Louisianan Salt

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"And you really gotta stop leaving me with all these damn kids!" Scott continued to little rant to his best friend on speaker phone while Chris ate potato chips and flipped through a magazine.

"It's so hard being an instant mom you know?" He whined to him. Scott was a worrier. Probably by nature or maybe even due to stress.

"Mhm.." he popped a chip in his mouth and flipped the page. What? At least he was listening to him.

"It's bad enough that I had to basically watch Michael you know? I love that man to death but honestly gold everything? And who needs there own ATM anyways?"

Yeah that is a little too much.

"Mhm, tell me about it." He slid his tongue along his upper gum line to wipe away the potato chip bits. He smacked his lips a few times and leaned over to pick up his glass of iced tea.

"And then Chyna just abandoned King, you know? And I had to step up and be like.. a mother to him. And I can't leave Michael with the baby! I tried that once.. and the mess they made had me in tears."

Chris took a nice long drink and smacked his lips, putting the glass down on a coaster. "Life can be so unfair." He said in a bored tone.

"You're telling me! But, it's not like I don't like watching your kids, oh I love them but, what are you doing today again?" Scott sighed. Boy, sounded like someone needed some dick in their life.

He sighed. "August.. recording a song for August and some other guy." He didn't even know his name or anything about him. But that was one of Jeff's specialities, booking you to do a song with a complete and total stranger.

"When are you going to take these children and give me a break?" He finished his chips and took another long drink out of his glass of iced tea; which really hit the spot.

"Um.. I dunno.. tomorrow? I'm off and I can babysit the kids." Chris put on a random white tee shirt that happened to be a shirt with a grayscale picture of Tupac on the front. Then he got up to put his black skinny jeans on. Yeah, he was getting dressed now.

He slid his socks on and stepped into his classic black Converse sneakers, tying the new white laces into neat little bows.

"Really?" Scott's voice instantly peeked up. "That would be wonderful."

"Uh, sure. Why don't I swing through and pick them all up this afternoon? And like I could keep him the weekend if you two want. I really don't care." Chris honestly really didn't mind watching Tyra's soon to be four year old King. And now that he's in therapy, he's actually playing with Carmella again and that's a welcomed sight for him but especially for Scott.

He got up and shoved his pockets with his wallet and keys in his front pockets.

"Thanks! I'll have them all ready then."

"Yeah, don't worry about packing too much, he still has some clothes over here that I washed. And no problem, hun, see you then. Love you."

"Love you too! Don't strangle him today." Scott playfully teased Chris.

Chris laughed. "Well what can I say? You know me. I'll try not too. Bye."

After the cut ended, Chris's grabbed his phone and left. This reminds him he hasn't talked to Mike for a hot minute so he probably needs to remember to have a word with him on that.

Friendships are confusing.

And when your two best friends are dating, life is confusing. You always want to take up for your friend when the other nags about him and Chris just had to remember to keep his pretty little mouth shut.

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