Disclaimer Time

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Basically the same from Prodigy but still, gotta let these bitched know.

Alright, you know the drill. Let's get this shit over with.

Hello, firstly thank you one and all for deciding to read and finish my book, Prodigy. This is the first book in this series and if you haven't read it you should just add this book to your library, pause and do so now. Otherwise you probably will be genuinely confused more times than not.

Also, thank you for enjoying my writing such to the point you would wish to continue further into the lives of the characters featured in my book and get my novel a chance. Regardless of if you choose to read or not, I still appreciate the kind gesture so I thank you.

Secondly, I must come clean and confess.. I don't actually listen to either Chris or August. Sorry if that's a deal breaker.

Third. Time for the real disclaimers. This is a homosexual romance novel. That means a man is going to get greatly aroused by the sight of another man and the thought of engaging in the act of sexual intercourse with him. So aroused blood will flow to his penis causing his shaft to grow in both girth and length until finally standing fully erect; an erection. And the same will happen to the other man. The two aroused men will kiss (press their lips together and exchange their tongues into each other's mouthes), touch (caress one another's bodies in a gentle, loving, alluring and seductive matter), fondle (grasp one another's erections), and eventually engage in sexual intercourse (anal, the act of a man's erect penis being inserted into his sexual partner's anal canal [in this case another man] providing sexual pleasure to both partners until one or both experiences an orgasm as the result) (oral, one man licking another man's penis and or anal entrance).

I literally can not be any more clearer about what's going to happen in this book without going full blown sex scene. Seriously, I really thought about it.

Oh and something else, this features mpreg or make pregnancy. Yes, I know makes can't be pregnant but vampires can't fucking sparkle and how many of you got wet panties from Twilight?

This is a fan fiction. Key word? Fiction. As in not real so don't even trip.

To be honest, the subject of mpreg well.. It disturbs me to be quite honest as you will see later in this novel. So if you're not on board with it and it seems like a deal breaker, I suggest you still read the first couple of chapters as I hopefully portray it differently. At least that is what I aim to do. And before you ask where the hell is that baby coming from, bitch how should I know? I wasn't in the damn hospital room.

'But your the author blah blah blah..' So? Grow an imagination then come back at me.

I could break mpreg down but I'm hoping everyone's smart enough to know what a pregnancy is.

And yes, I do realize the people portrayed in this novel are (as far as we [we being people not in their social circle] are informed) heterosexual nor can produce young because this is the real world.

No I didn't write this to turn your 'AuggiePooh', 'Auggie', 'AuggieBear', 'Zaddy' (that sound dumb as hell by the way. Just thought while I'm telling the hard truths I might as while add the fact y'all look and sound dumb as hell typing and saying that in public. Just so you know because I think it's a damn shame no one has told you that yet), 'Daddy' and whatever the hell pet names you have for Chris, homosexual. I'm actually 100% positive they'll never read this novel in like a billion years. No matter the number of views it receives. And while I'm telling some hard factual truths, it reality they aren't even yours. They are their own people, they have no clue of your existence and you're chances are better off getting killed by a feather than getting married to either one of them.

Furthermore while I'm on this streak of hard truths, you call yourself a fan but this novel upsets or even disgusts you. Fine and dandy, I'm not forcing homosexuality on you. Nor mpreg because like I said it disturbs me too. But pregnancy in general disturbs me so.. Anyways. But what if one of them came out as gay? Would you burn all the posters and items you have of theirs and pretend you never knew they existed? Never listened to a song or were inspired by them and their struggle? Then wow.. You must be the biggest fan in the entire universe. Congratulations.

It's a fan fiction. Meaning a fictional story written by a fan. The only people who get upset over being called a homosexual are those not confident and well grounded enough in their sexual preferences to begin with.

And lastly, no hate comments okay? Honestly maybe you should try pouring all of your hard work and efforts into plotting, planning, writing, publishing and creating a novel yourself, and see how much you appreciate jackasses and their rude, unnecessary, aggressive and degrading comments.

Oh, and no.. I will not chance the way I speak or write. And if you think I speak or write 'white' then shame on you. Your negatively stereotyping your own race saying one born of color to their skin can not talk or write using proper English. For shame.

I speak and write as I am, well educated, and I shall not apologize for it. Nor am I saying those who use slang aren't educated. I'm just not familiar with the practice nor do I wish to learn.

Also, you will not find the words 'nigga' and or 'nigger' in this novel from this point on, unless used in song lyrics. I do not speak or write the words that were used in the slavery, segregation, belittlement and struggle of a race. I feel as though no one should use that word especially not someone such as I who have never had the problem of being called one and decided services due to my skin color.

Also.. It's also referred to as a 'black only' word and even though I do have 'black' heritage and blood in my veins, I'm mixed and I also have white and other ethnicities in my blood thus I don't think I qualify to use it.

Disclaimers are over!


Thank you for reading this and please enjoy the novel ahead!

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