Trey Baby

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"What's your problem?" Jeff asked in a bored tone, his face cradled in the palm of his hand. Elbow on his desk. He eyed August up and down and simply couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes.

August took a seat in front of Jeff's desk. "Wayne's crazy ass."

"Mhm.." he sat up and sighed heavily. "August, what have you done this time?"

"I ain't no nothang, mane!"

"Uh huh.. mind telling me what happened?" Jeff asked, looking at his employee null of emotion.

August blinked. His vision was still a little weird but he looked around anyway. This was one of the few times he even had the pleasure of stepping foot in Jeff's office. So he just wanted to see if it was how he had remembered it, but Jeff cleared his throat a few seconds after his initial question remained unanswered which meant August couldn't even do that.

"I asked him ta talk ta Chris fa meh. And he shoved meh down. Hit ma head an-"

"Poor you." Jeff cut in, taking a deep inhale. "Now onto something more important, like the artists who agreed to do your remix."

"Who's da?"

"Trey and Chris, actually. The only problem is it will have to be done tomorrow as Trey leaves for his tour soon. So I hoped you didn't completely knock your sense out, because I imagined you'll be needing it for tomorrow."

Have you ever been around someone who hated you so much you could smell it?

"And.." he continued, "Jacquees will be arriving the fourth. So! Any questions? No? Okay.. bye! Get up so I can do some work please."

August kissed his teeth but silently got up and went back to his car. Great, he'll be in the same room as his ex and his ex's ex.



"Coming!" He shouted as he said his goodbyes to Jeff. He had just agreed to do another song with August, yay. This time it would be with Trey remixing 'I Luh Dis Shit'.

So he got to be in a room with not one, but two of his exes! Yay!

"Carmella! Go get the door! Mommy has to complain about how unfair life is to Aunt Nicki." Chris said, dialing Nicki's number.

"Awe but Mommy! Why can't Cameron do it?" Carmella pouted.

"Mommy! I wasn't bothering no one!" Cameron whined.

The knocks echoed again along with the doorbell.

"You can both do it. Now! Go!"

The twins huffed and said their foam blocks down so they could get up.

The doorbell chimed through and through which annoyed Carmella. "We can hear you!" She yelled, running to the front door with Cameron at her side.

Cameron got the step ladder and Carmella crawled up to unlock the lock and twist the knob, slowing opening in.

Wayne pushed the door open swiftly, she squeaked and the step ladder fell over.

Poor Carmella was hanging on for dear life and Cameron was too busy checking to see if the step ladder had any boo boos to help his twin sister.

Wayne gasped and shut the door, fearing he was squished Carmella.

Chris heard the commotion but he was too busy trying to dial Nicki for the third time to care. It was okay, she was almost three now, a little bump couldn't hurt her.

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