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It's still the 31th in Hawaii so shh.


"Are you sure y'all got everything y'all need?" Jacquees asked, adjusting the flat bill hat he wore backwards on his head.

"Mhm!" Chris nodded. "Diaper bags.. snacks.. everything." He smiled, walking up to his boyfriend and giving him a peck on the cheek. "Have a good day at the studio, honey." 

Jacquees smiled and put his hands on Chris's hips. "Have a good day with the kids, ma. What doctor are you taking them to again?"

"Seasonal check up and then an eye appointment." Chris reminded him with a soft smile and a deep breath. "I just hoop this won't be an all day thing, honestly sometimes doctors act like they are the only ones who matter in this world and will keep you wait until the grass outside grows an inch taller."

They laughed and gave each other a quick kiss on the lips before Chris pulled away. "Text me when you get there?"

"Definitely!" Jacquees nodded with a glowing smile appearing on his face. "Love you."

Chris laughed softly, "Love you too." He smiled, walking away from him to head down to the garage when their kids were already to go seated comfortably in their car seats and playing Dora The Explorer on Chris's tablet to keep them quiet.

When he got in the car, the first question Carmella asked was "Daddy's not coming?"

"No sweetie. Daddy just to go to work." Chris examined, buckling himself up inside his black SUV.

"Where does Daddy work?" Cameron asked, briefly looking up from the tablet screen to watch his mother get himself all settled into the driver's seat.

"Same as Mommy. He makes music." That's all Chris ever really told his children about his job; he made music. He figured trying to explain the full extend of his career to two two year olds would prove to be a fruitless endeavor. 

"Oh." Was all he said before going back to simply watching the episode of Dora on his mother's tablet.

Today, Carmella wore a pink tutu made of strips of both pink tulle as well as pink fabric strips paired a light blue My Little Pony shirt with matching ballet flat shoes on her little feet. Cameron wore a green Dinosaur Train shirt with khaki pants and green sneakers. Jacquees had dressed him today while Chris was getting Carmella ready in the next room. He even combed the curly black mop of soft hair that was planted on top of his head. Carmella just wore her hair in four plaids, the ends tied with one of those hair bows that had two big balls on either end. Chris himself just wore grey skinny jeans, black Chucks and a baseball style white shirt with black sleeves that had Tyga's logo for his clothing line on the front of it. Lastly, Jacquees wore a flat billed black leather cap, black and white checkered shirt, black jeans and black shoes with a silver chain around his neck. Chris seldom ever wore chains or necklaces, he wasn't really a fan of jewel beside the studs in his ears and nose.

The first appointment was with the eye doctor because could count on Doctor Samuels to get the twins in and out of their relatively fast. The second appointment was with their general care doctor but it was just a seasonal check up so Chris was hoping it wouldn't take too long. After the doctor appointments, he had scheduled to have lunch with Scott, who was bringing King along, because he had some 'big news' to tell him.

The drive over to the eye doctor's office was about forty five minutes long and every minute was filled with Dora and Boots talking and looking for clues to help save the day. When they parked in the eye doctor's parking lot, Chris took a sigh of relief and told his kids that they had arrived and that, thankfully, they's have to finish watching Dora later. 

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