Unkillable? (MoriartyxReader)

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I think I'm going to update a few times, and try to get to 55 parts by midnight, we'll see how we do. I'm following the voting criteria, so this was your guys' decisions!

He didn't know what was going on with him. He'd look at you, and suddenly, he didn't care where he was, or what he was doing. It was just you. Originally, he'd only courted you to get on your father's nerves. Mycroft's 28 year-old daughter? It was a 'don't mind if I do' sort of thing. He'd taken you out, and sure, sometimes you'd nearly get cold feet. Your better judgement would tell you to just stay home or something. But then he'd flash his charming smile, and you'd follow him to some flashy restaurant, him flaunting his beautiful date. For Jim, today was the day. He was going to kill you, get rid of his current weakness. He picked you up from work that day, which was a surprise to you, because you hadn't planned anything together. He took your arm as he escorted you out of the building, his first trap lying in wait. Sebastian Moran could hit a paper plate from a mile away. But Jim's plan had one little kink in it. You stopped him right in front of the door, remembering the last time he surprised you.
"You aren't taking me to watch a highly illegal activity, are you?" You questioned, looking into his eyes. He swore time froze for a second, before he caught hold of himself.
"Define highly illegal." Technically, killing you was highly illegal. And for some reason, he felt very solemn about this fact.
"Torture, first degree murder, or high treason? Wait-is something going to blow up? Add terrorism to that list." Jim had to bite his lips to suppress his smile, as your joking tone slipped through, despite how truly serious you were. Killing the head of MI-6's kid is terrorism...
"Now why would I do any of those activities? Do you think me insane?" He dramatically moved his head with his words.
"Uh, yeah." You stated blandly, cocking an eyebrow at you. No, he couldn't have Sebastian kill you. But why not? Pulling out his phone to call of the sniper, he decided he wanted to do it himself. Be all personal, and the like.
"Quite right, too." He tapped your cheek twice, knowing there was no way from turning back from doing the deed himself. Sebastian would contact the two back up plans, and cancel them, leaving him to commit his own crime. Escorting you outside as he smirked to himself, he immediately pulled you into the car with him, knowing his driver would immediately take you to the Calvert Hotel. He'd always wanted to push someone off of there... Once there, he immediately took you by your wrist, pulling you through the crowds of people, dodging a multitude of his acquaintances, as he drug you to the elevator. Once inside he hit the button to the roof like a toddler excited to just press the button. He was hopping up on the balls of his feet, bouncing and look this way and that. The sight made you laugh just a bit, causing him immediately to freeze, soaking up the small sound. A sound he'd never hear again after today... Why did that make him so depressed? It was a real damper in his mood...
He looked at you, now deeper in thought about what was about to be done. He felt excited earlier, when he was only thinking about the action and the planning, but now he stopped to consider the victim... It was just begrudging.
"Jim?" You asked, slightly worried all of a sudden. His grin spread back to his face, remembering how much this would hurt Mycroft, and he went back to his bouncy ways. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open the the rooftop. This was it, the moment he'd been waiting for... You followed him towards the ledge, and he extended his arm, a way to tell you to take a look.
"Jim, is there a body on the pavement below? Police outcry? Because I know for a fact you aren't one to look at a pretty view." You stepped up to him, looking slightly over the ledge.
"No..." He jested, and suddenly, you felt what felt like someone pushing you, but two strong arms immediately snaked around your waist, suspending you halfway over the edge. They slipped even the tiniest bit, and you'd fall to your death. He pulled you back over, looking intently on the path of the descent. Why had he just saved you? He hadn't meant to- it was like a muscle memory reaction, but he'd done similar things before, and never had this happen. Looking around to confirm what you already knew, and seeing no one was there, you suddenly went off on a very distracted Jim.
"THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Your adrenaline was pumping, and you knew you had to be shouting. Still, he didn't even react.
"You're too close to me. I can't have any weaknesses." His voice was just above a whisper, like he was still processing what just happened.
"So you push me off a roof and then catch me to...? What? Scare me?!" You knew he was crazy, but this made even less sense than usual.
"No. I was going to kill you... I tried to push you..." His finger pointed to the air in front of him, just about the ledge, and he looked like he was trying to trace out what had happened in his head. You wanted to scream.
"But then I caught you. That wasn't part of the plan..." He thought aloud, his brow knitting together.
"I did this earlier, too... Why can't I kill you?" He seemed suddenly very agitated, his eyes darting every which way, and you tried not to show how freaked out you were. He turned to you suddenly.
"Why can't I kill you?" His voice was a whisper, and you were fully afraid he might just change his mind, and throw you off anyway.
"Oh great, I'm in love with with a psychopath who just tried to throw me off a twenty seven story building... What has happened to my life?" You buried your face in your hands, and it suddenly clicked in Jim's head. The fascination, adoration he had for you... how he tended to wander off and get lost in the E/c fields when he looked into your eyes... he'd gotten excited every time he planned an outing with you... He knew he held a certain amount of sentiment... but was this even possible. You felt his hands on either side of your face, and he lifted your head up to look at him. He knew it before you'd even noticed it. His pupils dilated.
"I love you." The breathless and almost terrified statement was foreign on his tongue, and it took you more than just a moment to process it, but that was all you had until his lips enveloped yours in a much needed kiss.

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