Hoping For The Best While Expecting The Worse

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Weeks had pasted spent mostly in the recording studio as he was trying his hardest to complete the album before his looming court date. He had no other talents to work with besides his own and occasionally Chris will drop by from time to time to check his process. And when he did, he hardly uttered a word to much, much less look in his direction.

But today wasn't a day he could just fret over Chris right away however. Nope, today was August fourteenth, otherwise known as the day he's been both dreading and looking forward to since his run in with those bitches a few weeks ago. And next to September the third, this was probably going to be one of the most stressful days that the year 2018 was going to hold for him.

He opened his eyes and just stared directly at the ceiling with a blank look on his face and an endless wandering glare in his eyes. August watched as the wooden panels on his ceiling fan swung so quickly they just became a fast paced blur. Yawning, he stretched out his long lanky arms and slowly arose from his comfortable memory foam mattress. Getting up he winced a little at the feeling of the cold hardwood floor hitting the pads of his feet; regardless he made his way to the bathroom so he could first use the toilet and then get the shower on and ready. 

Today his plan was full, really full. Jeff advised him it would probably be better if he went in person to pick up the results as the letter could get mixed up and delivered to the wrong house, thus leaking to a possible leak in the media resulting in his reputation getting ruined even further. A chance that Jeff wasn't really willing to take, nor was the president of the record company for that matter; he kept hounding Jeff and hounding Jeff to keep a better track on his employees. And now that Chris was on the straight and narrow and seemingly out of the public's eye completely since he's changed his old bad boy ways; keeping a better eye on his employees meant solely focusing in on August. A task it was clear that Jeff dreaded dearly. 

But hey, that's life right? Well that's Jeff's life anyway.

And then after his stop at the hospital, he was ending over to the studio to check in on the production team and how they were doing mixing and editing his cuts and stuff. It was yet another tip that Chris taught him back when he actually cared, always keep a close eye on your production team and listen carefully to the way they mix and edit your record; always remember that at the end of the day it's your name that goes on the label and not there's. His words always echoed inside August's head. 

He patted his body dry with an extra large, plush, white cotton towel and still let a few tired yawns slip pass his thick lips as he worked on the process of patting himself dry. Wrapping the towel around his hips, he walked out of the bathroom and into his walk in closet. His first stop was to a dresser located against a wall to the right as you first enter the clothes. He grabbed a pair of grey briefs and some black crew cut socks. Humming, he walked in deeper to browse through his selection of shirts. Ultimately he settled on a red and black flannel button up long sleeve shirt that looked like it had something black dripping down it's neckline and shoulders. He matched it with a pair of black jeans that loosely hugged his long lanky legs. Finally, he grabbed a pair of black Timberland boots and headed outside his bedroom to get dressed so he could match some accessories with his outfit. 

After he dressed himself, August tossed the used towel in the dirty clothes hamper along with the rest of his dirty clothes that were resting peacefully on the marbled bathroom floor. First up, he wanted stud earrings and sunglasses and then a black bandanna to wrap around his hairline. Finally he wanted a sort of bulky silver wrist watch and a black phone case for his iPhone 8S.

August grabbed his wallet, phone and keys off the dresser and headed downstairs to make himself a quick and easy classic Southern breakfast of sausage patties, fried eggs and biscuits. With the leftover sausage drippings, he made sausage gravy and set down at his bar that was build into his floating kitchen island to get breakfast with a cup of orange juice.

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