The Return Of Thotzilla

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Don't try to run. Don't try to hide. No one is safe from the monster, the beast, the legend that is.. Thotzilla.

Not Coming Soon To A Theater Near you


At first silence.

Then his ears started to ring slightly.

His lungs took a deep breath.

And then, he opened his eyes.


All he saw was white.

White lights, white room, white furniture. Hell, he was even wearing white!

He blinked, and as if on cue an round middle aged white lady with dark brunette curls framing her face popped up beside him where he lay.

Of course she was watching white too.

"Oh goodie," her nasality voice echoed in the still and empty room. "You're up." She was being hella sarcastic but he was too confused and confused to care.

"W-who? Who are you? Where am I? Is.." His stomach dropped, "is this Heaven?"

"By law I'm not allowed to talk about religious places nor try to sway one's religious views. So if it's Heaven to you, then it's Heaven." She rolled her tired brown eyes.

August squinted and managed to read her name tag.


His heart accelerated in his chest. "A-are you an angel?"

"Try law I'm not allowed to talk about religious figures nor try to sway one's religious views. So if I'm an angel to you, then sure, I'm an angel."

August sat up a little, using his arms to prop himself up. "W-well.. can you at least tell me if I'm.." he swallowed a lump in his throat. "Dead?"

"If you were it would of made my job a whole heck of a lot easier." She sighed, jotting down some notes on her clipboard.

"S-so I'm alive!?"

"It would appear so; unless you get so happy you have a heart attack." She sighed. "Why not? I have to do paper work regardless."

"Who brought me here?"

"I'm pretty sure it was a man."

"What did he look like."

"By law I'm not allowed to mention ethnicity nor the color of one's skin. It breaks code seventeen on section A thirty eight and goes by the 2017 hearing on the Brown versus Travis. Sir, I'm just trying to keep my job. I have children to feed." She sighed out, summarizing her notes and tucking the clipboard under her arm.

"Well.. it must be something you can tell me! Something you can remember!"

"Sir, when we see as many people come in and outta here as I have today; they all start to look alike. They all start to blend in. By law I am required to ask, do you need anything?"

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