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Turning the doorknob and pushing the door open, he found himself in the same room he visited just two short weeks ago. The only visible change that he could notice was the woman behind the glass panel was different. She was young, maybe early twenties, with dark brown hair pulled up into an elegant messy bun. It was clear to him that she had big, brown eyes and was wearing a bubblegum pink scrub suit. Walking up to the counter, he greeted her with a nervous little smile; one in which she returned with a positive, happy, glowing smile of her own.

"Hello! Good morning, Sir! My name is Jinx! How may I help you?" He noticed the deep dimples that would appear in her cheeks as she spoke; something he thought was cute.

"Morning. My name is August Alsina, I dropped by like two weeks back to do a DNA test for this little gurl."

"Alright! And you want those results?" She asked with a bright smile, tilting her head to the side a little.

Why else would be there? To sample the coffee? He kept his smart comments to himself for once. "Yeah, I'd like dem results, please." He answered with a small nod of the head.

"Alright!" She spun to the side a little to where a flat screen computer was neatly tucked away in a corner. "I'll put that right up for you, Sir! Just give me one minute.." She licked her pink painted lips before pressing them together, an act that made her dimples sink into her softly blush brushed cheeks.

A few seconds filled with intense typing later and she looked up from the computer screen, "Do you know the name of the little girl you were screened against?"

"No, not really." August admitted with a causal shrug of his broad shoulders. "But her mama's name is India."

"Alright.." She said, nodding her head and looking back on her computer screen. "Thank you, Sir.. That should be all the additional information that will be required." 

August nodded and took out his phone which has been vibrating in his front pocket on and off since he received that call from Jeff early that morning. He already had a hunch he knew exactly would had been messaging him, and after he unlocked his phone and selecting his texting app his suspension was immediately proofed to be correct.

You had ten unread messages from: Jeff

Forty minutes ago- Are you driving there yet?

Thirty seven minutes ago- Do you even have the address to the hospital?

Thirty five minutes ago- If you need it, I have it.

Twenty eight minutes ago- TMZ called, apparently they had a copy of the actual positive DNA test.

Twenty five minutes ago- I've been swarmed with calls from at least ten tabloid websites and magazines; call me back immediately.

Twenty minutes ago- Don't try to dial my work number, it's shut off due to all the tabloid and paparazzis calling almost nonstop.

Fifteen minutes ago- Are you there yet?

Ten minutes ago- Do you have the results yet? 

Five minutes ago- I've gotten a hold to the DNA results. They are in my other hand as I am typing this text message.

Now- Have you gotten them yet?

Okay. Now August was really nervous about those results.

Sliding his phone back inside his front pocket, he looked up at the young nurse still searching for the leaked DNA result; thinking to myself 'Why to ruin my life India.. Why to ruin my life..'

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