~JW (Teen!Watsonxreader)

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Request; Teen!lock; JohnxReader
Requested by; @-consultingfangirl-
Level; 7/8, I enjoyed this a lot more than I usually enjoy John... That was a bit mean... SORRY JAWN!
Also; I'm doing a contest this V-day! I've hidden a hecka ton of references all throughout these updates! PM me with as many as you can find!

"John, if you like them, why wouldn't you just talk to them? Like all those girls you flirt with. It makes no sense." Sherlock scrunched his nose up distastefully at his friend's weekly letter.
"Because, I flirt with every girl." He continued adding to the lines of his letter. He finished with a quote from Romeo and Juliette, he'd never actually read it, but he hoped you'd like the quote he'd chosen. He signed it with two simple letters; JW. His initials.
"Exactly, why do you act like this endeavor is any different than previous?" John's blue eyes glared their ice into his taller friend. Sherlock shrugged off his complaint, and began scanning the surrounding area.
"They're special, Sherlock, and I want them to feel it." John snapped at the genius. He sealed the envelope quickly, hurrying to sign it to; Beloved, Y/N L/N. Now all he had to do was drop it in their locker.
"Well, you need to find a more efficient way then, John." Sherlock was suddenly hyper-aware of, who'd quickly been recognized as, John's opposite going to talk to you. Sebastian. Moran. Spinning around, John caught the sight of your clearly blushing cheeks as Sebastian charmed you with ocean-blue eyes. Jim was nearby, seeming bored with the entire situation, but casually looking a few people up. Not missing the opportunity to annoy the hedgehog and wanna-be detective, he didn't miss you in that collection. And just to flaunt it, he sent a sly smirk and a wink to them. John immediately grew tense, teeth gritting against each other. He was ready to cave that snob-nosed brat's face in.
"He's just doing it to irritate us, don't act rash, John." Sherlock stopped him, being the voice of reason. Not loosing his anger, he stormed off to place the letter in your locker. Maybe he should just sign it with his name. Between him, Jack, Jason, Julian, Jillian, and about seven others, there was about 12 kids with the initials JW within a year of your grade. And you had no way of knowing who your secret admirer even was. It was a bit disappointing, to say the least.
"They're such douchebags!" John exclaimed, gritting his teeth so he didn't make too much noise. Sherlock sighed, following John to the usual locker marked '220'. He quickly slipped the letter into the slot, and panicking when he heard your voice flowing around the corner. Grabbing Sherlock's arm, he pulled him around the corner.
You were talking to Mikah and Adrian, as they attempted to talk you into accepting Sebastian's offer to Melanie's party on Thursday. It wasn't going well, so Adrian changed the subject to embarrass you into submission. Because, "how else would she?"
"Have you gotten your weekly lovey-wovey letter yet?" She teased, adding a kissy face at the end. Rolling your eyes, you sighed 'no', while Mikah hit her arm.
"Do you think it's him? John?" Mikah asked as if it were some huge secret that you liked him. Rolling your eyes, you pushed past them and to your locker. You loved getting the letters, even if they weren't from John. They were just a little up-lifter. Besides, the idea that there was a possibility they were from the handsome blonde sent your heart a flutter! You were definitely smitten by the school's drama blogger, even though most girls were more interested in the Military brat that seemed to be flirting with you an awful lot as of late. It was hard not to be flattered by his charming smile and sweet comments- but they were nothing compared to the words you read every Friday. Opening your locker, your note fell into your hands, Mikah and Adrian immediately searching the area for any sign of who left it. Nothing, of course. You tore open the letter, your smile and blush growing in time with the rate of your heart. He signed off with a quote from Romeo and Juliet... You brought the note to your heart, a small sigh escaping your lips as your mind wandered to what if John was the one leaving them. It just made it all the more romantic, in your mind. Suddenly, the note was snatched from your hands, and Mikah was racing down the hallway, while Adrian blocked your path.
"What the-" Adrian cut you off, a menacing smile stretching to her face, while you stood confused.
"We told you to take the damn notes to Sherlock weeks ago. Since you refuse to, we are going to for you!" At the mention of Sherlock, you suddenly started trying to break through the barrier the school's football captain was making, any sense of luck being futile.

Mikah finally made his way to Sherlock's "hideout". It was an abandoned science lab where he took, what he called 'cases', and conducted weird experiments. Mikah strolled in, his breathing only heaving slightly from years of practice.
"Yes, Mikah?" He snapped, eyes never leaving his microscope. Mikah was too scared to speak (he had a bit of a crush on the aspiring detective), and placed the note on the counter.
"My friend, y/n, has been receiving these notes every Friday. We were wondering if you could figure out who sent them?" Mikah bit his lip in anticipation, expecting Sherlock to pick it up and begin deducing the letter, but he didn't move.
"I know who." He stated monotony, and Mikah practically leapt up in excitement. Sherlock Holmes truly was amazing!
"Really?! Who?!" His joy sprang through his voice, while Sherlock rolled his eyes.
"I'm not going to tell you." He rationed, just as John was coming around the bend, already done with Sherlock's rude behavior.
"Sherlock!" He snapped, "If you know, tell them!" He insisted, not noticing it was Mikah who had brought the 'case'. Upon John's instance, Sherlock smirked as he gave up the information.
"'JW' stands for 'John Watson'." John's confidence sank, and he was frozen in the moment. He didn't notice Mikah's seeming gladness that he'd happened to be the one who sent them. And Mikah's rushing to go tell you seemed so distant...

You were nearing tears when Mikah came back. You didn't want John to know about them! Mikah's excited steps only came to a stop when he began skidding down the hallway as he fell over.
"Y/n!" He slid past you, and Adrian laughed at him. Sometimes you wondered how the two football players hadn't began dating yet, but that wasn't the problem at hand... John knew about the notes-He'd think you were taken r something, or whatever.
"John! He sent 'em!" Mikah regained his stance, and scurried back over to you, whose heart was beating a million miles per minute as you took the note back. You didn't waste anytime confirming it was true, you just sprinted to go see John. You finally knocked right into him as you turned into Sherlock's lab. He turned red upon seeing you, and rubbed the back of his head in a nervous habit.
"Y-You sent these to me?" You tried to force down the heat rising to your cheeks. Giving up, he nodded.
"Good," you kissed his warm cheek, "because I feel the same."

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