bruised and eye swollen. Sebastian rose a brow before heading to grab an ice pack.
"Thought you said she wasn't into that?" He joked, tossing the smaller man the cooling relief. Jim carefully pressed it to his jaw.
"Johnny-Boy came a knockin'." He grumbled, slouching onto the couch. Sebastian grabbed a couple beers and joined his boss on the couch, ready to listen to what happened.
A long story later (telling Sebastian absolutely everything), he finally got to what John had said, "...then that stupid fool asked me, 'what do you get out of this, then?' And of course, I lied-" Sebastian stopped him there, rubbing his temple, knowing he'd need another beer after this.
"Woah, Boss- you lied? Girl just realized her boyfriend doesn't give a flying rat's behind about her, and you say that you- let me remind you, that you're the person she has been going to when Sherlock is being an arse- and you lie and say that you don't care about her, either?" Jim flinched, realizing his major mistake right there, but not wanting to admit it.
"So what? I should've just said, 'Can't lie- I'm in love with her and this is legitimately the only way I'll probably ever get her because she refuses to leave her arrogant sod of a boyfriend'?" He snapped back, earning a bemused look from Sebastian.

Whoops. This got long.
I will be making this Happy Carlee and Katie- I swear it. And there will be smut for Carls. Aka- PART II!!

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