Fair Date Part 2 (SherlockxReader)

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Pain shot through your body, and you slowly lifted the lids to your eyes. You knew you'd be tied down, didn't mean it hurt any less.
"Most people would be trying to come undone by now. Maybe that's why Sherlock is turning so ordinary..." He was still trying to piece it all together. Great. When your vision focused, you were met with only the sight of a frustrated west-wood wearing Irishmen, trying to put you together as if you were some unsolved puzzle.
"Everyone is ordinary in some ways, and everyone is extraordinary in others. You aren't as special as you think you are." You words jumbled together as if put into an electric mixing bowl, but your message was clear as day.
"You almost seem less ordinary than him! Ooh! Goodie!" He had a crazy look to his eyes, and it almost reminded you of a kid on Christmas. He turned away to think how to put this to his advantage.
"You really are thick, aren't you?" He snapped his head around to you, eyes narrowed like he was studying his prey... Which he probably was.
"No need to get nasty, darling." He threatened, taking a menacing stride towards you.
"How completely unexpected." The sarcasm in your voice made him scrunch his nose.
"I suggest you shut it, before I do it for you." You took a moment to analyze the situation as he spoke. You noted the intrigue when he realized you had woken, the pondering afterwards. If it was Sherlock he was after, there didn't need to be any change in plans than if you had been ordinary. You smirked.
"What're you gonna do? Kiss me?" You teased, and he froze, wide-eyed, turning the soft rosy colour Sherlock did when you told him that line.
"What ever would make you say that?" He tried to be forceful, but you were honestly scaring him. How much did you know?
"Well, you're highly intrigued with me, because I'm not 'normal', though I am sorry to break to you that 'normal' is just a fluid term, and you considered changing your plan. Me being 'abnormal' should have no effect on your plan, so do share what you were considering." The spat in your voice never left, and he eyed you dangerously. He didn't like losing control, he didn't like it at all. He 'pinned' you in your seat, despite you being chained down.
"You should be more careful, love. What you say can get you killed." He threatened, scanning your face for any micro-expressions.
"But doesn't that go for us all?" You stood your ground. You weren't going to let some narcissistic criminal 'consultant' scare you. A sickening smile spread to his face.
"Yes, it does. But what I can do to you," he caressed your cheek lightly with the back of his hand, "Can be so... Much... Worse..." He didn't stop when his hand moved past your jaw line, he barely stopped when it got to your collar bone. That sadistic freak. You tried so hard to stay strong, but as the lump in your throat built to unbelievable levels, you had to swallow it, something that didn't go unnoticed by Moriarty. He smiled some more, letting his eyes look you over once more, before standing up to check his phone. He was still in close proximity, and it was excessively uncomfortable for you. Internally you scolded yourself for letting him get to you, for being stupid enough not to let Sherlock handle him. As if on cue, you heard footsteps echoing in the building, those long, confident strides... Sherlock. Thank Gerard. Moriarty looked to you, a smirk quite evident on his features, before looking to the door Sherlock had to enter from. Sherlock rounded the corner, and his eyes immediately looked to you. He surveyed how the dirty iron chains seared deep into your flesh, you weren't bleeding, meaning you weren't stupid enough to try and wiggle free. He didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. Good, because that meant you didn't hurt yourself or annoy Moriarty. Bad, because Sherlock had seen the infatuation in Moriarty's eyes earlier as you so boldly stood up to him. Bad because, he didn't know if Moriarty would be willing to let you go. That's what stabbed Sherlock. He shouldn't have brought you, shouldn't have put you into harm's way. This entire thing was his fault. If you died, or he took you, it'd be all Sherlock's fault, and he'd never see you again. His anger flushed out all other thoughts for the time being as the man spoke.
"Finally, I was starting to get bored. Luckily, your little girlfriend is quite the entertainment, I must admit." You stared menacingly at the man, even though it did you no good.
"She has nothing to do with this." Sherlock snapped. You couldn't help the eye roll, as Sherlock spoke.
"Sher, he's not an idiot, don't even go there. Wastes time." You stated blandly, and Moriarty smirked towards you. He turned his gaze fully on to you.
"Isn't she a big ray of sunshine? But I thought I was 'thick', my dear." Sherlock hated the look he was giving you, as all of his attention was on you.
"You are. Thick, as in, arrogant. You can be thick without being an imbecile. Learn your vocabulary." Moriarty chuckled, and turned back to Sherlock.
"I am amazed, Sherlock. Truly, I am. Here, I thought you were going ordinary, but no. Extraordinary was just hiding itself somewhere else!" He gazed unashamed at you, allowing his eyes to linger, "Or should I say, someone else?" He transferred his gaze to Sherlock. He was right, no way Moriarty would let you go. Not any chance in hell. Sherlock pulled a gun to Moriarty, and Moriarty just did an exaggerated eye roll, pulling his own towards you. You simply scoffed.
"Oh, please. Do shoot me." Moriarty pulled his confused gaze to you, and his brow furrowed.
"What? Afraid you aren't that great of a shot? Go ahead, by all means, put it to my head and blow my brains out." Moriarty thrashed the cool barrel of the glock into the thick skin on your forehead. He stead his finger on the trigger.
"Oh, thank you, that is ever so kind of you, though, I am a pretty precise and accurate shot." He corrected in his sing-song tone, annoying you to practical death. Sherlock aimed carefully towards Moriarty, wary of what you were doing.
"You won't shoot me." Moriarty seemed to pause for a moment.
"You're right. I won't. I'll need someone to toy with after Sherlock. Well, then. I'll see you around, Mister Holmes. Ciao." He sent a two finger salute, which turned into a peace sign as he disappeared into the shadows, disappearing until he willed Sherlock to find him again. Sherlock ran to you, immediately pulling away the iron chains.
"I'm fine, Sher, you can make it up to me by taking me on the ferris wheel." He pulled you into a relieved hug.
"Moriarty will pay for this." He promised, but you huffed.
"I already knew that. Ferris wheel. Please?" You begged, and he groaned, pulling away and looking at you. A small smile etched into his features.
"Fine. Ferris wheel, it is."

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