All I'm Asking Is For A Little D-N-A

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"India..?" He asked bewildered in a tone of pure shock and confusion. She's the last person that August ever expected to see again.

She nodded and gulped, blinking rapidly a few tears welling in her beautiful brown eyes. "Mind if.. mind if we go outside?"

"Why?" His tone was cold, his shocked demeanor instantly turned chillingly cold.

"Because August.. I have something very important to tell you." She said softly, biting her pink lower lip nervously.

"Well.. why don't you just tell me he-"

"Because August.." she took a deep breath shakily, shaking her head. "Let's go somewhere private.."

"Why? Why should I go anywhere with you after da shit you pulled?" August spat angrily. Thanks to her and Game, Chris hated him. And would always hate him.

"Because! August.. this isn't about me.. o-or Chris.. or even you.." She gulped and looking down at the little girl in her arms and then back up at August.

August looked at the little girl and then back up at her ex. He blinked. "Yeah I think we better go outside for dis shit." He nodded, slowly getting up.

India put her daughter down and stood up. Then he bent over to pick her up, setting her on her hip and leading August out through the main entrance.

Outside it was an uncharacteristically cool late morning in California. The sky was filled with fluffy white and light gray clouds. The air was still and humid, especially around the one baby and two adults.

They stood a little ways and India checked the time on a bank's electronic billboard.

"Aye, India. You got five minutes to explain dis shit." August huffed, crossing his arms and leaning against a stone wall.

India nodded slowly and took a deep breath. "August.. this is Jasmyn.."

"What's that important to me?" He snapped making India flinch and gasp.

A tear fell down the right side of India's cheek.

"Because she's your daughter.." she whispered in a low voice, smiling weakly down at the little girl she held in her arms.

"Bullshit!" He screamed, making the little girl jump in her mother's arms. "You said that pregnancy test and those ultrasounds were fake."

"T-they were, August. But.. okay.. two weeks later I got sick and when to the doctors. You know how they tell you to lie back? S-so they can like.. hear your heart? Well.. he put the stethoscope on my stomach.. and heard a heart beat.. So.. um, they took me to get an ultrasound.. and that's when I found out.. I was already in my second trimester." Tears slowly caressed her cheeks. She sniffled.

"H-h.. how do I mean it's mine?" August wasn't mad anymore. He was too shocked to even remember how to be mad. His stomach churned and he felt like he was going to throw up; remembering Kirk's question and Chris's statements from the day before from the day before.

"You were they only guy I was with.." it was a very cliche explanation, she knew that. But it was the truth.

"Right. That's what every girl says.. What bout Game?" He crossed his arms and glared coldly at the happy little girl playing in her arms.

"No, it's.. it's not Jayceon's baby.. I've never slept with Jay, August. Just you and Kylie and last time I checked.. I can't get pregnant by another girl." She sniffled, biting her lips.

August rolled his eyes. "Aight. Cool.. but I still want to take a test before I drop any dough or something."

That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

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