No Love

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 Red hazy eyes squint to barely make out the blue analog numbers glowing from the alarm clock perched onto a cheap hotel nightstand. He took a deep breath and turned his head to look at the two women sleeping peacefully on the large bed they so willingly shared with him. A smirk spread on his face, remembering the fun all three of them had the night prior. 

But apparently, as told by the clock, it was eight in the morning now and sadly he had to get ready and go; because he couldn't be late to the set today. They were shooting the music video to No Love and afterwards him and Nicki had plans to catch a bite to eat and take a stroll on a beach that was just a few miles away from it. 

Lucky August had the foresight to pack a new, clean change of clothes in the trunk of his car last night.

So, every so quietly, August set up, got out of bed and started to one by one pick up every disheveled piece of his clothing.. as well as the women's panties and bras; because why the hell not?

With a shrug smirk on his face, he quickly stepped into his pants and tossed his dirty shirt on backwards. He didn't bother with underwear because for the fact he was going to take a shower anyways. And he didn't bother with shoes for the fact it was warm enough in a Californian July to go barefoot even in the wee morning hours. So he just picked up his shoes and left out the front door as quiet as a six foot tall mouse could be.

He briskly walked out of the hotel building and into the parking lot just in case one of the women woke up and decided to follow him outside. After a few minutes spend trying to locate his car, he got in and drove off to another hotel. Why? So he could rent a room for an hour, take a hot shower and order room service for breakfast. Sounded like a good plan to him at least.

After thirty minutes spent in the second hotel, August's phone vibrated alerting him that he had just received a text message from Jeff.

'Where he hell are you? Production starts at 9:20 and it's almost 8:50 now. And Nicki is already here, she's been here waiting patiently on you for the last twenty minutes! You better not disappoint me any further than you already have, it took a lot of convincing on my part for her agent to have agree to notify her about this gig. If you blow this, I swear I'll find some reason to escape this five year contract because I cannot handle another year of you!'

The singer rolled his eyes and finished off the last of the thick braids before tying a black bandanna around his hairline so he can use the excuse of 'I was just trying to look good.' to explain away the fact that he is probably going to show up a few minutes late.

Then it was busy as usual, drive as fast as possible yet managing a constant lookout for any cops that might be lurking nearby so he can arrive as soon as possible whilst avoiding a speeding ticket. This method of transportation has literary made him the man he is today.

 One desperate fleeing drive later, August parked his car in his own reserved parking lot and got out, adjusting the bandanna he wore as a makeshift headband on his head. 

He arrived just in night to see Nicki exit a trailer in a custom tailored skin tight dress, looking good enough to eat. He licked his lips slowly and shrugged his shoulders a little, taking a few steps before making an attempt to stroll over and melt away any tension she maybe feeling on account of his late arrival. But hey, five minutes late isn't all that bad, right?

Sadly his plans were ruined by the dressing department, who snatched him up and abruptly dragged his ass into his trailer so his face could be powdered and his body dressed for the video. 

Maybe that wasn't too bad, on the bright side at least he avoided an early morning confrontation with Jeff.

Three hours later, they could all say that all in all the recording of the music video with an easy success, despite August being five minutes later to the set. It went so well that all it needed was two takes and a third only for good measure. And so well that it seemingly made Jeff forget all about his client's prior tardiness. 

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