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Okay, my lovelies- I had a bit of an idea. I've compiled a list of lines/prompts. You choose one, two, three, or more and a character (two if you want them shipped) and I write a oneshot putting these things together! Sound good? Awesome! (I really hope you agreed to that, or this is just awkward). On with it, then!
Also, want some angsty love-triangle shiz?

1. Soulmates AU where if you write something on your own skin, it appears on your soulmate's as well.
2. "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?"
3. I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.
4. College Professors AU
5. "Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick and pull yourself together."
6. "A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her."
7. Lost in the woods AU
8. "Most obstacles melt away when we make up our minds to walk boldly through them."
9. "I don't really think before I act. It's part of my charm."
10. She took a sip of wine and tried to pretend she hung out in graveyards all of the time.
11. Soulmates AU where, in the corner of your eye you can see a glimpse of what your soulmate is doing.
12. "Death sounds kind of nice, right now." "You sound kind of like a bloody moron, right now."
13. "Heels and red lipstick will put the fear of god into people."
14. Platonic roommates AU
15. "You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"
16. "If you don't let me in that room he's going to die, and you and me are going to have a problem. Understand?"
17. Long distance AU
18. "We're not just friends and you frickin know it."
19. "I'm cold. I'm tired. And I'm going to kill one of you unless you find me some coffee."
20. A character gets to see what their life would be like if an event never happened.
21. Soulmates AU where your conscious is the voice of your soulmate.
22. "Please don't cry... I can't stand to see you cry."
23. "You always watch our [sport] practice, but you're always alone and I wanted to talk to our number one fan."
24. Arranged marriage AU (This is subject to creative expression)
25. "Despite what you seem to think, I'm completely capable of taking care of myself."
26. "Excuse me, are you telling me what to do? Thank god, I have no idea what I'm doing."
27. Road trip AU
28. "Bite me."
29. "If you insist."
30. No one ever went there. That's why ___ likes it... that is, until [character] showed up.
31. Soulmates AU where you stop aging at a certain age, until you meet your soulmate, and you can grow old together.
32. "I'm not blind... I can see the way you look at them."
33. "I'm a fool for not seeing this earlier."
34. AU where one is dating someone else but they love their best friend (and said friend loves them back)
35. "There's nothing you can say that will fix what you did."
36. "Remind me to have you kill me. Please."
37. Highschool teachers AU
38. "How can I hate them? You're the one that made the choice to cheat."
39. "Define 'normal."
40. Divorced with one (or more) kids... [character] still in love with _____
41. Soulmates AU where everyone has two different computed eyes- one's your own natural eye colour, one's your soulmates. When you meet, they go to the normal colour.
42. "That's a little melodramatic- don't you think?"
43. "I love trying new things! I mean, I do when I'm drunk."
44. Youtubers AU
45. "I don't have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel."
46. "Insanity runs in my family— it practically gallops."
47. Society where love doesn't exist, and most forms of physical contact are taboo AU
48. "You didn't do the dishes, therefore I'm not doing you."
49. "I don't love you anymore."
50. The demon looked at them, eyes wide and afraid, "I don't want to do this anymore," they said, "Send me back."
51. Soulmates AU where only your soulmate can kill you.
52. "I know this isn't the way you expected your life to turn out, but is that really such a bad thing? You're a different person than you were back then."
53. "Just please be my best friend right now and not the guy I just confessed my love to."
54. Sports player and coach AU
55. "Walk out that door and we're through."
56. "The colours that cross through your eyes have replaced [a semi-important thing for character to remember]."
57. Teen!lock (had to)
58. "This wasn't supposed to be this complicated."
59. "I don't have time for this. I gotta go overthrow the government."
60. Tutoring session- only every time person B gets an answer wrong, person B has to remove an article of clothing. Every time they get an answer right- Person A has to.
61. Soulmates AU where you can only see colour in places your soulmate has been/things they've touched.
62. "I could've gone my whole bloody life without knowing about this but no, life hates me, so now I've got to acknowledge this crap!"
63. "Maybe if you weren't so aggressive to strangers, we wouldn't be in this mess!"
64. Adventure AU
65. "Sorry, I don't speak skank."
66. "If my day gets any worse, I'm asking hell if they have an exchange program."
67. AU where it always rains until the 'chosen two' are brought together.
68. "Yell, scream, say something... anything."
69. "Don't worry, nobody's expecting much from you." "Is that supposed to be a pep talk?"
70. Person A and B just had a fight... and now they're stuck on an elevator together.
71. Soulmates AU where each day on your arm is a particular event your soulmate will face that day.
72. "Stop pretending that you love me!"
73. "Wait- I didn't mean that! Please... come back..?"
74. Mystic being AU (includes ghosts, incubi, dragons- anything you could find in SPN basically)
75. "The only good thing I've ever had was you... but your happiness was worth more than mine, to me."
76. "Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2am?"
77. God/goddess AU
78. "I understand the whole sleep talking thing, what I don't understand is the whole princess-dragon dream and why I'm in it."
79. "Because I love you, but I know you hate me, so what does it matter!?"
80. _____ keeps having nightmares about [Character]
81. Soulmates AU where you can share your knowledge with your soulmate (might overlap with teen au?)
82. "You just snuck into my apartment and—wait... is that blood!?"
83. "I'm sorry I got way too into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately."
84. Assassins AU
85. "My friend is so determined to fix me up with somebody better than my string of casual coffee date/hookup partners that I didn't have the heart to tell her, after she set us up for a blind date, that I actually met you six months ago..."
86. "Yeah, I know- I'm a fuckup. I'm sorry- but..."
87. Artist AU (twist. included.)
88. "Drop everything and come with me."
89. "She's really forward... you did tell her we're just friends... right?"
90. Party goes south when someone's murdered...
91. Soulmates AU where you only see shades of your soulmates eye colour until you meet.
92. "How can you still look so attractive when you're crying?" (This one is subject to be changed. Attractive may appear as "beautiful" "gorgeous" "perfect" "handsome" and other such terms.)
93. "The skirt is short on purpose."
94. Bad boy/girl and girl/boy next door AU, only not the cliché ending where they go bad, but the goody-goody helps them realize they're true worth and they go good.
95. "My parents thought I was working for an insurance company in New York when really I was joining the MI6 so I just sort of never mentioned when I met you on an assassination-gone-wrong and now we've been married for five years and they still don't know you exist, this has gotten wildly out of hand and you won't stop laughing about it!"
96. "They keep sending those messages!" "What do you want me to do about it?" "Well, they're busy, so be here in 15 minutes, or so help me, I am killing you both."
97. Fashion designer (AU? Depends? Idk?)
98. "Remind me to kill you. Please."
99. "I think you're weird." "I think you're boring."
100. Successful business(wo)man meets [character]— just when they're at the top of their game, and now they have to deal with that stupid, charming idiot?!

And just so you know that polyamory is totally chill, too~ :
You and I were innocently making out but then I got aroused and so did you but we knew Person C would be home literally any minute so we just decided to wait for them at which point they walked through the door and took one look at our faces and realized exactly what was going on before sighing at us disappointingly and taking off their shirt.

Anyyyyways. None of these are mine, well... a few of them are, but they're based off an RP I'm doing so~

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