Their little girl (IrenexChild!readerxMollyHooper)

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This is likely to be more of a short little one shot, but I'm excited for my first #Molrene, so yeah. EXCITEMENT PUMPING AHEAD!

Raising a child and having a dominatrix for a fiancé was difficult on Molly, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Though, Molly typically avoided when Irene suggested a 'bring her child to work day'. Today you'd be going with Mommy-Molly to her job, at the hospital. Your technical father, the donor at least, had been quite reluctant to donate at first, but eventually his husband convinced him to give in. You hung around John and your biological father, Sherlock, quite a bit. Sherlock tended to actually enjoy your company more than he planned, noting you were quite intelligent for a ten year old. If it were up to you, it wouldn't be 'Mommy-Molly' anymore, but rather just Mother-Molly, and Mother-Irene (also addressed as 'ma mère', since she started teaching you French). You strapped your seatbelt on, pulling out your phone to text John, who was currently worrying about your little-half-sister's first case. Well, semi-half sister... You were technically Molly and Sherlock's biological child, and Ari was Sherlock and Irene's, so... Irene was your mom, so was Molly, and Sherlock was your dad... So, two thirds-sister maybe? You didn't often put a lot of thought into it. But, you knew she'd be fine. You were two years younger the first time you came to work with your mom, and your first case was only a month and a half later. The seven year-old would do just fine. You pulled up to St. Bart's and your mom helped you from the car, due to the snappy door, carefully leading you to the morgue. She hated taking you, but when her wife wanted you to experience a real-life job, it was either this, or how to make people beg. She always chose the first option. You plopped down on the spiny chair, and cracked open your latest read. It was a crime novel, and you had since exhausted the young adult section of the local library, and started getting into more adult novels, that tended to be slightly more graphic. You rested deeply into the seat, letting Zuly Q. take you on a crime solving journey, facing serial killers, suicide bombers, and the like. Outwardly you were nothing more than a stone carving, stoic in every sense, but inside each popping word leapt off the page, assembling themselves into vivid visuals in your mind. The looming shadow came first, then the little giggling girl.
"Hiya Mr. Holmes. How's the first case Ari?" You beckoned to the child. You heard her shoes click a few more times before coming to a stop next to your seat. You knew both Holmes were trying to deduce you at the moment, but you didn't worry too much, it was nearly impossible.
"You have a boyfriend." Ari guessed based on the excessively worn pocket on your daily sweater, from pulling the phone out time and time again.
"No. Your father keeps texting me. Sherls, your husband can be quite the nuisance. Not that I typically mind, but this is getting ridiculous." You added with a light smirk, just to throw them off. This was the continuous game for all the Holmes. From Mycroft to Ari, they all kept trying to figure you out. None had succeeded thus far.
"Sherlock, Ari, she's trying to read. You are here for a reason, yes?" Molly was typically a meek, and quiet person, but she never had any trouble standing up for you. The pair groaned and stomped away.
"It's alright mum, I've already read it three times, after all. Might need to tell ma mère to expand the home library again. It's getting characteristically boring!" Yep, one things for sure...
"Is that why you were yelling bored while throwing shell casings at my wall at three in the morning!? You're grounded, young lady!" You and Sherlock shared a silent smirk.

...You were definitely Sherlock's daughter.

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