Birthday Girl (SherlockxReader)

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"He just wants you to celebrate your birthday, y/n! He's your brother, he doesn't want you working on this super-special day!" Persephone tried. You knew the only reason she was offering to work your shift was because she was absolutely terrified of your brother, but you wouldn't budge. He didn't control your life, and he never would.
"Listen to me Persephone, I'm working my shift. If he has a problem, he can talk to me himself." You turned, pulling the white-as-bloody-purity apron around your waist, and continued to walk out the double swing doors. The restaurant you worked at wasn't exactly glamorous, but you didn't mind all that much.
After your brother ruined your career in criminology, you desperately needed a job, and they desperately needed a genius who could do all the 'complicated' maths in her head, while making sure the place was running smoothly. Luckily, you found each other. Making your way over to your first table, where two gentlemen (one hobbit-type, the other reminded you of Spock, what with the emotionless exterior and calculating gaze and all) sat.
"Can I get you gentlemen anything to drink tonight?" You scanned the smaller-blond man, noting he was married, to a woman most likely, Doctor, military. Then turned your gaze to the taller one. Detective, hobbit's best friend, yada yada. Boring. Wait- No. You knew these two. What was Sherlock Holmes and John Watson doing here?
"We're actually looking for someone, we don't know their first name, but his last name would be 'Moriarty'?" John was ever so polite, wasn't he? Almost made you want to answer him. That could be interesting.
"I knew who you speak of. Brother's trying to get 'em to go out tonight. Even contacted some of the fellow staff." The smooth answer almost seemed to catch the hobbit off guard, but Sherlock narrowed his eyes in interest.
"You mean the people around here willingly speak to Jim Moriarty?" His eyes were wide, and you almost started to feel bad. NO ONE 'willingly' spoke to James C. Moriarty. Absolutely no one.
"No, but we tolerate it. Seems this place can't run without Moriarty Junior." This was actually quite fun. This stupid man didn't even realize who he was talking to! Suddenly, there is a shout from the back.
"WHERE IS SHE!?" Everyone in the restaurant snapped their heads towards the doors leading to the kitchen.
"The bloody hell was that?" That would be Sebastian Moran. He's probably scared of Jim. Or... Maybe it was Severin. Likely the prior.
"It would seem someone came in through the back, and I'll have to ask them to leave. Excuse me a moment." You calmly walked to the back kitchen area, and gave the, literal, most unamused face in the universe.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Sebastian." You crossed your arms, shifting your weight to your right leg, leaning into your hip. His lips pursed in a tight line.
"Look, y/n, your my friend, and I get you. You don't like this. This isn't you, but please he's my boss, best friend, and he's worried about you. You've done nothing but work and stay cooped up in your flat for nearly a week." Sebastian begged. You walked to him, spun him around, and pushed him out the door, before returning to the dining area.
"Hey! Y/n!" Gladia called, "Calculator on this damn thing's broke, again. Two swifts, a liquor on rocks, a four, and a seven, plus two chocolate cakes." Not missing a beat, you answered.
"34.76, plus 10% tip, because let's face it, they've sent a dish back," You dropped a dish at some lonely guy who got stood up, "we've got 38.24, next time, don't press the buttons so hard." She nodded, scribbling down the amount down, just as you came back to the Holmes and Watson table. John looked like he just saw one of the most spectacular things he'd ever seen, and even Sherlock seemed slightly impressed. Maybe just amused, he was good at hiding his emotions.
"Can I get you two anything?" You said with a quaint smile, and Sherlock seemed to narrow his eyes at you.
"Now you are interesting... Eidetic memory?" You shrugged, smirking proudly.
"What can I say? Extraordinary doesn't wait on the ordinary." His brow furrowed slightly but he smiled. You two both stared at each other a little more, and John started to question what was happening. In short, his main thoughts included;
Those two are perfect for each other
Why does she seem familiar?
She was WAY too calm when that guy shouted
Does Sherlock like her?
Woah-he does!
Does she like him?
Yes, I would say she likes him back
After a bit longer of their little staring contest, John finally began to feel a bit uncomfortable.
"You find me attractive." Sherlock added cockily. John was positive this was the moment you keeled over in embarrassment, but instead, you sunk down to his level, staring him in the eye, blinked a few times, and then smirked. SMIRKED!
"And you must find me charming!" You said a little sing-songly (who did that remind John of?!), "Because your pupils are displaying a rapid amount and your forehead and palms are slick. So, how about we exchange numbers and we can accuse each other of random crap until next time?" Was she flirting with Sherlock? Wait- was he flirting with her?! This was uncharted territory for John, and he had absolutely no clue what to do. His idea meter was at absolute 0.
"Deal." Sherlock's lips lifted into what seemed like a half-forced, half-genuine smile. She took a napkin and scribbled down her number, handing the napkin to Sherlock, who was already handing her his'.
"Have you solved your case yet?" You asked with what seemed to be genuine interest. Sherlock became very confused, very fast. Looks like he had forgotten the reason they came here.
"Well, don't worry, you will be in 5... 4... 3... 2..."
"Y/N M/N MORIARTY!" You brother practically screamed from the back kitchen, causing an a dramatic eye roll from you, before looking to John, who was as surprised as Sherlock. let's just say, Sherlock would've done a spit take, had he been drinking at the moment. They should've been expecting it.
"He is ever so demanding. Can't even decide how to spend my own birthday!" You whispered as if it were some random piece of gossip. The sound of the doors clanging together, and John suddenly looking terrified behind you, told you Jim had decided to drag you out.
"The hell, Y/n!" He began pulling you by your arm, away from Sherlock and Watson, "You two," he motioned his finger between Sherlock and John, "Stay away from my sister. I ever see either of you near her- I will not hesitate to have you ta'liqued." He began his way back towards the door, but you stole your arm back. You quickly dusted yourself off, and he turned around, impatiently tapping his foot as he waited for you.
"One, that's a new one, congrats. Two, OW! Three, that would help absolutely none, because they know where I work, they have my phone number, and I literally live across the street. Think that through next time. Four, I'm not celebrating, I have a shift to finish, and you need to get out. You're scaring the customers." You sassed. Jim was going from only-slightly-upset to you're-annoying-the-bloody-hell-out-of-me--be-prepared-to-be-thrown-out-a-window.
"A, thanks, took me awhile. B, sorry. C," he raised his voice to mock you, "Looks like you're getting a new area of town to live in, congrats! D, you're bloody coming with me, screw your damn shift, and GOOD! They should be!" You and James were an interesting pair. It was a sight to behold when you two argued. Mainly because it was less of arguing (well, on your end), and more of listing things.
"I'm not doing this; Jim. Get out. I'm staying, this is my shift, my life, and you've already ruined enough of it. Say hi to Sev for me." You pointed to the door. Jim's irritated exterior suddenly dissolved into a confused one. You smirked as he became totally complacent, and began shoving him to the door as he tried to figure out what that meant.
"W'do you mean 'already ruined enough of it?" He really could be such a child sometimes. It was like talking to a puppy with the world's most high-pitched bark, hard to resist, but over all annoying.
"I'll explain later. Good bye, Jimmy." You shut the door behind him, dusting yourself off as people began giving a standing ovation. Idiots. Suddenly, your phone chimed.

From Unrecognized;
Happy Birthday, Ms. Moriarty, hope to see you again.

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