Daddy's Little Princess

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No, there is nothing kinky about this. Just some Daddy-Daughter fluff for Dad's day. Also: SUPERHERO SUNDAY

"Wait—repeat that?" Your eyes lit up, lips parting into a sparkling smile.
"He's Coming here, this year." He repeated, his tired blue eyes crinkling in the corners from his light smile. Oh, you could just squeal!
"I've got to call Peter—maybe Mr Stark wouldn't mind having him over, too!" Before Sebastian could protest, you were already racing up to your room, dialing your boyfriend's number. You flopped back onto your bed, barely containing your excitement. Your father loved you and you loved him, too, but work as a consulting criminal put you at risk if he stayed nearby for too long. Once he knew you could handle yourself, you guys could be close again, but ever since you got kidnapped when you were nine, he hasn't allowed it.
"Hey, y/n!" You could heat his smiled from over the phone.
"Hi—so, my da's coming into town for Father's Day Weekend, so I was thinki—"
"FRIDAY! TELL MR STARK Y/N'S PARENTS WILL BE JOINIG US FOR DINNER!" Oh, Peter, always so excited, "That's amazing! I'll make sure Mr Stark knows and I'll be on my best behaviour! I promise!" You giggled at him, letting the conversation diverge into dinner and then to school and friends—until you were just talking, like normal teenagers. weren't normal. Now were you?

"Da, this is Peter. Peter, this is my Da and his husband—who you've met—Sebastian." Peter held out his hand to shake, but your father didn't react. He stared at the boy analytically, still not liking the idea of you being in a "relationship", especially with some random kid he's never met before. Sebastian took Peter's hand, despite them knowing each other.
"Ignore him, he's got a thing about germs," Sebastian lied flawlessly, glaring at Jim when he went to argue. Instead, the Irishman sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Shall we, then?" Peter was nervous—of course he was nervous! He was meeting your father for the first time and Aunt May had insisted on making this a 'family affair', going as far as telling Tony to bring Steve and whoever else wanted to attend dinner! It was bound to be a mess....
"Of course." Your father's voice lifted off with a falsely sweet tone that you'd recognize anywhere. He used it all the time when he was working or seducing...or both. It unsettled you that he was using it now, like this was some game to him.
It took him longer than he'd expect him to for Jim to recognize you were tense. Now that would never do, his little princess deserved to live a life of peace and tranquility. That didn't mean he was just going to lie back and watch as this scrawny little field mouse took away his dearest little girl. He didn't care about the stupid tower or stupid Tony Stark (yes, he was well aware of where he was walking into, of course he was), he wouldn't let this little goody-goody that's as so obviously leading a double-life as a so-called hero take away his little girl. It wasn't happening. Still, there were simpler ways to get you to relax.
"Friday, tell Mr Stark that our guests have arrived," Peter told the AI, knowing Tony was off in some awesome battle...without him. It wasn't fair, but for tonight, he couldn't complain.
Meanwhile, Jim was analyzing, looking for the perfect distraction, when he noticed the entire place was filled with high-tech gadgets. He nearly rolled his eyes at the obviosity of it. He whipped out his phone, smirking to himself. This, was going to be fun...

Once Tony and the rest of the gang arrived, he and Peter lead the way to the dining room.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr...?" May asked kindly, ecstatic that she was finally meeting him. He managed the faintest smile as he say down next to you, still typing away under the table.
"Moriarty. Jim Moriarty." He didn't give off even the slightest of hints what he was doing, while you were hyper-aware of your villainous fathers amongst the array of heroes. This might not have been the best idea...
"So, Steve, you were in the military, right?" You prodded, hoping to open up a line of conversation while dinner was being served. He smiled kindly back at you, nodding.
"Sebastian did, too—he was a sniper and an ex-Colonel," You added, to which Steve seemed delightfully surprised, quickly striking up a conversation with Sebastian that no one else in the room, save for the two and your father, understood. Even then, you were tense.

He had waited until you looked so anxious you were going to explode. The entire evening, he hadn't seen a genuine smile from you once, just a plastered on fake. He submitted his code, then his key demands. At first, it was just the lights dimming. Then, it was a few malfunctions in the television, until Queen blasted trough the house speakers.
Tony had quickly stood to go see what had happened, everyone looking extraordinarily worried...
But you were laughing, no...Peter had never heard you laugh like that. This, this was a bone-snapping sound that could make babies cry. If anything, you were cackling. Right alongside your father who was nearly in tears, holding a phone that didn't look like any phone that Peter had ever seen.
"I'VE BEEN HACKED!?" Tony screeched from another room after checking what had happened on his phone. All it did was cause you two to laugh more as your father corrected everything he'd done.
Even with the little twist in the night, Peter had to admit...
Your smile was fixed after it had happened. So, he couldn't complain.

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