Morning Phone Call

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Fast forward to two days later. August's name was still getting rubbed in the dirt by the media and tabloids and Chris was enjoying rereading the story in various different tabloid magazines and on online articles and then rewatching it on TV whenever he had free time. He just couldn't help but feel sorry for that poor woman. She was only nineteen and had to had two surgeries, the first one the day she arrived at the hospital and the second two days later, which was yesterday,  because the bleeding didn't stop. And on top of that she discovered she would never be able to have kids. Geez, Chris couldn't even imagine live without his little ones it's been so long.

It was earlier in the morning and he was laying in bed thinking about random topics of little importance to him at the moment. He wanted to finish the album his fans have been waiting on for three years so today he was going to stop by the new studio. Especially since the building has moved and changed so much, he figured it was about time he had a look around the place just to figure everything out so he didn't look like a fool when it came time to record. Plus, he really should get back to dancing, it's been what  over two years? Wow. 

Speaking of dancing, he wanted to enroll Carmella in ballet and maybe Cameron in tap dance? Or hip hop? Hell he could teach him street dancing himself so tap dance it is. What? He just wanted his children to grow up with a air of class.. that's all. They had the money and he didn't want them to be the cliche Hollywood children or turn out like Willow and Will, those kids are crazy. 

"There's just not a lot of hobbies a little boy can do.." he groaned, rolling over on his back. "But I have to fine something to keep them busy while I work.. Swimming is a useful skill." 

Chris did this a lot, worry himself with how he was going to raise his kids, how they would turn out and the type of people they would become if he did thing or didn't do that. And now that they are two and starting to speak in sentences and remember things, it's the prime time for teaching them virtues. And he wasn't sure about being a single parent either, he remembers clearly the struggle of being raise by a single mother and he didn't want his children facing that. But finding a man was so challenging. Game was  basically a lowkey gangster and a lowkey thug trying to make himself seem like he wasn't by doing all those anti-gang violence awareness basketball games and donating to those charities but it was clear to see the truth of the matter was he was still very much involved in that dark world. Plus he dates India and ew, that's just gross he fingered her in a public park for Pete's sake! Definitely not the man he wanted his kids around. And Trey himself was a great role model and would be an excellent father to his children like he was to Forest, only problem there was he couldn't keep Trey Jr. to himself and he definitely didn't want his children to see a man constantly cheat and use him, because they would grow up thinking those things were okay and a normal part of any relationship when they weren't. And August? That's a laugh. He was looking for a man to be a father to his children, not some little boy in a man's body. 

Suddenly his phone vibrated on the wooden nightstand. He reached over and grabbed it to see a text message from Tyga 'What's popping? You up?'

'Yeah I'm up and nothing much.'

'Aight. I'll call you then.'

'... Why didn't you just call to begin with?'

'I didn't know if you were up or not.'

'Well genius if I didn't answer the call that means I wasn't up.'

'Fool hold on and just let me call you.'

A few seconds later his phone was ringing. He accepted the call already knowing it was Tiger. "Tiger.. you don't made any damn sense!"

Tyga laughed. "And yet you still choice to be my friend so.." he shrugged. Chris didn't even have to be in the same room as him to know he made a smug smirk on his face and was shrugging his shoulders like he was all that and a bag of chips.

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