A Penny for Your Heart? (Teen!Lock, Johnlock)

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Day Thirteen of SHIPPING HELL
A/N: A ton of funny, but terrible poetry.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You love science,
And I love you.

Roses are red,
But violets are violet, not blue,
John what're you doing?
I love you, too.

I'm trying to be romantic, you cock
To tell ya 'I love you' through verse and rhyme
So I needn't abuse your window with rocks,
And I'm spending much effort and time,

To assure I do this correctly.
In an effort to make your cheeks turn red,
I prompt you, I love you, absolutely.
And I'm not saying that to get you in bed.

So, how is my sonnet doing, so far?
Is it good? Or perhaps it's terrible?
Whichever it's, don't run me over with my car.
Because, in the least, it is bearable?

Anyways, back to my point: I love you,
With that, I bid to you, my love, "adieu."

While I do appreciate the effort,
Something I must simply point out to you,
That, though very "hidden" and so "covert",
Your stanza two, last line, isn't corr'ct- though true.

The number of syllables should be ten,
(and I do applaud your valor attempt),
But I'm afraid that your count's eleven.
To you, for 't, my love, I shall not condemn.

Instead, I'll write one to you in return,
For your words were true and sometimes sweet, too.
Are you, of love and poetry, the bairn?
For you've coerced me into loving you.

That I say, not to complain, but make light,
And show my gratitude of your trifle.
I'll say, to watch you write it was a sight,
But my laughter I was forced to stifle.

It truly was a blessing to behold,
Like as knowing that, of your heart, I hold.

Shut up, my nerd,
Listen to me,
My heart is yours,
Without fee.

Ooh, a ballad,
With good flow,
I must admit,
T'you, my beau.

There once was a man who couldn't help but aggrandize,
And truly, all he seemed to do was scrutinize,
But then, one day,
To me he'd say,
A compliment that truly made my heart grow to oversize!

There once was a man who, to everything, made he trivialized,
Luckily, though, his love chose, to everything, he'd make simplified,
In hopes to make sure,
Not to be a bore,
But the opposite, and be that of field that he created and specialized.

You know more big words than me,
And for this, I call it "unfair,"
I simply started, in order to tell my boyfriend I loved him,
But instead, he started a war!

He can't help,
But to brag,
And I can't help,
But to try again-
Only so he can brag some more!

So now, after diverging from my path, I move back on.
Your curls are made of bronze,
And I could run my fingers through them all day.

Even when you're an arse,
You make my heart beat twice as fast,
And make me forget what I was going to say!

Your eyes make my head spin,
Especially when mine meet them after you lift my chin,
Making my thoughts go astray.

I feel such things, I know it's true,
Simply because I love you,
Sherlock Holmes- Okay?

Sherlock's cheeks immediately stung pink, a smirk pulling to John's face from the desk only a row down.

I love you, too, John.
And all I can really say's
...you're my everything.

Damn Sherlock for being able to make him blush so easy. Damn him for being so smooth as to write a haiku, damn him for-
"SHERLOCK HOLMES AND JOHN WATSON! Are you boys even paying attention- or are you too busy passing notes!?"

I feel such things, I know it's true,
Looks like it's detention for me and you,
My love, Sherlock- I'll see you Friday.

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