I <1000 Words for hate> You. (MoranxReader)

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I know this isn't one of the requests or anything, but I needed a break. I'm getting a form of writers block since half them are sequels (not that I mind, I love them), and a few are just really specific. So, I'm taking a little bit of a break, and I wrote something for Sebby... That's cool... right?
Please VOTE because it's meh birthday!
Also, dedicated to my sister dearest, for letting me borrow her wonderful husband; Fandom_Princess_21

~Three Years Ago~

"Okay, here's how this is going to go. Either you come work for me- or I send Tiger after you again, and I swear he won't fail this time." Moriarty offered, and obviously you were in no condition to cause him any physical harm. Not with twenty-two snipers circling you.
"He isn't here?" You teased, a definitely maniacally mischievous glint in your eyes. He didn't seem very pleased with your response, but smiled anyways.
"He is. Not happy about it, but he is." Moriarty confirmed, and one of the dots decided to move to one of your pupils, then the other to blind you.
"Ah. There he is, I suppose." You chuckled lightly, but soon stop when you realize you're being given the death glare by your, ultimately, future employer.
"I suppose I don't quite have a choice. Fine. I'll work for you."

~Present Day~

You sat at the table with Jim, spreading jam onto your toast. Jim, as far as you'd seen, never ate. Your theory was that he secretly was part plant and used photosynthesis to fulfill his need for sustenance. Of course, you knew he probably just didn't eat around you, but your theory was cooler. Sebastian left his room (finally. For an assassin, he slept way too much.), and (better yet) he was shirtless and appeared to have just gotten out of the shower.
"Hey, Moron." You insulted as he groaned, realizing you were still there.
"You've got to be kidding me. Is it really necessary for her to still be here?!" He whined to Jim who rubbed his temples in response.
"Her flat's gone thanks to Dani's bomb, and we need the extra security on this front. Yes; it is." Jim concluded, rolling his eyes at, what had quickly become, you two's morning routine.
"I'm hurt, Sebby! Don't you like having me around?" You played coy, asking with big, innocent-looking e/c eyes and all. He scoffed in return. Rude.
Jim snickered, "She plays off innocent a lot better than you, Tiger. Useful skill." You beamed proudly towards Jim's "head sniper", who huffed in response. Let's face it, despite him being ungodly attractive with his sun-threaded hair, and eyes that could only be challenged by the sky in level of blueness... he hated you. Sure, you tried to kill him three or four times, but in your defense you were targeted first. Obviously that meant you'd messed up his "perfect kill record" or whatever. The one who survived, you guessed.
"I'd still prefer not having her alive- I mean- around." He meant that, don't he? Dick. Jim glared at him, his eyes widening for a moment before he groaned and began glaring again. Standing, Jim faced Sebastian head on. Hey, maybe Jim didn't dislike you!
"Office. Now." Jim demanded of Sebastian, while you wore a Cheshire Cat grin, cocking your head just to annoy him.

Giving up, Sebastian headed to the office, Jim short on his heals. After closing (and locking) the door, Jim turned towards the sniper.
"You like her." Jim insisted, a tad bit annoyed he hadn't realized sooner.
"What?!" He already got defensive, "No. I don't!" Jim didn't look like he even had a doubt that Sebastian liked you.
"You stare at her like a lovesick puppy, and even though you know she's going to do nothing but insult you, you hang on her every word like it's going to be gospel. You admire her beyond admiration. Explain to me how you're not smitten with her?" Leaning against the door, he did his little brow quirk that he did when someone had explaining to do.
"She's a talented assassin, and despite everything, I can admire that!" Met with more bemused disbelief, "Also, she's very clever, and quick-witted. I think it's more than fair if I sometimes listen to her constant babbling!" Jim didn't even know where to start. Quickly, Sebastian turned the conversation a little more in his favor.
"I loathe the girl! Despise her every notion! She's an annoying little brat, who can't think of anything better to do than insult me! Why on earth would I like her?!" Even as he spoke, his thoughts trailed off to everything he could honestly say he liked about you. Your eyes could act like nothing happened, and like they weren't doing anything but looking down at your phone, while simultaneously gathering all the needed details she'd need for an assassination just from passing a person. How you held yourself; poised but ready to fight. Any man you met found your presence endearing and enchanting, but he knew it was like tasting the poisoned fruit. Oh so good, as it guaranteed your demise. Your mind was something else. While he struggled to keep up with Jim's detailed and complex plans as the man spoke at the speed of light- You never did. You followed along with precision, and determination, not forgetting to provide witty insight. Your sharp tongue. That was another thing. You'd stand tall and proud, never taking crap from anyone. Even Jim respected you for that one! And the way your eyes gleamed when you were especially proud of yourself. It'd be the death of him-!
"Well, because you just said all that out loud?" Jim smirked as he watched Sebastian flush. Damn bad habit. Jim couldn't remember when Sebastian started talking to himself, he can't remember him ever doing it when hey were kids, but after the army he did it all the time. Especially when he was alone, on a job. Jim's best guess was that it kept him occupied and focused when cooped up for a shot for hours, even days, on end.
"Shut up, it doesn't prove a damn thing!" Sebastian retaliated, not wanting to admit it. He hated you- he had to...
"I've work to do. Try not to blow your cover." Jim teased, clapping him on the shoulder as he went around to his desk. And as Sebastian headed back to the kitchen, all he could think about is how he couldn't believe he'd fallen for the woman he hated most in the world.

A few hours later, you sat at the table, chair leaning out, twiddling your newest dagger. Maybe you could force it into Sebastian's shoulder. His broad, strong shoulder... No, too bloody. Chuck- you just wanted to see if his lips were really as soft as they looked. Is that really such a crime? Well, technically... How you were suggesting it, yes. You launched the blade into the wall, and got up to grab it, only to run into the man himself.
"Hey, Tiger, what did Boss want?" You teased, "For you to suc-" You were cut off when you were slammed into the wall, hand still gripping the handle of your dagger. Not only that, but his lips were completely encasing yours, and dang- they were softer than you imagined. One would expect the kiss to be rough, like his nickname suggested. Like a tiger attacking prey, but it wasn't. It was more like, a songbird's music, coursing through him and to you, letting your heart know exactly when to beat. It was exciting, and got your blood pounding like nothing else. It was- Your moment was cut off from the clearing of a throat. Your e/c eyes shot wide open, to be met with equally as wide ocean blues.
"Am I disturbing you?" Jim asked coyly. Sebastian disconnected himself from you, and glared at his best friend.
"Yes, actually." Jim sighed and turned to leave.
"If this affects either of your ability to work, remember; Sebby would make a lovely rug, and y/n could be a perfect mitten set."

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