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It had been a week since Chris introduced his children to Jacquees, or as his twins affectionately called him, Daddy, and life for all four of them has been great. Jacquees is over all the time, sometimes even saying the night and he gets along perfectly with the children; him and Chris are quite the parenting duo actually. But most importantly, Carmella and Cameron both was adjusted incredibly well to the new male figure in their lives.

Now if he could just stop Jacquees from jotting down names for all the other babies he planned on having. Chris was aching just imagining going through childbirth again. If he wanted them to have that many kids, adoption was going to be the main option.

On this bright, sunny, warm Californian morning in late August, Chris was in his King sized bed with Jacquees sleeping next to Cameron and Carmella. With Cameron snuggled comfortably in between his mother and his 'father'. It was only about seven in the morning and all was peacefully until Chris's phone started to ring. It woke him up first since he was closest to it and then it woke up Jacquees. 

Yawning, he turned his head to look at his boyfriend. "Gonna get that, baby?" He asked, giving Chris a soft glare.

Chris whined quietly before he too turned his head and opened his eyes to look at his boyfriend pitifully. "I thought they might stop.. bothering me."

"You better get it before it wakes my babies up." Jacquees said in a firm tone that when perfectly well with his deep and husky morning voice.

A soft pink blush caressed his sun kissed freckled face and without further hesitation, he turned his head, reached over and first unplugged his cellphone so he could then unlock it and see what was up.

"Wouldn't have this problem if you would just turn your phone off before bed." Jacquees yawned, picking up their sleeping daughter and getting out of bed before he laid her down slowly and with great care beside her brother. "I'm going to take a leak." He mumbled as he headed over to the bedroom, slipping his hand under his baggy shirt to scratch his muscular torso as he did so.

"It's not my fault I keep forgetting." Chris murmured softly to himself, "I was tired last night." He reminded himself softly with a quiet yawn. The day prior was a Sunday and they family of four spend it playing outside and swimming in Chris's in ground pool. Jacquees was teaching the twins how to swim and they both simply loved it.

"Yeah.. yeah.. yeah.." Jaquees mocked him playfully before entering the bathroom and shutting the door behind him with a soft smile on his face.

Back to Chris, after covering his sleeping daughter up with the blanket, he went to unlock his phone. The lock screen was a picture of Jacquees holding both Cameron and Carmella on his knees as he sat in a rocking chair and read them a bedtime story before he left one day last week. Last night was only he second night he had stayed over, but considering the children only met him a week ago, that could still be considered as a lot. He typed in his password, which was 0415 otherwise known as Jacquees' birthday April fifteen, and a new text message notification popped up.

Chris sighed softly, yeah it was just like Game to wait him up probably on some bullshit.

Five Minutes Ago- Aye, you up? Gotta ask you a favor.

Well thanks to your big headed ass I'm up now! What do you wait? Who texts people at seven in the morning?

Just Now- Damn chill! My bad. I only need you for like a second, then you can go back to sleep. But real quick, I need a favor from you.

Chris heard the toilet flushing in the background and a few seconds later the faucet running in the bathroom sink.

What do you want?

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