The Deal (Johnlock)

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Day Fourteen of SHIPPING HELL
A/N: I procrastinated, I'm so sorry- I had no "original" ideas for a Johnlock halloween oneshot, so I tried my best...

It had been a long day for John. Helping you finish your costume, making sure Rosie had hers done, work, and picking you two up from daycare... it had taken its toll. And what had Sherlock done through all of this?
Go solve a murder. He didn't stay to help prepare for the big night, Your guys' first Halloween as a whole family, or anything. He just ran off to go chase some thief, leaving him to do all the heavy lifting. And now it appeared he wouldn't even be home to go trick or treating with you three, something that pissed John off exponentially.
This was his family- you were his kids. And what did he put first before anything else? Before his husband? His children?
"The Chase."
And it frustrated and infuriated him to no end. So, at exactly 8:30 pm, John gave in, and took you two out to get candy.

Up and down London streets you went, John's anger with Sherlock growing exponentially.
"Dad, where's papa?" You asked, your detective hat falling back slightly. John grimaced, scooping you up.
"I don't know, kiddo." He murmured, running his fingers through your hair. He loved Sherlock, he really did... but this was going too far.
"C'mon, let's go get you some more candy." He smiled slightly, setting you down.
So, on you went, without Sherlock.

It wasn't until around 9:35 until Sherlock realized how late he was. He took the first taxi he could get home, knowing he was absolutely in for it. By the time he made it, however, you and Rosie were asleep, and John was reading the paper on the sofa.
"Oh- so you decided to actually come home? How nice." He snapped bitterly, snapping the paper close.
"I forgot- the case was absolutely enthralling and-"
"And you forgot all about us." John finished for him, shooting him a glare as he stood up.
"I just stayed up to tell you that you can sleep on the couch tonight. Good night." And with that, he left Sherlock, heading to their room, and going to bed upset. Sherlock knew he messed up... he just wanted to know how to fix it. Then, an idea sparked in his mind- one that might just get John to forgive him.

John woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes and hot coffee. His eyes cracked open to see breakfast waiting for him on he and Sherlock's night stand. Confused, he sat up, and picked up a little folded note beside the plate, his name signed across the front.

My dearest apologies, John.
I hope you can forgive me. ~SH xx

John blushed slightly, but scoffed at the note. He had ruined their first Halloween as a 'family,' and he thought breakfast in bed would fix it?
Still, he ate it and drank the coffee before getting up and dressing for the day. He went to go get you and Rosie up, surprised to find you both gone, quickly growing worried until he heard giggling from the sitting room. He slipped in, and instantly felt a smile pull to his face without his permission.
"Papa- put us down!" Rosie cried, giggling uncontrollably as Sherlock spin you both around, upside down.
"Never!" He said in his most booming voice, smiling broadly. Eventually he did come to a stop, tossing you both onto the sofa, upside down. John watched with a loving gaze as you three continued to play, Sherlock outing on his best 'evil dragon' voice, and letting you girls pretend to be knights. He had to admit, Sherlock did do well with you...
"Morning, my little knights." John smiled, entering the room. Sherlock turned to him, smiling lopsidedly and mouthing 'I'm sorry.' John sighed, nodding once as he went to lift Rosie into a hug, Sherlock doing the same with you.
John gave him a quick 'good morning kiss,' and whispered, "You're forgiven," causing Sherlock to grin wryly.
"I believe we were promised a trip to the park?" You whispered in your Papa's ear, John's eyes narrowing on Sherlock as he tried to shush you.
"Yeah- you said if we had fun and played with you, you'd take us to the park! We had a deal!"

Oh, was Sherlock in trouble.

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