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Two days had passed and he managed to sober himself up completely, which was a rather hard thing to do mind you. And in addition to that, he actually dropped by the studio a day ago, which was Tuesday, to see the production team was coming on working with his album. Which he was delighted to hear was near completion with only four more songs to finish max. That means if they work hard, they would definitely have it all finished and completed by his birthday, which was also the day he had to go to his court hearing. Jeff was still begging him to plea guilty and take whatever punishment they throw at him for it will be sufficiently less than what a jury conviction would produce, but August was confident in the simple fact that it wasn't his fault to begin with. Thus there was no way a jury of his peers could find him guilty in any of this. But of course Jeff didn't see it that way. He didn't even know why he was so worried, Chris has committed acts worse that this and he always ended up on top in the end; so why couldn't he? But Jeff just insisted it doesn't work that way, that Chris never actually faced a jury because ,unlike himself, Chris might have been very stubborn and hardheaded but he was smart enough and blessed with a sufficient amount of common sense to know a good idea when he heard one. But the only thing August drew out of the little rant was the fact that Jeff was technically calling him dumb.

The play date was at two so that gave August enough time to time by the studio and check on his production team before he had to be there. Apparently, Game knows the owner of this little playhouse like thing for little kids and that's where he'd be meeting India and her daughter at. Game said he already searched the distance between August's mansion and the building so August would need to leave at around ten minutes til one to make it there on time. Again, August really didn't want to go but he didn't know what Game's crazy ass would do if he didn't. A fact that was very worrying to him so needless to say, he was going.

Prying this lanky body off his king sized mattress, August yawned and blinked, licking his lips as he arose off his bed and made his way into his bathroom to start getting ready for the day. After he flushed the toilet, he walked over to his glass shower stall and turned the water on then adjusted his shower head settings because somehow they need seemed to be adjusted the same as they were the last time he had adjusted them. Once the shower head was properly adjusted to his liking, August took off his pajamas which was just some grey briefs and black sweatpants. He didn't want to get his hair wet so he put on a reusable shower cap before stepping foot in the shower. 

"Ahh!" He groaned, feeling the hot water droplets vigorously splash against his inked skin. The water was relaxing and all, but sadly he didn't have this morning to just stand there and enjoy it. He had to get moving, so he grabbed his shower gel and squeezed a gallop in the palm of his hand. Rubbing his hands together, he started to massage the scented gel into his skin until he produced a thick, white luscious lather. Humming, he stood directly under the water's ray to rinse his body before he took a few steps back to repeat the lathering process. After rinsing for a final time, he turned the water off and wrapped a plush white towel around his waist so he could walk out and brush his teeth.

Emerging from the bathroom, August left the door open behind him so that the humidity could dwindle down as he left to go open on clothes. Nothing too fancy, he's just meeting a whore and her kid. Black jeans, black and gold Jordans and a Tupac shirt. That's all he needed. He put on one gold chain and grabbed a black bandanna to accessorize with. So he when back to the bathroom to comb his currently straightened locks and fashion his lengthy amount of hair into a man bun, deciding on the last minute that he would look better if he left the black bandanna off this time. 

After he put the black bandanna up with all of his other bandannas, he headed downstairs so that he could cook himself breakfast. Pancakes, well technically waffles considering he was cooking them in an electric waffle iron, and bacon with a tall glass of orange juice. 

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