Kiss it All Better [A Dangerous Affair Part II] (MoriartyxReader)

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Okay, all he needed to do was apologize, and try to make you understand the situation he was forced into. Without getting slapped and told that he was a fool... because he honestly didn't think his face could take anymore bruises.
He hesitated to knock on your door, and when he did, he thought he'd curl up and die.
"John- I'm bloody fine!" He could tell by the sound of your voice that you most definitely weren't. It sounded as if you'd been crying for days, even though he'd only left an hour and forty three minutes ago. The door swung open, and more guilt fell onto him. Your cheeks looked freshly slapped, with angry tear trails going all the way down them, and eyes swollen and puffy like no other. You weren't wearing your professional clothes from work, anymore- just a simple long shirt to cover you enough that your panties wouldn't be seen. Your jaw locked upon seeing him, and he lunged to stop the door from slamming in his face.
"Please- give me five minutes, and then I'll never bother you again." He swore, looking almost as broken up as you were about it. You stared at him, his brown eyes pleading with you. The London streets were oddly quiet, and if you hadn't been so furious at him, he might've taken a picture at the serenity that surrounded you both. At you, still managing to be bloody gorgeous despite the tears and angry eyes. It wasn't fair, and it never would be.
"Fine. But I'll be counting." You threatened, turning and heading to the sitting room, already ticking down seconds as he scrambled inside to follow. He didn't quite know what to say, he didn't honestly expect to get this far.
"Hurry up." You turned, crossing your arms across your chest. He took a moment to calm himself, and swallow a lump in his throat.
"First off, I'd like to say that I didn't mean what I said to John, and I don't expect you to forgive me, whatsoever." He ran a hand through his hair, trying to sort through his thoughts. You rose a disbelieving brow, and he looked askance for a moment.
"I know, I wouldn't believe me either, but please just hear me out?" He begged, motioning to your sofa. You didn't trust him as far as you could throw him, but it felt nice for someone to actually try and apologize to you. Sherlock would just assume everything's fine and move on without so much as a 'sorry'.
"I shouldn't have said that, and I know it," you slowly sat down on the sofa, him close behind, "and that isn't what it- what this was to me." He cleared his throat, trying to formulate his thoughts into words as they rained down on him. He sighed, resigned.
"I know you love Sherlock, and I'm sorry for what I said about him, too. It just-" his hands gripped at the sofa cushion, "it makes me so angry that he does that to you." Your brows drew together, confusion replacing your anger. Did you have to be so adorable when he was trying to do this? Of course you did- you always did...
"BecauseIloveyouandIknowIwouldneverdothattoyou, andyousee, Ididn'twantyoutoknow, becausethatmakesmeajealousareshole, whichIam, but-" He took a very deep breath as you stared at him, eyes blown wide. He went to say something else, but the words caught in his throat.
"I-" You cleared your throat, cheeks going crimson, "I wasn't expecting that..." You admitted quietly. His hand shot up to the back of his neck, head turning away to hide behind the arm.
"You don't have to say anything, I just- I didn't want you to think I was using you, because I wasn't... I never would have told Sherlock, I swear to you, I would never do that to you." He mumbled, grimacing at how frail his voice sounded. You reached slowly out to him, but your hand shot back.
"I didn't- you never..." He sighed softly, eyes closing.
"I didn't want you to 'chose me' because I was there, so I didn't say anything. I know you are disgusted with yourself for just us sleeping together..." He chuckled resignedly, "I didn't want you to feel that way all the time, anyways." He shrugged lightly, but he was crumbling inside. His hands shook like branches in the wind, and eyes bordered with tears that he quickly blinked away.
"I-I'm sorry..." The realization of everything came crashing in, making you rethink everything. His behavior made a lot more sense now, and all those little things he'd done to make you, somehow, fall for him, felt all the more special.
"It's fine- I'm more worried about you, anyways... how're you holding up? John isn't good to tell Sherlock is he?" He straightened himself out, looking to you with a forced smile and dead eyes. It was almost as if he hadn't confessed that he loved you five minutes before.
"He didn't, I, um... I did..." His jaw dropped a level, eyes shooting to you, wide as can be. You rubbed the nape of your neck awkwardly, wishing he wasn't so surprised.
"I-Its not that big of a deal... I realized you were right. I know when I'm not wanted." You said, feigning confidence. He smiled sadly, both proud you finally did it, and sad for you.
"I'm sor-"
"Don't be. I'm happier this way- I'd rather be with someone who wants me than some hot-shot detective, anyways, you know?" You smiled brightly, because it was true. You wanted someone to love you for you, not just keep you around. The news shocked Jim, and for a split second, he wondered if it was still considered "rebounding" if he'd already been "with" you.
"So..." He breathed out, wondering how to broach the subject. Luckily he didn't have to, because your lips were already on his. It was a lot softer, nicer, of a kiss than you were used to, but he liked it. His left hand cupped your jaw, the other resting on your hip while your arms timidly snaked around his neck. All those feelings of self disgust for falling for him, that had been stored up for months, simply vanished. Because he wasn't just a criminal, not to you. He'd been there when Sherlock wasn't, and had cared for you in bad and worse.
He was the man you fell in love with, and for once, that didn't bring bike to your throat. You didn't think of the bloodshed he'd caused, or crimes he aided. When your back hit your mattress, you didn't think of all the people he'd hurt. It was just you and him, soft and gentle, like how things were supposed to be.
His hands pushed your shirt up gingerly, unsure if this was too fast. A couple hours ago, he was picking around the edges of what was Sherlock's, and now... well, now you were his. His lips didn't leave yours, ever. They were locked there, only breaking the kiss to breathe, and when that happened, everything froze. Foreheads together and eyes locked, him inhaling your air, and you exhaling what was his already shallow breaths. And when those little moment were over, you were back to kissing, and inching off what was left between you two.
So tempted to stop this here out of spite. Carlee. You know what you did.
Thank Katie, or else I would.
His hands ghosted over yours sides just as his lips fell to your neck. He only touched you to pull your legs around his waist, and even then, you could barely feel it. There were flashes in both of your minds- of previous sessions, that ended with tattered and torn clothes strewn across the room, of broken furniture, of bruises and bite marks... of things so very different than this. All of those memories were spur of the moment, desperate lust trying to get off, but this was so very, very different. It was slow, and gentle, catered to keeping your minds intact while the world crashed down around you. Devils and angels weren't supposed to mix, not like this, but for once, you didn't care.
"I love you." His breath ghosted over your neck, hips rolling into yours with your head on the pillow.
"I... love you... too..." You managed to say, causing him to smile. He lost control as he got closer to finishing, fingers digging into your hips as your name fell repeatedly from his lips. You finished together, muscles weak as you collapsed together in a tangle of limbs, your head landing on his chest as you both caught your breath. His arms laced around you, coddling you to him, protecting you.
"Does this mean..?" He whispered hopefully.
"Yes." You agreed, smiling softly up at him, and he returned the smile.

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