A Romantic Blogger (JohnxReader)

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Request; JohnxReader
Requested by; @perfvanessa
Level; I don't even know. I love John in this one, but I'm still pissed at him, so I've got some mixed feelings. Love the idea though... 7?

Scrambling to finish the piece on his blog, so he could hurry home to you. He could picture the warm bed, you waiting to curl up beside him, and sleep. He hadn't really been home in the past four days, other than around 11 to sleep next to you, but he'd always been gone before you woke up. You didn't really seem to mind, but he was starting to feel as if he were neglecting you. His solution; A day for you.

February 14; Valentine's Day- you woke up to the rich aroma of Earl Grey and freshly made eggs. Your grumbling stomach forced you to open your eyes, and when you did, you saw your beloved John waiting with a freshly made breakfast, and a single red rose.
"Good morning, my perfect y/n." He set the food in front of you, pressing a kiss to your lips as he did. He stood, shifting a bit as he waited for you to try it.
"Well, this is a wonderful Valentines Day gift, thank you!" Your grateful attitude increased when you tasted the splendid wonderful mess that was those eggs and toast. It was absolutely wonderful, and you'd have to remember to ask John to make tea more often. He slipped back out of the room to allow you to enjoy your meal in peace, while he worked more on making the day absolutely perfect. After all he'd put you through; You deserved it and so much more. As you finished breakfast, you set the tray aside, stood, and stretched out your still tired limbs. That really was the sweetest way to start the day. Oh John, always the romantic. You peeked into the sitting room, and John smiled sweetly at you.
"Y/n, would you care to go for a walk with me?" He asked, his kind voice mixing with a bit of honey. Oh, he was definitely treating you like a princess today. It felt... Nice. You both quickly got ready, you in a nice black top, and just plain blue jeans, and the f/c jumper he got you for your birthday. He wore his usual jeans and cream jumper.
"You look amazing." He complimented, placing a tender kiss to your cheek, sneakily placing three red roses in your hand.You blushed, sniffing them, glad, since you'd neglected the one from your breakfast. Your walk started in a small park near your guys' flat, but it eventually extended to strolling through the art of a city, listening pleasantly to the music of the traffic buildup. You figured you both were just strolling around, just talking and enjoying each other's company, but soon he led you into a small, homely Italian restaurant you immediately recognized.
"This is where-" In a shocked state, you began to confirm what you thought, only for John to finish for you.
"We met. Yes." He smiled at you, the radiance of it melting and pulling at your heart. His eyes shone with a sweet kind of excitement, the same kind when your waiting for your mum to open your gift on Christmas. He led you to a reserved table; the one you'd been sitting at three years ago. The one Sherlock had knocked all your stuff off of, and then dragged you along because he needed someone small to fit into a vent shaft, and because "clearly you weren't enjoying the date you were on, and were clearly attracted to John". He hadn't been wrong, obviously, but you still slapped him. While waiting for your meal, John took your hand from across the table, his encasing yours.
"I just wanted to say; Thank you, and I'm sorry. You deserve more than being left alone until odd hours of the night, and-" You giggled at his attempt at an apology. If anyone understood that Sherlock needed him; it was you. The shock from his stare struck through the air, wondering what he'd said.
"John, I don't mind. If anyone understands what a pompous arse Sherlock could be, it's me, and I will always be as understanding as possible to it." You promised, eyes glowing. Hell, John swore you in your person were shining with your unrelenting, sun-threatening glow of wonderfulness.
"Now, food's here." You both laughed as the food was placed before you, its delicious scent drowning you in its delectability.

An hour or so later, John and you were laughing on your way home, having taken a detour through a small park. A bridge, swirled with thick green vines, bringing the bridge to life like veins, stretched across a small flowing creek. You got halfway through before John stopped you.
"Y/n, you've made my life better since the day you came into it. I'll know I've been neglecting you, and you'll just smile and say it's fine-" His little speech was bounced into, with a small smile, and a bit of a giggle.
"As long as I get pictures of all the fun stuff your doing." You joked, unknowing of what was going on. He laughed, but then continued as if you'd never said anything.
"You've been the sun on bright days, and an umbrella of hope on rainy ones. I can't imagine my life without you, and I wouldn't want to." He propped himself down on one knee, and a gasp flew from your throat. The small velvet box confirmed your theory, and the glittering ring reflected the tears beginning to fall from your eyes.
"Will you marry me?" His eyes begged for an answer that didn't come at first, due to the choking on sobs you were doing, but your head nodded at an enormous speed, and you pulled him up by his cheeks to kiss him.

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