Adder* (Sebrene)

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Ship idea: carlstheprincess
A/N: I'm going to go back and forth between Halloween theme and not, simply for variety purposes. Some ships will get both, sadly some will not.
Also, hints of Mormor in here- one sided, though.

The first day Sebastian had began working for Moriarty, one thing had been clear: he had no interest in women.
That fact, however, never stopped The Woman from showing up to Jim's office, and slipping down to nothing but her "battle dress." Jim would hardly react, even the first few times it happened. Sebastian, however... the first time he'd met her, it was like he was thirteen, all over again. Looking through a raunchy magazine of his da's, flustered and confused.
And then she had to go and point it out.

January 12, 2008. The winter's chill usually would bore through the walls of Jim's home, but the Irishman had never seemed to mind, before. Yet, today, on the first day it's gone above -10°C, and, for some reason Sebastian couldn't fathom, Jim was finally turning on the heat.
After the five long months in the freaking Ice Age, Sebastian still hadn't quite adapted to the cold, at the same time, however, he wasn't taking the sudden heat very well. It didn't take long for Jim to notice the droplets of sweat rolling from Sebastian's dampened blonde locks, and amusement seeped from his very state of being.
"Is it too... hot, in here, for you, 'Bastian?" Jim teased, a taunting smirk pulling to his lips. Sebastian sighed, beginning to fan himself with the collar of his shirt.
"No, I'm just used to it feeling like bloody Antarctica in here." The irritated tone was laced with a certain fond, joking tone. The kind Jim knew well enough to know not to get offended by the snide remark. Had anyone else said it, they'd probably've lost a hand.
"How could it "feel like the arctic," when you're here?" He purred, sending the sniper a wink. They both brushed off the casual flirting with easy laughter, neither taking Jim seriously.
"Maybe because you keep the place colder inside than out?" Sebastian rose a brow, but his sass only elicited a shrug of his shoulders, and an, "I'm innocent" look. Another sigh, and Sebastian was heading over to look at the day's agenda, scribbled out in a code Jim insisted he know by heart.
"What's, 'Adler'? Isn't that a type of snake or something?" Sebastian frowned, brow furrowing in confusion.
"Adder,' Darling. An adder is a type of snake. Adler is one of my best clients." He corrected, grabbing an apple from the counter, and taking a bite out of it.
"Oh.." Sebastian muttered, distracted, "That's why you're turning the heat on, eh?" He connected the pieces, in what Jim would consider of his second-hand, remarkably quick.
"Yep, they have a special way of... adorning themselves." The vagueness of the comment didn't go unnoticed, but, it being Jim, he didn't think much of it.
That is, until he was standing behind, slightly off to the side, of his boss, a woman standing completely nude- not the kind of nude in his father's raunchy magazines, mind you, actual, completely nude, in front of them. And Jim was speaking to her, as if this was normal.
He'd managed to get away with his growing blush, seeing as they were so immersed in discussing business affairs. He couldn't focus on the conversation- it took enough of his energy to concentrate on not looking her completely over, let alone actually pay attention to some silly little deal Jim was arranging. That's when all hell broke loose.
"Are you sure you don't want to feel a woman's touch, at least once?" She flirted shamelessly, leaning slightly towards Jim, despite his full attention being on his papers.
Without missing a beat, he replied, "I've gone the last 28 year's of my life without it, I'm sure I can manage the rest of my life without it." That's when her eyes flirted over to the soldier, looking him over with a vulgar eye.
"So, this is your new guard dog? The one you've been telling me of?" Jim simply hummed in response, "And he's..?"
"Straight as a line, yes." No filter- not a single one on that man! Damn him! Sebastian's entire face fell to the colour of his boiling blood, getting worse as she stood, waltzing over to him.
"I must say, you were right..." She looked him up and down, circling around to his backside, "He is quite fit." Another hum of agreement. 'Leave it to Jim to talk about me like an object.' He thought, a hint of disdain to the internalized remark. Without shame, nor hesitation, her hands slid up his shoulder blades, then down his biceps, the noises coming from her suggesting less than pure thoughts. Her touch sent shivers down his spine, her breath fanning from her lips onto his neck.
"You know what they say about an Adler's bite, don't you?" An audible sound of contempt came from the working man.
"Adder's." Jim corrected, annoyed at everyone's mistakes. She simply rolled her eyes, and leaned up towards Sebastian's ear.
"You never escape from it." If she was the one doing the biting, he didn't think he wanted to escape. He felt one of her hands slip into his back pocket, gliding down with a practiced hand.
"Do give me a call sometime, I would love to get to know you better."

He twiddled the business card in his hand. Fingers hesitating over the numbered buttons strewn across the bottom half of his phone. Jim passed, then backtracked, raising an amused brow at Sebastian's dilemma. With ease, he plucked the phone from his hand, punched in the number from memory, and sent a quick text- before Sebastian had the mental awareness to react. Once it was handed back, however, he wasn't sure he wanted to read it...
"I think she likes you." Jim winked, strolling off. His phone dinged almost immediately.

Want to go out, say, Friday? -SM

Sounds positively lovely. ~IAxx

I love this 😂 Credits to @Gay_Memes_333

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